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经济学人双语精读  · 公众号  · 国际  · 2017-05-18 18:07


导读: 既去年朴槿惠“闺蜜门”事件不断发酵以来,韩国政局动荡,充满了不确定性。在充满危机的世界面前,韩国更像一叶扁舟,漂泊不定;在处理国际关系方面上,韩国更显得力不从心。5月10日,文在寅上台,一切尘埃落定,但是,他将面临国内外的重重压力……


  1. 这场选举的背景、特点以及结果如何?

  2. 选民对文在寅有什么期待?

  3. 文在寅的个人生活经历有哪些?

  4. 文在寅上台后,面临哪些国内外的挑战?



Kim Hyung-jun, a young father who took his toddler to a polling station in central Seoul on May 9th, said that he was voting to create a better society for his daughter: one “where everyone begins at the same line”, not where “the rich and powerful have a head start”. Expectations are high for Mr Moon, who can serve only a single five-year term, to see through the reforms that he has promised . One is to root out the corruption that results from close links between government and big business, in order to make society fairer. That has struck a chord with disenchanted young people in particular: over half of voters in their 20s and 30s cast their ballot for him, according to exit polls.


Mr Moon plans to set up a “truth committee” on the presidential scandal. Another promise is to help youngsters get jobs , which many think are unobtainable without the right connections . He has established a job-creation committee, and says he will generate more than 800,000 jobs, mainly in the public sector, a third of which will be reserved for the young.



  1. 文章通过韩国年轻父亲 Kim Hyung-jun 对媒体的讲话体现出了公民对文在寅的期待:建立一个更好的社会( create a better society ),具体怎么做呢?进行改革( to see through the reforms that he has promised ),这些部分文章已进行了加粗表示。总之一句话,选民对文在寅的期待是,通过实行改革以建立更好的社会。

  2. 选民对文在寅的期待怎么样呢?是高还是低?文章也给出了答案:期待很高( Expectations are high )。文章已用下划线的方式表示出来。

  3. 既然选民期待总统通过改革来建立更好的社会,那具体有哪些改革呢?文章已用斜体表示:一,根除腐败( One i s to root out the corruption );二,帮助年轻人实现就业( Another promise is to help youngsters get jobs )。

  4. 第一个改革,根除腐败,其目的是什么呢?建立更公平的社会(in order to make society fairer)。民众的反响如何?引发了失落青年的共鸣(That ha s struck a chord with disenchanted you ng people),结果是什么呢?一多半的选民把票投给了文在寅(over half of voters in their 20s and 30s cast their ballot for him)。

  5. 第二个改革是帮助年轻人实现就业,文在寅具体采取了哪些措施?建立增加就业岗位委员会(He has established a job-creation committee)。


  6. Root out,根除,肃清,相当于 eradicate,我们国家目前的反腐力度可以用到这两个词。

  7. Struck a chord with,引起共鸣,相当于 resonate with.

  8. 我们中国人或东亚人经常谈到的“关系”一词,在英文里对应着 connections(注意:复数),而不是 relations。Connections 作复数使用时,专门指“社会关系,人际关系, 可利用的熟人”。



The new president grew up poor . His parents are refugees from Hungnam, a North Korean port evacuated in 1950 shortly after the start of the Korean war. He began his political career as chief-of-staff to the late Roh Moo-hyun, a liberal president in office from 2003 to 2008, with whom he had set up a law firm in the 1980s to take on human-rights cases. Mr Moon then ran for the presidency himself in 2012, and narrowly lost to Ms Park in a two-way race.



  1. 本段有关文在寅的生活经历,介绍了四个具有转折意义的、具有代表性的事件或时期:一,20世纪50年代,成长在贫困家庭;二,20世纪80年代,和卢武铉建立了律师事务所,负责人权案;三,2003-2008年,担任卢武铉的幕僚长,自此开始政治生涯;四,2012年,参与总统大选,惜败。

  2. 本段没有生词,但希望大家根据“解析1”中提供的信息,把英文复述下来。只有这样,才算真正的消化吸收。



The challenges he faces are formidable. Donald Tru mp has stoked tensions with the Nor th , even as he has said that the South should pay for an American missile-defence system, known as THAAD , intended to thwart (to prevent) a northern attack. Mr Moon says he wants to review the deal that led to THAAD’s deployment . He has also said he would go to Pyongyang to seek better ties with the North if the circumstances were right , suggesting that he will revive the old liberal policy of “sunshine” towards the North, which involved great emollience and lashings of aid.


But since those days North Korea has tested five nuclear devices and scores of missiles , while ramping up ( to increase or to cause sth. to increase in speed, size, etc. ) its threats . Scott Snyder of the Council on Foreign Relations, an American think-tank, says that resolutions passed by the UN Security Council prevent the sort of economic deals struck when Mr Moon worked under Roh. Mr Moon has adopted a less doveish tone than his liberal predecessors. And Mr Trump has said that he too would consider meeting Kim Jong Un, the North’s dictatorial leader.


Relations with China and Japan are also fraught . The Chinese government is unhappy about the deployment of THAAD , and has encouraged a boycott of South Korean goods . Japan, meanwhile, resents the apparent rekindling of anti-Japanese protests tied to its conduct during the second world war . But simply having a president at all, after five rudderless (without anyone in control) months, may help dampen these rows.



  1. 有关文在寅面临的国外挑战,文章有三段。首句开篇点明主旨: The challenges he faces are formidable. 文在寅面临严峻的挑战 前两段写同朝鲜的关系:特朗普引发韩国对朝关系紧张 Donald Tru mp has stoked tensions with the Nor th 第三段写韩国同中日两国之间的关系:韩国同中日两国的关系也面临诸多问题( Relations with China and Japan are also fraught )。文章已用黑体表示,注意体会这两种不同的表达方式。

  2. 和朝鲜关系为什么紧张?除了历史因素外,文章给出两个原因,已用斜体突出:一, 部署萨德( 第一段: an American missile-defence system, known as THAAD );二,朝鲜进行核试验和导弹试验(第二段: North Korea has tested five nuclear devices and scores of missiles )。

  3. 为了缓和对朝紧张局势,文在寅进行了哪些努力?这一答案文中已用下划线突出:一,重新审议同通过萨德部署的协议(第一段: review the deal that led to THAAD’s deployment );二,时机成熟时将访问平壤(第一段: go to Pyongyang to seek better ties with the North if the circumstances were right )。

  4. 中韩关系中,中国对韩国的态度如何?答案已用下划线突出:不满( The Chinese government is unhappy )。原因是什么?斜体部分:韩国部署萨德( the deployment of THAAD )。采取了什么对策?下划线加斜体部分:抵制韩货( encouraged a boycott of South Korean goods )。

  5. 日韩关系中,日本对韩国的态度如何?下划线部分:愤怒( Japan, meanwhile, resents... )。原因是什么?斜体部分:反日游行( the apparent rekindling of anti-Japanese protests )。日本也没有对此采取什么措施,因为毕竟是日本做的不对。

