孩子总能找到方法网上看片,家长应该怎么应对?前段时间,一些家长看到小学性教育课本,认为尺度过大。似乎不谈及性,孩子就能自己逐渐领悟什么是性。《连线》杂志对话Peggy Orenstein,聊聊关于如何和孩子沟通看片这件事。(黑体加粗部分为《连线》
作者:Sarah Fallon
Your Kids Will Look at Internet Porn. Deal With It
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Visitors to Pornhub, the largest porn site on the Internet, watched about 92 billion sexytime videos last year. Not that there’s anything wrong with that. But I have two young sons; I don’t want them to end up incapable of being aroused by an in-the-flesh human because their first encounter with sex was a clip of a porpoise-pudenda’d MILF getting jackhammered. So I called Peggy Orenstein. The author of Girls & Sex and Cinderella Ate My Daughter is currently working on a book about boys, masculinity, sex, love—and yes, porn. As part of her research, she’s interviewing high school– and college-age males across the country. I needed her counsel.
WIRED: Are all the kids watching it?
The first thing I recognized when I started working on the new book was that the question to ask boys is not whether or if they watch porn. The question is, when was the first time they saw it? The most typical answer I get is 11, sometimes 13, sometimes younger.
How do they come across it?
Sometimes they felt they needed to know what people were talking about, or an older boy had said, “Hey, look at this.” Boys will say things to me like “When I was 11, I looked up ‘big boobies.’” With just a couple of clicks, that search can lead them to images or videos they’re not prepared to understand or process. What I always say to parents is, if you’ve never gone on Pornhub to see what is there for free—on the opening page—then you have no idea what we’re talking about.
What’s the effect on those boys?
Research suggests a positive correlation between heterosexual guys who look at porn regularly and those who support same-sex marriage.
Ah, but they’re also less likely to support affirmative action for women. And among young men, exposure to porn has been correlated with seeing sex as purely physical, regarding girls as playthings, and measuring their masculinity and their self-worth by their ability to score with hot women.
And one study suggests that female porn viewers are less likely than other women to intervene if they see another woman being threatened or assaulted.
See, this is why I want to craft a porn ecosystem that allows nothing but positive, friendly porn between realistic-looking people. Nothing with dogs or sex machines. All consensual and preferably partially clothed. And make it so my kids’ phones and computers can go there and no other porn sites.
There’s something weird about curating your sons’ porn.
Fair enough.
Instead, think of the long game. What is it you want for your child? What kind of intimate relationships do you want your sons to have (or be capable of having)? What will help or undermine that?
I could just keep them off the internet entirely or set the parental controls to supermax levels of security.
I just got a text from a friend who said her children managed to end-run around Moment, an app that tracks how much you use your phone and how much time you’re spending on which apps. It’s an ongoing cat-and-mouse game: Websites and social media are trying to get your kid to stay on, and you’re trying to get your kid to stay off.
You mean … I just have to talk to them about … pornography?
Yep. It’s bizarre to me that because of our own squeamishness, we’re unable to engage with our children. The result is that we allow them to be educated by a culture that, at best, does not have their well-being at heart.
You know, some people are cool with their kids’ ideas about femininity and girlhood being shaped by Disney. Some people aren’t. Some people may be cool with their kids’ sexuality being shaped or influenced by porn, having it colonize their imaginations. And some people may not be—not because they’re anti-sex but because they’re pro-sex.