INTA年会 CTA论坛议程(同声传译) CTA Forum (Simultaneous Interpretation) 22nd May 3:30 p.m.-5:30 p.m. |
地点:Hall 8.0-C1 | Venue: Hall 8.0-C1 |
主持人:待定 | Moderator: to be announced |
第一部分|Panel I 主持人:审查协作中心副主任曹红英 | Moderator:Cao Hongying, Deputy Director General, TECC, SAIC |
3:30-3:35p.m. | 国际商标协会首席执行官 艾迪埃纳.桑斯.阿塞多 Etienne Sanz de Acedo, CEO, INTA |
3:35-3:45 p.m. | 国家工商总局商标局副巡视员 欧阳少华 Ouyang Shaohua, Deputy Counsel, The State Administration for Industry and Commerce, Trademark Office of the People's Republic of China (CTMO, SAIC) | 商标注册便利化改革的举措 Reforming Measures to Facilitate Trademark Registration |
3:45-3:55 p.m. | 国家工商总局商标评审委员会副主任李志军 Li Zhijun, Deputy Director General, Trademark Review and Adjudication Board (TRAB) , SAIC | 商标评审2016年以来的新进展 New Progress of Trademark Review since 2016 |
第二部分| Panel II 从公司角度看商标保护|Trademark Protection from the Company Perspective 主持人:万慧达北翔知识产权集团高级合伙人黄晖 | Moderator: Huang Hui,Senior Partner, Wan Hui Da |
3:55-4:05 p.m. | 京东集团高级法务总监林卓 Ellen Lin, Senior Legal Director of JD Group | 电子商务平台知识产权保护趋势 Update on IPR protection of the e-commerce platform |
4:05-4:15 p.m. | 阿里巴巴平台治理部品牌合作总监付筱林 Lynn X.L. FU, Brand Protection Cooperation Director, Platform Governance Department, Alibaba Group | 如何在阿里巴巴平台上保护知识产权? How to Protect IPR at Alibaba Platforms? |
4:15-4:25 p.m. | 北京知产宝网络科技发展有限公司CEO 普翔 Pu Xiang, CEO, IPhouse | 中国商标司法保护情况概观——以2016年全中国法院商标诉讼案件大数据分析为例 A Survey of the Judicial Protection of Trademarks in China - A Case Study of the Large Data Analysis of the Trademark Lawsuits in China in 2016 |
4:25-4:30 p.m. | 点商标域名注册管理机构总裁蔡伟平 Dennis Cai, President, Policy and Compliance, Domain Registry | 从商标保护的角度重新定义域名注册和权利保护制度 Redefine Domain Name Registration and Protection Mechanism from the Trademark Protection Perspective |
4:30-4:35 p.m. | 北京中细软网络科技有限公司董事长孔军民 Kong Junmin, Chairman, CIPRUN | 中国产品向中国品牌的转变过程中知识产权服务机构的新战略与新模式--以中细软的实践为视角 New Strategy and New Model of IP Service in China under the transformation from Made-in-China to Branded-in-China. ——The Perspective from CIPRUN’s Practice |
4:35-4:45 p.m. | 点评:万慧达北翔知识产权集团高级合伙人黄晖 Facilitator: Huang Hui,Senior Partner, Wan Hui Da |
第三部分| Panel III 反对恶意注册| Against Bad Faith Registration 主持人:中华商标协会商标代理分会会长马浩 | Moderator: Ma Hao, Trademark Agent branch, China Trademark Association |
4:45-5:05p.m. | 北京律盟知识产权代理有限责任公司 副总经理钟红波 | Julia Zhong, Vice President of Lee and Li - Leaven IPR Agency Ltd. |
北京三友知识产权代理有限公司合伙人沈兰英 | Lena Shen, Partner, Beijing Sanyou Intellectual Property Agency Ltd |
北京立方律师事务所高级合伙人 黄雅君 | Huang Yajun, Senior Partner, Lifang & Partners |
点评:中华商标协会商标代理分会会长马浩 | Facilitator: Ma Hao, President, Trademark Agent branch, China Trademark Association |
5:05-5:25 p.m. | 互动交流 | Q&A |
5:25-5:30 p.m. | 总结发言:中华商标协会副秘书长 肖芸 | Concluding Speaker: Xiao Yun, Deputy Secretary General, CTA |