Surging commodities
The mountaineers
Commodity prices are climbing. Is a new supercycle beginning?
The biggest commodity story of 2020 was one of decline. As the coronavirus pandemic halted travel, oil prices fell off a cliff, then briefly went subterranean: in April a futures contract for West Texas Intermediate was worth less than nothing. Oil began clawing its way above $45 a barrel in November, supported by optimism about vaccines. For other commodities, however, 2020 was not all bad. Indeed the year may have marked the start of an extraordinary ascent.
In August gold passed $2,000 an ounce for the first time ever, as low interest rates madethe precious metal more attractive. The value of other commodities rose, too, not just from the depths of virus-induced lockdowns in April but from the start of 2020, before the pandemic began (see chart). Commodity assets under management reached a record $640bn in December, estimates Citigroup, a bank, representing an annual gain of nearly a quarter. By January 11th even the oil-heavy s&p gsci commodity index had reached the level of a year ago. The debate now is how quickly oil prices will recover, and how high other commodities may soar.
持续低利率使得黄金更具吸引力,8月黄金价格有史以来首次突破每盎司2000美元。其他大宗商品的价值也有所上升,不仅比疫情最严重的四月份高,比疫情尚未开始的2020年初也要高。(见图表)。据花旗银行(Citigroup)估计,去年12月大宗商品资产管理规模达到创纪录的6400亿美元,占其全年收益近四分之一。截至2021年1月11日,即便是重油型标普高盛商品指数 (S&P GSCI) 也已恢复至一年前的水平。现在争论的焦点更多是油价将以多快的速度复苏,以及其他大宗商品价格可能飙升至多高。
That in turn depends on whether the forces that pushed up certain commodities in 2020 will continue in 2021, or indeed be supplanted by even more powerful engines of growth. Last year China proved a voracious importer as it increased investment and filled strategic stockpiles. Beneficiaries included iron ore and copper, used in steel and electricity projects, as well as soft commodities such as wheat, soyabeans and pork. This coincided with restrained supply. Outbreaks of covid-19 prompted the closure of some iron-ore mines in Brazil. Scant rain in South America, caused by La Niña, a large-scale cooling of Pacific Ocean temperatures, raised grain prices.
拉尼娜(La Niña)现象就是太平洋中东部海水异常变冷的情况,与厄尔尼诺现象相对。东南信风将表面被太阳晒热的海水吹向太平洋西部,致使西部比东部海平面增高将近60 厘米,西部海水温度增高,气压下降,潮湿空气积累形成台风和热带风暴,东部底层海水上翻,致使东太平洋海水变冷。
This year has already presented signs of limited supply. On January 11th Argentina lifted a ban on corn exports, but imposed a cap. Russia plans to tax wheat exports from mid-February. Low supply and cold weather have powered Asian prices of liquefied natural gas to a record high of well over $20 per million British thermal units. Big mines still face risks of restrictions. Protests at Las Bambas copper mine in Peru, for instance, have stoked fears of disruptions.
今年其实已经出现了供给受限的迹象。1月11日,阿根廷解除了玉米出口禁令,但是设置了出口上限。俄罗斯计划从2月中旬开始对小麦出口征税。由于供应不足和寒冷天气,亚洲液化天然气价格升至每百万英热单位20美元,创下历史新高。大型的煤矿同样也面临一些限制。例如,秘鲁拉斯班巴斯(Las Bambas)铜矿发生了抗议活动,引发了铜矿生产中断的担忧。
impose a cap 设置上限
liquefied natural gas 液化天然气
Meanwhile oil has continued its tentative recovery, alternately inflated by hopes for vaccines and depressed by news of lockdowns. To boost prices, Saudi Arabia has said it will limit output by a further 1m barrels a day in February and March.
Two important developments may provide further support. The roll-out of vaccines across the world’s largest economies will eventually inspire higher levels of travel and trade. And a big spending bill by a Democratic American government, together with continued loose monetary policy from the Federal Reserve, would stimulate economic activity and therefore commodity consumption. That might also weaken the dollar, which would make oil and other commodities denominated in dollars cheaper for buyers in emerging markets, lifting demand and pushing commodity prices even higher.
Commodity bulls, led by Jeff Currie of Goldman Sachs, a bank, argue that longer-term trends will support prices through the coming decade. “The pandemic itself is a structural catalyst for a commodity supercycle,” Mr Currie contends. In addition to a weaker dollar and the accompanying boost for commodities, the pandemic may help synchronise activity across some of the world’s biggest economies.
catalyst n. 催化剂,刺激因素
synchronise v. 使同步,使同时发生
Governments in America, China and Europe profess to champion green investment and efforts to narrow gaps in income. Assistance for poor households has an outsize effect on consumption, Mr Currie points out, which in turn supports commodity prices. And green investment—in electric-charging stations, for instance, and wind farms—is commodity-intensive. The early years of green spending may even lift oil demand, by boosting employment and economic activity. Goldman estimates that a $2trn stimulus over the next two years would raise American oil demand by about 200,000 barrels a day, or 1%.
1. profess:vi 声称;公开表明
2. champion:n.冠军;捍卫者;拥护者
3. 杰夫·柯里(Jeff Currie)是高盛全球投资研究部的经济学家兼商品研究全球主管。在2000年代,他通过预测大宗商品超级周期和油价突破每桶100美元而声名显赫。
Sceptics expect more muted growth. In the short term, Ed Morse of Citigroup points out, investors’ bets on copper are not supported by trends in supply and consumption. The Democrats’ slim majority in the Senate hardly guarantees that president-elect Joe Biden’s climate plan will be passed. “There is nothing on the demand side that is nearly as commodity-intensive as the first decade of the 21st century,” says Mr Morse.
怀疑论者预计增长则会更加趋缓。花旗银行的埃德·莫尔斯(Ed Morse)指出,短期内投资者虽然看好铜,但却无法得到供需趋势的支撑。民主党在参议院仅占微弱多数,难以保证当选总统拜登的气候计划会被通过。莫尔斯先生说:“在需求方面,没有什么像本世纪头十年那样大宗商品密集了。”
That earlier supercycle was driven by urbanisation, investment and an ascendant middle class in emerging markets—and China, in particular. Governments from Berlin to Beijing now declare that they intend to bring a new type of transformation. The price of commodities in the coming decade depends in large part on whether they do what they say.
Ashley,女 ,金融硕士,爱宠物 爱英语,爱旅游,经济学人粉丝