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柴知道  · 公众号  ·  · 2017-06-18 09:31



法哈里 · 汗来自巴基斯坦的一个小镇。她的父亲和很多巴基斯坦男性不同——


在巴基斯坦,女性尤其难以获得良好的教育,法哈里生活的小镇上也没有一间书店 但她的父亲总是想尽办法从城里找来大量的书籍给女儿读 ,最终 把她培养成了一名优秀的医生、穆斯林女性运动家和专栏作家。


虽然和这位巴基斯坦姑娘素不相识 但是相信她信中那些父女相处的感人瞬间 也曾经真切地发生在你我身上。




A Letter To My Father, With Love, On Father’s Day


Fariha Khan


This is perhaps the only Father’s Day I have ever marked as we never celebrated Father’s or Mother’s Day in our house.Every day was Father’s Day and every day was Mother’s Day.


The reason why I am marking it today is because you are no longer with us.


“Best dad in the world” is a phrase used too often and sounds devoid of any real meaning or passion, but you truly were the best dad in the world.


Growing up in Pakistan, fathers are usually fathers not friends, but you were both. I could talk to you about anything and everything and I did talk to you about anything and everything.


I have childhood memories of you bringing me loads of story books in a brown paper bag. You knew I was a keen reader and you nourished that interest of mine.


I still don’t know how you got those books because we lived in a very small town and there weren’t any bookshops. I vaguely remember you telling me that you had a deal with a local shopkeeper and he specially brought them from the city.


When you got ill, all I could see was that brown paper bag in my head and tears would roll down my face. It’s strange how little things like these get stuck in your mind.


Your encouragement and pride for me is the reason why I am where I am. You wanted me to become a doctor and with your prayers I did.


But you were humble in your pride too. Whatever we achieved in life, all five of us siblings, and God has granted us loads, you became more and more humble. You never took credit for any of our achievements.


You were also an extremely fun loving dad. I have fond childhood memories of playing board games with you, or outdoor games, or even simple joys in life like soaking in heavy monsoon rain while playing tag or dodge the ball.


I was rubbish at the outdoor games and if I was in your team you used to tell me to run away as far as I could so I wouldn’t get caught.


I was very scared of face masks and my older cousin used to scare the life out of me by wearing them and I would scream with fear. You made me overcome that fear by making me hold the mask in my hand and saying ‘look it’s not real it’s only rubber!’, I must have been four or five at that time and this method really worked, I wasn’t scared anymore.


You made me overcome that fear by making me hold the mask in my hand and saying ‘look it’s not real it’s only rubber!’, I must have been four or five at that time and this method really worked, I wasn’t scared anymore.

你让我手拿面具,然后说:“你看,这是假的,这就是橡胶呀!” 我那时候已经四五岁了,这个方法真的很有效,从此我再也没害怕过面具。

I also remember you making me and a cousin make up with each other and promise that we would never fight again. That moment was very moving and resulted in a life long friendships between us.


My life is going around in my head like a film. You seeing me off for the first time when I got married and left Pakistan for England, those goodbyes at the airport seemed so hard every time, but nothing compared to the final one.


Your immense love for our children, your contagious smile and even more smiling eyes, your laughter and your zeal for telling stories.


Your stories were never short, everything had to start with a background, a context, and a scene was set before you reached the punch line.


Life has its ups and downs,but you never ever despaired. Your faith, your prayers, your love and your smile was what kept us going.


You had an immense faith, if it could be quantified it would be as big as a mountain. Your illness didn’t phase you at all either.


It gave us strength to see you so strong and hopeful. You taught us many lessons with the way you dealt with it and the resilience and courage you showed.
