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考研英语时事阅读  · 公众号  · 考研  · 2017-06-04 06:01



近日,一位苏格兰学生的短片毕业电影《野马》 短片从数千部角逐大奖的参赛作品中脱颖而出,入围戛纳电影节,他也将因此而走上今年电影节的红地毯。这是一部怎样的作品,为什么会如此成功?

Scottish student's short film to compete for Cannes festival prize


 Dalya Alberge | 602 words

A Scottish student will walk the red carpet at this year's Cannes film festival after his short graduation film was chosen from thousands of entries to compete for a prize.


Rory Alexander Stewart said he was amazed to discover that his 26-minute film, Wild Horses, was one of 16 films picked from 2,600 entries for the festival's Cinéfondation category, which is devoted to emerging talent.


"I'm pretty amazed ... Cannes is Cannes ... You think there must have been a mistake," he said after receiving the news this week.Stewart, 27, from Leith, left the National Film and Television School a few weeks ago, having completed a two-year master's degree in directing fiction. 


Wild Horses, which he wrote and directed, is about a teenage girl who has myalgic encephalopathy (ME), or chronic fatigue syndrome. Housebound by the condition, and struggling with her over-protective mother, she runs away from home, searching for a horse and trying to establish her independence.


Describing the inspiration for his film, Stewart said: "I have a very close friend who has ME, an illness that can be very destructive both physically and mentally, so that was the seed.


"At first, what interested me was the experience of going outside after years of being housebound. The idea that you become almost awed by simple things like riding the bus is both funny and heartbreaking.


"However the heart of the film is the somewhat strained relationship between [the teenager] and her mother, which is something I think many people experience."


Wild Horses was made by a group of graduating NFTS students and stars professional actors Emma Curtis and Emma Cater.Stewart, whose mother is a neonatal nurse and father was a fireman, said he has wanted to be a film-maker for as long as he can remember. 

电影《野马》是由一群英国国立电影电视学院的毕业生和专业明星演员Emma Curtis和Emma Cater共同制成。斯图尔特的母亲是一名新生儿护士,父亲是一位消防员,他说,从他记事起,他就想成为一名电影制作人。

"When I was about 10, I stole some VHS copies of Metropolis [Fritz Lang's 1927 classic] and Reservoir Dogs [Quentin Tarantino's 1992 thriller] from my uncle and then fell in love with cinema indiscriminately," he said.


  • indiscriminately :adv.滥;无差别,任意地;不分青红皂白地

"As a teenager, I was in a film group for young people that was run out of the base of Edinburgh's Filmhouse cinema, and that was where I made my first film, a western."


Asked about his influences, he spoke of a particular love of "off-beat films" such as The Lobster, the 2015 surreal satire. "Anything that's got its own personality," he said.


He is now developing a feature script based on his previous short film, "about a murder detective who is extremely ineffective".Some of Britain's foremost film-makers have found Oscar-winning success after being trained at the NFTS, based in Buckinghamshire. They include the animator Nick Park, who created Wallace and Gromit, and Il Postino director Michael Radford. 

基于之前的短片,他现在正在写一个故事基于他以前的短片的脚本,这个故事“是关于一个一无是处的谋杀案侦探的故事”人们发现,有些一些英国一流的英国电影制作人也在在接受了位于白金汉郡的英国国立电影电视学院学习过的培训之后,后来他们都赢得了奥斯卡奖。这些电影制作人包括《超级无敌掌门狗》的动画导演Nick Park,以及《邮差》的导演Michael Radford。

  • script :n.脚本,手迹;书写体铅字;剧本、广播稿或者电影剧本

  • animator :n.动画片绘制者

The NFTS is headed by Nik Powell, whose own films include the Oscar-winning The Crying Game."It's an emotional film," Powell said of Wild Horses. "It's quite a difficult subject, very internalised and hard to externalise in the cinema. He's done terrific job doing that."

英国国立电影电视学院由Nik Powell领导,在他拍过的电影里,他自己的电影《哭泣游戏》获得了奥斯卡金像奖。“这那是一部表现强烈情感的电影,”Powell这样评论对《野马》评论道。“这个电影的主题非常难拍,这个主题它非常很内化,而且很难在电影中表现院里外化出来。但他在这一点上却做得非常出色。”

  • internalised :v.使成为主观;内化

  • externalise :vt.<主英>给…以外形,使客观化,使具体化;外化

Cinéfondation, which is celebrating its 20th anniversary, accepts submissions from film schools around the world. Three prizes will be awarded at a ceremony preceding the screening of the winning films in Cannes' Buñuel theatre on 26 May.





Try to translate it

Rory Alexander Stewart said he was amazed to discover that his 26-minute film, Wild Horses, was one of 16 films picked from 2,600 entries for the festival's Cinéfondation category, which is devoted to emerging talent.




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