密集气泡图(Packed Bubbles)类似于气泡图,但气泡被紧密排列,而不是分散在网格上。该图表通过一种算法尽可能将所有气泡靠近重心,同时调整气泡的位置以避免碰撞。密集气泡图允许您根据相对大小来可视化和比较数据,结合了词云和气泡图的特点,无需使用 x 轴和 y 轴。
Matplotlib 实现密集气泡图
在 Matplotlib 文档的杂项部分中有一个密集气泡图例子(
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
browser_market_share = {
'browsers': ['firefox', 'chrome', 'safari', 'edge', 'ie', 'opera'],
'market_share': [8.61, 69.55, 8.36, 4.12, 2.76, 2.43],
'color': ['#5A69AF', '#579E65', '#F9C784', '#FC944A', '#F24C00', '#00B825']
class BubbleChart:
def __init__(self, area, bubble_spacing=0):
Setup for bubble collapse.
area : array-like
Area of the bubbles.
bubble_spacing : float, default: 0
Minimal spacing between bubbles after collapsing.
If "area" is sorted, the results might look weird.
area = np.asarray(area)
r = np.sqrt(area / np.pi)
self.bubble_spacing = bubble_spacing
self.bubbles = np.ones((len(area), 4))
self.bubbles[:, 2] = r
self.bubbles[:, 3] = area
self.maxstep = 2 * self.bubbles[:, 2].max() + self.bubble_spacing
self.step_dist = self.maxstep / 2
length = np.ceil(np.sqrt(len(self.bubbles)))
grid = np.arange(length) * self.maxstep
gx, gy = np.meshgrid(grid, grid)
self.bubbles[:, 0] = gx.flatten()[:len(self.bubbles)]
self.bubbles[:, 1] = gy.flatten()[:len(self.bubbles)]
self.com = self.center_of_mass()
def center_of_mass(self):
return np.average(
self.bubbles[:, :2], axis=0, weights=self.bubbles[:, 3]
def center_distance(self, bubble, bubbles):
return np.hypot(bubble[0] - bubbles[:, 0],
bubble[1] - bubbles[:, 1])
def outline_distance(self, bubble, bubbles):
center_distance = self.center_distance(bubble, bubbles)
return center_distance - bubble[2] - \
bubbles[:, 2] - self.bubble_spacing
def check_collisions(self, bubble, bubbles):
distance = self.outline_distance(bubble, bubbles)
return len(distance[distance < 0])
def collides_with(self, bubble, bubbles):
distance = self.outline_distance(bubble, bubbles)
idx_min = np.argmin(distance)
return idx_min if type(idx_min) == np.ndarray else [idx_min]
def collapse(self, n_iterations=50):
Move bubbles to the center of mass.
n_iterations : int, default: 50
Number of moves to perform.
for _i in range(n_iterations):
moves = 0
for i in range(len(self.bubbles)):
rest_bub = np.delete(self.bubbles, i, 0)
dir_vec = self.com - self.bubbles[i, :2]
dir_vec = dir_vec / np.sqrt(dir_vec.dot(dir_vec))
new_point = self.bubbles[i, :2] + dir_vec * self.step_dist
new_bubble = np.append(new_point, self.bubbles[i, 2:4])
if not self.check_collisions(new_bubble, rest_bub):
self.bubbles[i, :] = new_bubble
self.com = self.center_of_mass()
moves += 1
for colliding in self.collides_with(new_bubble, rest_bub):
dir_vec = rest_bub[colliding, :2] - self.bubbles[i, :2]
dir_vec = dir_vec / np.sqrt(dir_vec.dot(dir_vec))
orth = np.array([dir_vec[1], -dir_vec[0]])
new_point1 = (self.bubbles[i, :2] + orth *