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北京·12月13日下午茶报名 | 迈克尔·科尔图:中美并购如何突破安全审查? | 博物馆下午茶第111期

金融博物馆书院  · 公众号  · 金融  · 2017-12-10 10:30





Michael A. Curto:

China-US M&A how to make a break

through the security review


Wednesday, Dec 13th, 2017




The Museum of

Global Finance

No.5 East Gate of

Sun Park, Beijing




Mr. Michael A. Curto




Super Lawyer

The managing partner

of the Washington DC office

of Squire Patton Boggs


Michael Curto is the managing partner of the Washington DC office and a long-term leader of Squire Patton Boggs, having served in a number of firmwide management roles. Michael is a seasoned adviser to boards of directors and senior management teams, providing strategic guidance to employers in all industries on a diverse range of business and transactional matters, and in related litigation, regulatory and public policy projects.

2011年,迈克尔被马里兰州州长任命为华盛顿大都会机场管理局(MWAA)董事会成员。在同年晚些时候,迈克尔被一致推举为MWAA的董事长,2013年,迈克尔再次当选董事长。MWAA负责里根国家机场、杜勒斯国际机场以及杜勒斯收费公路的管理、运营和资本升值,以及为美国最大的基础设施项目之一、被誉为“银线”(Silver Line)的杜勒斯走廊城市铁路项目进行建设和融资。作为MWAA的董事长,同时也是杜勒斯走廊城市铁路项目的顾问委员会主席,迈克尔成功的与联邦政府、州政府、地方政府的官员以及市民和商业领袖合作,从而赢得了对“银线”二期的建设和融资的支持。2014年1月,迈克尔被任命为董事会的财务委员会联合主席,并一直到2016年,在这期间,迈克尔主要负责监督MWAA的财务预算、金融策略、对外投资、MWAA的债券发行等银行承销等业务。

In 2011, Michael was appointed by the Governor of Maryland to the Board of Directors of the Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority (MWAA). Later that same year, Michael was unanimously elected Chairman of the Board, and served in that capacity in 2012 and 2013, having been unanimously re-elected Chairman in 2013. MWAA is responsible for the management, operations and capital improvements of Reagan National Airport, Dulles International Airport and the Dulles Toll Road, as well as the construction and financing of the Dulles Corridor Metrorail Project, known as the Silver Line, one of the largest infrastructure projects in the US. As MWAA’s Chairman, and also as Chairman of the Dulles Corridor Advisory Committee, Michael successfully collaborated with federal, state and county government officials, as well as civic and business leaders, to win approval for the construction and funding of the second phase of the Silver Line. In January, 2014, Michael was appointed Co-chairman of the Board’s Finance Committee, and served in that capacity through 2016, overseeing MWAA’s budget, financial policies, forecasting, investments and underwriting banking syndicate, including MWAA’s bond offerings and other financing transactions.

迈克尔曾经当过美国天主教大学哥伦布法学院《法律评论》的副主编,他的职业生涯起步于为令人尊敬的哥伦比亚特区上诉法院法官Julia Cooper Mack做司法见习。迈克尔被马丁代尔-哈伯德评价为最顶级的律师,并且自2011年以后就出现在“超级律师”的榜单当中。

Michael served as an associate editor of the Law Review of the Columbus School of Law at the Catholic University of America, and began his career with a judicial clerkship for the Honorable Julia Cooper Mack, Judge, District of Columbia Court of Appeals. He enjoys the highest peer rating in Martindale-Hubbard (AV Preeminent) and has been named to the Super Lawyers list every year since 2011.




Ms. Cindy Sun



Vice-chairman of CMAA

Deloitte consulting partner


孙女士毕业于北京大学法律系国际法专业学士学位, 并获得美国LESLEY女子学院研究生院国际金融硕士学位。

Ms. Sun possesses 16 years professional experience including services for state-owned enterprises on restructuring and overseas IPO, and for Chinese enterprises on overseas M&A across Asia, US, Europe and Africa. She also helped government bodies with infrastructure financing, especially advisory work on project financing and design of project structure. She offers a range of expertise covering risk management, financial consultation, implementation of laws, capital raising, concession agreement drafting, financial analysis and design of financing structure. Her clients span across many industries – energy, power, network communications, finance, insurance, aviation, transportation, etc.

Ms. Sun received her undergraduate degree in International Law from Peking University Law School, and her M.A. degree International Finance from Lesley University.




Mr. Wei, Lidong




12 th  Executive Committee Member of ACFIC

Chairman of CMAA

Managing Partner of Shangrong Capital

拥有 18 年股权投资及资产管理经验,先后在新天域资本、Unicredit Group 、中国华融资产管理公司等单位任职。拥有丰富的私募股权投资基金发起设立经验,牵头发起设立18 支基金(含两支外币基金),管理基金规模超过 260 亿元;拥有丰富的股权投资工作经验:负责和参与俊和发展、郑州银行、中国华融等项目的股权投资和投后管理;拥有丰富的资产管理工作经验:负责和参与华融公司不良资产境外出资方式处置,中国工商银行、中国建设银行、中国银行改制过程中可疑类贷款尽职调查及投标;拥有丰富的股权托管工作经验:负责和参与华融债转股股权资产管理和处置、德隆系资产的托管和处置。


Has 18-year experience in PE & Asset Disposition; Working as the President and Managing Partner of Shangrong Capital; Served at New Horizon Capital, Unicredit Group (UniCredito Italiano) and China Huarong Asset Management Corporation;

Has long-term experience in PE, non-performing asset disposition and state-owned enterprise restructuring.

Bachelor of Engineering, Tsinghua University; Nominated for National Financial System Business Innovator.

12 th  Executive Committee Member of ACFIC; Chairman of CMAA; Director of Academy of Financial Museum; Executive Director of BPEA.


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The Museum of Global Finance

国际金融博物馆座落于北京朝阳公园东五门内,是由中国金融博物馆管理的,专注于国际金融领域历史人物、事件与观念演变的公益博物馆,免费向公众开放。馆内展示面积达2000平方米,定期举办不同主题的展览、讲演与金融启蒙活动。国际金融博物馆于2012年9月开业, 截至2017年4月止, 共接待参观访问者10万人次,有超过43位部级领导莅临,举办重要活动百余场。特别是曾接待荷兰、英国、德国、以色列、日本等国驻华大使,约翰·奈斯比特、赫尔南多·德·索托、索尔·辛格等国际知名学者,举办国际论坛十余场, 已成为北京地区重要的金融文化地标

The Museum of Global Finance is situated inside No.5 East Gate of Sun Park, Chaoyang District in Beijing. Managed by the Chinese Museum of Finance (Group), this non-profit museum is admission-free and with a focus on international historical figurers and events in finance as well as the evolution of concepts. With an exhibition area of 2,000 square meters, the museum hosts regular exhibitions, talks and financial literacy activities. Since its opening in September 2012, the museum has welcomed over 100,000 visitors, including 43 minister-level officials and organized over 100 important events. Special visitors and guests include the ambassadors of the UK, Germany, the Netherlands, Israel, Japan, and many more, plus well-known international scholars such as John Naisbitt, Hernando de Soto and Saul Singer. The museum has also hosted many international forums and has become a new Cultural Landmark of Beijing .
