PhD Program
· Institute for Innovationand Entrepreneurship
· Location: LoughboroughUniversity London | London | United Kingdom
· Application Deadline:Open Until Filled
Profile Description
3 years full-time; 6 years part-time
2 years full-time; 4 years part-time
Entry Requirements: An honours degree [2:1 or above] or equivalentoverseas qualification.
The Institute for Innovation and Entrepreneurship is fully committed toresearch and research-led teaching, employing leading academics in the fieldsof entrepreneurship and innovation to fulfil this goal.
Our academics are experts in their field of research and work closelyalongside our talented students to help them deliver world-leading, originalresearch. All students are actively encouraged to develop their knowledge andengage in innovative research projects across the University. Some students areinvolved in multidisciplinary research teams, with some students having theopportunity to undertake research overseas during their research journey.
The Institute for Innovation and Entrepreneurship maintains strong linkswith leaders in Industry. Loughborough University London is proud to offer astimulating and collaborative research environment, which is enriched byexternal companies, organisations and start-ups. Our forward-thinking researchcommunity enables students to gain first-hand experience of creativeproblem-solving and develop real-world solutions to their research problems.
Funding Notes
Some or all of the PhD opportunities in this programme have fundingattached. Applications for this programme are welcome from suitably qualifiedcandidates worldwide. Funding may only be available to a limited set ofnationalities and you should read the full programme details for furtherinformation.
PhD Project
· Guildhall School ofMusic & Drama
· Location: London |United Kingdom
· ApplicationDeadline: Open Until Filled
Profile Description
Guildhall School invites applications to its doctoral programme, which hasa distinct focus on research in, through and for the performing arts. Ranked asthe UK's top conservatoire in the Guardian University Guide 2019 for Music andrated Gold in the Teaching Excellence Framework, the School is a global leaderof creative and professional practice which promotes innovation, experiment andresearch. We support research across a range of subjects relating to music andtheatre, including music composition, music performance, opera-making,theatre-making, socially-engaged arts practices and performing arts policy,institutional cultures, pedagogies, practices and impacts.
For 2019, we are delighted to offer three opportunities for fully-fundeddoctoral studentships as well as partial scholarships.
Guildhall-Barbican Studentship
The Barbican and Guildhall School of Music & Drama have used theirphysical proximity and shared cultural and social goals to forge a long historyof collaboration, one outcome of which is this doctoral studentship. We welcomeproposals for projects that align with our shared commitment to art-making andart-makers that redefine audience experience. We especially welcome researchrelating to practices represented by our joint programme, Creative Learning,which supports people of all ages and backgrounds to discover their creativevoice and access world-class arts.
The successful candidate will benefit from:
A stipend of over £13,000 per annum for three years of study
Fee waiver for three-years full time study at the Guildhall School ofMusic & Drama
Supervision and guidance from Guildhall School's academic staff and fromthe Barbican
Research training provided by the Guildhall School's doctoral programme
Further details available here.
Royal Opera House Doctoral Composer-in-Residence
The pioneering doctoral studentship in association with the Royal OperaHouse is for innovative and inquisitive composers who are looking to extendcurrent knowledge about this vibrant art-form. During the three-year studyperiod the successful candidate will complete a new chamber opera forproduction by the Royal Opera House. Through this practical investigation theypursue a research enquiry that is relevant to both practice and scholarship in contemporaryopera composition.
The successful candidate will benefit from:
A stipend of over £16,500 per annum for three years of study
Fee waiver for three-years full time study at the Guildhall School ofMusic & Drama
A production supported by the Royal Opera House
Supervision and guidance from staff from Guildhall's Compositiondepartment and the Royal Opera House
Research training provided by the Guildhall School's doctoral programme
Wellcome Trust doctoral studentship
Guildhall School offers to support and host outstanding researcherswishing to apply to this four-year Wellcome Trust scheme for humanitiesresearch into issues of health. The scheme offers full fee waiver, an annualstipend starting at £19,919 and generous research and travel expenses. We canoffer supervisory expertise in contemporary theatre and health; performance andthe medical humanities; aesthetic approaches to the healthcare environment andmusic therapy.
PhD Project
· INSEAD PhD in Management
· Location: Fontainebleau| France
· ApplicationDeadline: Open Until Filled
Profile Description
- Study in Asia and Europe campuses, go for a campus exchange in the USwith Wharton
- Full scholarship for first 5 years of full-time studies
- Work with renowned faculty and highly diverse PhD community
- Secure top placements in leading business schools and universitiesworldwide
- Specialise in one of the eight areas of specialization offered
Who are we looking for?
Applicants who in their senior undergraduate year, new alumni or careerchangers, coming from any subject area, with or without research experience,regardless of subject background and nationality. What is central and key inthe application is passion in academic research and drive to become asuccessful management professor in leading business schools worldwide(https://goo.gl/fQVhJ8)
The INSEAD PhD in Management is a 5-year full-time PhD that is fullyintegrated across INSEAD's two campuses – in France and in Singapore(https://goo.gl/VeeH16), with an opportunity to spend up to a year of campusexchange with Wharton through the INSEAD-Wharton Alliance(https://goo.gl/cdcl6A). INSEAD also provides an opportunity to do world-classbehavioural research in its state-of-the-art behavioural lab in Paris(https://goo.gl/tqXrBi), which is a benchmark for a number of business schools.
The INSEAD PhD is a 5-year full-time programme (https://goo.gl/euaTfF).The first 2 years are dedicated to coursework, while the 3rd to 5th years isdissertation phase. As a PhD student, you are exposed to cutting-edge researchmethodologies and practice through a close working relationship with academicexperts. The intimate size of the programme ensures critical faculty mentorshipand research support, and the faculty is one of the most culturally andacademically diverse. Unlike many other programmes, INSEAD seeks to admitresearch partners for its faculty, not research assistants.
To apply,
submit your minimum admissionrequirements (https://goo.gl/MXdxJ7), along with a valid GRE or GMAT test.Neither a formal business education/Masters nor professional experience iscompulsory. For more info, visit our website https://goo.gl/fQVhJ8 or attendour events https://goo.gl/GxI6A6 to meet with our admissions teams.
Funding Notes
ALL admitted students, regardless of area, campus and nationality, securefull funding for 5 yrs (View Website). This covers tuition fee waiver, generousstipend, substantial research support and comprehensive health insurancecoverage. This is renewable every year based on satisfactory performance.