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The Stories Behind
Donald Trumps TIME Covers

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I have been on their cover like 14 or 15 times. I think we have the all-time record in the history of TIME Magazine.

Donald Trump has always had a fascination with TIME. He first landed on the cover on January 16, 1989, 28 years before his inauguration.

Since before his election, Trump has regularly campaigned to be named TIME's Person of the Year, using rallies and his Twitter feed to comment on TIME's choices.

They should have picked me for the Person of the Year but they didn't. No they should. And perhaps most notably, fake TIME covers were designed to hang in his golf course clubhouses.

TIME has a long history of featuring presidents on the cover, and Trump has been no exception.

Eight of the top ten people to appear most often on TIME's cover are U.S. presidents.

Trump finished his term with 35 covers, the fourth most of any president behind Richard Nixon's 55 covers, Ronald Reagan with 46, and Bill Clinton with 40.

Rounding out the top 10 are George W. Bush with 32, Barack Obama 31, Jimmy Carter 27, Jesus 22 and Hillary Clinton and George H.W. Bush tied at 21.

We first introduced candidate Trump to TIME's readers in August of 2015 when photographer Martin Schoeller and TIME Editor-at-Large Paul Moakley brought a live bald eagle to the Trump Tower in New York City for a portrait.

This symbol of democracy was particularly animated during the photo and video session, even angrily nipping at the president's hand.

during the 2016 campaign, we produced seven covers featuring Trump and created an original visual language for this president with the artwork of artist Edel Rodriguez.

Rodriguez who worked as TIME's international art director in the 1990s has a strong, simple graphic style that immediately grabbed worldwide recognition with the "Meltdown" cover, a reflection of his slumping campaign following the Republican National Convention.

Two months later in response to the release of the infamous Access Hollywood tape, Rodriguez followed with an updated image with the headline "Total Meltdown." Of course TIME reports many different topics and the visual approaches on the cover reinforces that variety.

We have presented President Trump as a frenetic Twitter user crumbling at the Washington Monument, a punching bag, a graphic wrecking ball, an angry character with his hair on fire, a cross between himself and Vladimir Putin, a king looking into a cover, a slingshot-holding fighter dueling with Nancy Pelosi, a happy president whistling under an umbrella in the rain, and a man who has painted himself into a corner.

We've also photographed Trump for multiple covers including a White House tour for our May 22, 2017 cover, and an Oval Office conversation in the summer of 2019 on Trump's plan to keep the White House.

My favorite TIME cover of Trump is "Nothing To See Here" from February 27, 2017.

I believe the strongest TIME covers leave space for a variety of perspectives.

For this cover, if you're an opponent of President Trump you look at the cover and you see all the chaos that this man has created.

And if you're a supporter of the president you look at it and say, "Even among all the chaos in Washington look how resolute he is sitting behind that desk." That is a great place for a TIME cover to be.

That image was created by long-time TIME collaborator Tim O'Brien who has painted more covers in the past 30 years than any other artist.

It was the first of what would become a series of four paintings from O'Brien depicting Trump in a growing storm within the Oval Office.

Our Trump covers have certainly not been without debate.

An image we created of Trump staring down at a young immigrant girl for our "Welcome To America" cover sparked controversy.

During the campaign, Trump frequently used a cover proclaiming "How Trump Won" as a selling point on the campaign trail.

On numerous occasions, the president also tweeted out a fake TIME cover animation of our “How Trumpism Outlasts Trump”, a cover from October 22, 2018.

But for most of the past year the president's image on the cover took a back seat to frontline workers, racial injustice protests, and the rising COVID numbers.

And even though the image of Trump wasn't physically shown on two recent covers, his influence was still present.

While Trump's presidency has come to a close, it's certainly possible that we haven't seen the last of him on the cover of TIME.

特朗普第一次登上《时代》封面,是在1989年。 那一期封面介绍道: “这个男人可能让你羡慕嫉妒恨——手法叫炫富,名字叫特朗普”。
当年身为成功地产商人的特朗普,手持一张扑克牌抵着脑门,眼神里透着运筹帷幄 的自信 28年后,特朗普当选美国总统。
《时代》周刊向来有让总统上封面的传统。 在登上封面次数最多的前10名人物中,有8位是当时的美国总统。 虽然特朗普多次夸耀自己上《时代》封面的次数创纪录,但实际上,他的35次只能排第4名,前3位分别是尼克松(55次)、里根(46次)和克林顿(40次)。
总体来说,《时代》周刊使用特朗普真实照片作为封面的情况占少数,更多时候,他被演绎为各种视觉形象。 特朗普逐步化作一个政治符号,给艺术家们留下了巨大的创作空间。
2016年美国大选期间,《时代》周刊有7期封面使用了特朗普的形象。当年共和党全国大会后,特朗普支持率暴跌,此时出版的一期名为“崩盘”(Meltdown)的封面很快吸引了大量关注。 罗德里格斯后来还创作了“姊妹篇”,题为“彻底崩盘”(Total Meltdow n),岌岌可危的特朗普头像直接化作一滩。 这期封面获得了美国杂志编辑学会的2017年度封面奖。
左:崩盘(Meltdown)。右:彻底崩盘(Total Meltdown)。

2017年2月27日的《时代》封面就是一副插画,标题为《这里没什么可看的》(Nothing to See Here),来自与《时代》合作30多年的艺术家蒂姆·奥布莱恩(Tim O’Brien),他的风格更加写实。
创意总监派恩分析说,在这个封面前,如果你是特朗普的反对者,你看到的可能是他所制造的混乱; 但如果你是他的支持者,看到的可能是——即使满目狼藉,总统先生仍能泰然自若。 派恩表示,这是他主持过的700多期封面中最喜欢的一期。
这个系列一共出了4个封面。2018年4月,特朗普面临的问题越发混乱和棘手,奥布莱恩创作了续篇“风雨如磐”(Stormy),画面中洪水淹没了桌子,特朗普岿然不动地坐着。等到2018年9月的第三个封面“深陷”(In Deep)时,整个画面都被水灌满,特朗普漂浮起来,标志性的红色领带在水中摇曳。
第4个封面名为《瘟疫大选》(Plague Election),出版于2020年8月17日,反映了新冠肺炎疫情改变了美国大选的局面。这一系列期封面还做了动态展示,风雨飘摇、波浪涌动的场景更增添了氛围感。
同一系列的4个封面对比:《这里没什么可看的》(Nothing to See Here)、风雨如磐(Stormy)、深陷(In Deep)、《瘟疫大选》(Plague Election)。
关于特朗普的一系列封面作品,体现了杂志封面的设计正在适应社交媒体时代的传播。 在电视、视频网站、图片分享网站、社交媒体上,这些封面不断成为被讨论的话题。
最新一期的《时代》封面名为“第一天”(Day One),主角是刚刚走马上任的拜登。但我们从画面中似乎还能看到特朗普的影子:桌上没吃完的麦当劳、印着“Make America Great Again”的红色棒球帽、入侵者在办公桌上留下的涂鸦、堆积成山和散落一地的文件,还有窗外因暴乱引起的火光。
指控特朗普“煽动叛乱”的弹劾条款将在1月25日被送交美国参议院审理。 离职经历不太光彩的特朗普在政治舞台上暂时退场了,但也许在未来某一天,他还会重返媒体封面,给全世界带来另一个爆炸新闻。




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