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This editorial introduces the special issue on marketing science and field experiments. We compare the characteristics of the papers that were submitted and accepted for the special issue and provide several recommendations for researchers. In general, we find field experiment research is greater in the areas of advertising and pricing with digital being the most common channel. We suggest that, beyond the estimation of effects and tests of hypotheses, field experiments can complement structural models; help train targeting policies; and also contribute to the nascent area of real-time, adaptive experimentation. We also discuss how field experiment research with a marketing science orientation can enhance and contribute in the areas of behavioral research and marketing strategy.
参考文献:Nelson, L., Simester, D., & Sudhir, K. (2020). Introduction to the Special Issue on Marketing Science and Field Experiments. Marketing Science, 39(6), 1033-1038.
A growing number of American workers are now freelancers and thus, responsible for their own retirement savings, yet they face psychological hurdles that hamper them from saving enough money for the long term. Although prior theory-derived interventions have been successful in addressing some of these obstacles, encouraging participation in saving programs is a challenging endeavor for policy makers and consumers alike. In a field setting, we test whether framing savings in more or less granular formats (for example, saving daily versus monthly) can encourage continued saving behavior through increasing the take up of a recurring deposit program. Among thousands of new users of a financial technology app, we find that framing deposits in daily amounts as opposed to monthly amounts quadruples the number of consumers who enroll. Furthermore, framing deposits in more granular terms reduced the participation gap between lower- and higher-income consumers: three times as many consumers in the highest rather than lowest income bracket participated in the program when it was framed as a $150 monthly deposit, but this difference in participation was eliminated when deposits were framed as $5 per day.
参考文献:Hershfield, H. E., Shu, S., & Benartzi, S. (2020). Temporal Reframing and Participation in a Savings Program: A Field Experiment. Marketing Science , 39(6), 1039-1051.
We present a complete empirical case study of fundraising campaign decisions that demonstrates the unique importance of in-context field experiments. We first design novel matching-based fundraising appeals. We then discuss the assumptions needed to derive theory-based predictions from the standard impure altruism model and solicit expert opinion about the potential performance of our interventions. Both theory-based and experts’ predictions suggested improved fundraising performance from framing a matching intervention as crediting donors for the matched funds, whereas predictions for the other appeals were more ambiguous. However, the results of a natural field experiment with prior donors of a nonprofit instead showed a significantly poorer performance from employing the giving-credit framing. This surprising finding was replicated in a second natural field experiment to confirm the ground truth, at least within a specific context. Experts also lacked consensus about a conditional matching scheme, which, in fact, did not improve fundraising. Theoretically, our results highlight the limitations of both impure altruism models and expert opinion in predicting complex warm-glow motivation. More practically, our results question the availability of useful guidance and suggest the indispensability of field testing for behavioral interventions in fundraising.
参考文献:Goswami, I., & Urminsky, O. (2020). No substitute for the real thing: The importance of in-context field experiments in fundraising. Marketing Science, 39(6), 1052-1070.
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在教育慈善捐赠平台DonorsChoose.org(N = 30297)的随机现场实验中,作者们使用了潜在捐赠者的姓名来检查电子邮件的个性化。作者们根据姓氏、姓氏首字母、性别、种族和姓氏原籍国来衡量将潜在捐赠者与特定需要的教师匹配的有效性。全名匹配是最有效的,潜在的捐赠者更有可能打开一封电子邮件,点击邮件中的链接,然后捐给同姓的老师。他们还捐赠了更多的钱。研究结果表明,将具有同样名字的人连结在一起是一种有效的个人级别电子邮件个性化方法。与教师共用姓氏首字母但并非全名的潜在捐赠者也表现得更为慷慨。作者们讨论了如何在营销传播中使用一个人的名字来吸引人们的注意并弥合社交距离。
In a randomized field experiment with the education charitable giving platform DonorsChoose.org (N = 30,297), we examined email personalization using a potential donor’s name. We measured the effectiveness of matching potential donors to specific teachers in need based on surname, surname initial letters, gender, ethnicity, and surname country of origin. Full surname matching was most effective, with potential donors being more likely to open an email, click on a link in the email, and donate to teachers who shared their own surname. They also donated more money overall. Our results suggest that uniting people with shared names is an effective individual-level approach to email personalization. Potential donors who shared a surname first letter but not an entire name with teachers also behaved more generously. We discuss how using a person’s name in marketing communications may capture attention and bridge social distance.
参考文献:Munz, K. P., Jung, M. H., & Alter, A. L. (2020). Name similarity encourages generosity: A field experiment in email personalization. Marketing Science. , 39(6), 1071-1091.
Why have companies faced a backlash for running experiments? Academics and pundits have argued that people find corporate experimentation intrinsically objectionable. Here we investigate “experiment aversion,” finding evidence that, if anything, experiments are more acceptable than the worst policies they contain. In six studies, participants evaluated the acceptability of either corporate policy changes or of experiments testing them. When all policy changes were deemed acceptable, so was the experiment even when it involved deception, unequal outcomes, and lack of consent. When a policy change was deemed unacceptable, so was the experiment but less so. The acceptability of an experiment hinges on its critical condition—its least acceptable policy. Experiments are not unpopular; unpopular policies are unpopular.
参考文献:Mislavsky, R., Dietvorst, B., & Simonsohn, U. (2020). Critical condition: People don’t dislike a corporate experiment more than they dislike its worst condition. Marketing Science, 39(6), 1092-1104.
Firms do not typically disclose information on their costs to produce a good to consumers. However, we provide evidence of when and why doing so can increase consumers’ purchase interest. Specifically, building on the psychology of disclosure and trust, we posit that cost transparency, insofar as it represents an act of sensitive disclosure, fosters trust. In turn, this heightened trust enhances consumers’ willingness to purchase from that firm. In support of this account, we present six studies conducted in the field and in the laboratory. A preregistered field experiment indicated that diners were 21.1% more likely to buy a bowl of chicken noodle soup when a sign revealing its ingredients also included the cafeteria’s costs to make it. Five subsequent online experiments replicated and extended this basic effect, providing evidence of when and why it occurs. Taken together, these studies imply that the proactive revelation of costs can improve a firm’s bottom line.
参考文献:Mohan, B., Buell, R. W., & John, L. K. (2020). Lifting the veil: the benefits of cost transparency. Marketing Science., 39(6), 1105-1121.
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When salespeople with heterogeneous sales abilities are assigned into teams, how do they adjust effort as the abilities of their coworkers change? We investigate this question using a field experiment that spans 29 retail booths and 116 salespeople at a major department store in China. Each booth compensates salespeople using either an individual-based commission (IB) or a revenue-sharing (RS) incentive and employs four salespeople, with two salespeople per shift. Our field experiment randomly assigns salespeople to work shifts, thus exogenously varying the ability of a salesperson’s coworker. The results show that under the IB incentive, the lower-ability salesperson will strategically decrease effort as the ability of the coworker rises; correspondingly, the higher-ability salesperson reduces effort as the coworker’s ability decreases. In contrast, under the RS incentive, the sales pattern suggests that the lower-ability (higher-ability) salesperson increases effort when the coworker’s ability increases (decreases). These empirical results provide broad support to our theory that accounts for the effect of social preferences on salespeople’s effort decisions. We also examine the revenue implications of team composition on firm performance under different sales incentives.
参考文献:Li, J., Lim, N., & Chen, H. (2020). Examining salesperson effort allocation in teams: A randomized field experiment. Marketing Science, 39(6), 1122-1141.
Most of the empirical evidence on social advertising effectiveness focuses on a single product at a time. As a result, little is known about how the effectiveness of social advertising varies across product categories or product characteristics. We therefore collaborated with a large online social network to conduct a randomized field experiment measuring social ad effectiveness across 71 products in 25 categories among more than 37 million users. We found some product categories, like clothing, cars, and food, exhibited significantly stronger social advertising effectiveness than other categories, like financial services, electrical appliances, and mobile games. More generally, we found that status goods, which rely on status-driven consumption, displayed strong social advertising effectiveness. Meanwhile, social ads for experience goods, which rely on informational social influence, did not perform any better or worse than social ads for their theoretical counterparts, search goods. Social advertising effectiveness also significantly varied across the relative characteristics of ad viewers and their friends shown in ads. Understanding the heterogeneous effects of social advertising across products can help marketers differentiate their social advertising strategies and lead researchers to more nuanced theories of social influence in product evaluation.
参考文献:Huang, S., Aral, S., Hu, Y. J., & Brynjolfsson, E. (2020). Social Advertising Effectiveness Across Products: A Large-Scale Field Experiment. Marketing Science, , 39(6), 1142-1165.
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Managers use referral reward programs to stimulate positive word of mouth by rewarding existing customers for every new customer they successfully refer. A key decision variable in these programs is the referral reward size—but what are the effects of offering smaller versus larger rewards? Whereas previous research has studied the impact of referral reward size on the number of referred new customers, we, for the first time, investigate its effect on the profitability of referred new customers. We analyze a field experiment involving more than 160,000 bank customers and test the generalizability of the results with archival data from approximately 270,000 telecommunication customers. In both studies, we find that even though larger referral rewards lead to the acquisition of more new customers, they considerably decrease the profitability of referred new customers. Managers need to take both of these effects into account when deciding about their program design.
参考文献:Wolters, H. M., Schulze, C., & Gedenk, K. (2020). Referral reward size and new customer profitability. Marketing Science, 39(6), 1166-1180.
订阅服务通常提供持续时间折扣,以较低的每周期成本回报较长的承诺。合同计划价格的“菜单”必须保持平衡,以鼓励潜在客户选择整体订阅,并推动那些够赚取更多利润的合同。由于订阅菜单的价格很少变化,因此仅凭历史价格数据很难对其进行优化。作者们建议企业通过实验和模型共同解决是否选择加入以及有条件地选择哪种计划来解决此问题。为此,作者们进行了一个随机的在线定价实验,该实验将主要约会支付网站的价格菜单的“高度”和“强度”正交化。利用一种新的关联二元选择和多项式条件选择模型,通过哈密尔顿蒙特卡罗(Hamiltonian Monte Carlo;HMC)估计,分析了用户的选择和计划选择决策。基准比较表明,消费者选择的常见模型可能会系统性地错误估计价格替代模式,一个关键的考虑因素是选择退出(例如,非订阅)选项相对于其他可用选项的独特性。模型证实了一些预期的定价效果(例如,在利润率上,提高价格会阻碍整体选择和任何更高定价计划的选择),但也有一些替代模型未能捕捉到的影响,最值得注意的是,与标准随机效用模型相比,全面提高定价的负面影响要小得多。联合优化菜单的组成部分的价格表明,该约会支付网站公司已经把他们的整体价格定得太低,特别是在其最长持续时间的计划中。