1. 头脑封闭的人不喜欢看到自己的观点被挑战。他们通常会因无法说服对方而感到沮丧,而不是好奇对方为何看法不同。他们在把事情弄错时会产生坏情绪,更关心自己能不能被证明是正确的,而不是提出问题,了解其他人的观点。头脑开放的人更想了解为什么会出现分歧。当其他人不赞同时他们不会发怒。他们明白自己总有可能是错的,值得花一点时间考虑对方的观点,以确定自己没有忽略一些因素或犯错。
2. 头脑封闭的人更喜欢做陈述而不是提问。尽管在特定情况下,可信度高的人有权做出陈述,但真正头脑开放的人,甚至是我认识的可信度最高的人,也经常会问很多问题。可信度低的人经常告诉我,他们的陈述其实是隐性的问题,只不过是被表述为低自信程度的陈述。尽管有时的确如此,但据我的经验,更多情况下并非如此。头脑开放的人真诚地相信自己可能是错的,提出真诚的问题。他们还经常权衡自己的相对可信度,以确定自己应该主要扮演学生、老师还是对等者的角色。
3. 头脑封闭的人更关心是否被理解,而不是理解其他人。当对方不赞同时,他们通常会认定是自己没有被理解,而不是想想是不是自己没有理解对方的观点。头脑开放的人总是觉得有必要从他人的视角看待事物。
4. 头脑封闭的人会说类似这样的话:“我可能错了……但这是我的观点。”这是我经常听到的一种典型暗示。这往往是一种敷衍性的表态,人们借此来固守自己的观点,还感觉自己是开明的。如果你的陈述以这样的方式开头—“我可能是错的”或“我不具备可信度”,那么接下来你或许更应该提出一个问题,而不是做出一个断言。头脑开放的人知道何时做陈述,何时提问。
5. 头脑封闭的人阻挠其他人发言。如果在对话中一方看起来不给对方留说话空间的话,他就可能是在阻挠对方说话。为了应对这种阻挠,可以实行我之前提到的“两分钟法则”。头脑开放的人总是更喜欢倾听而不是发言。他们鼓励其他人表达观点。
6. 头脑封闭的人难以同时持有两种想法。他们让自己的观点独大,挤掉别人的观点。头脑开放的人会在考虑其他人的观点的同时保留自己深入思考的能力,他们可以同时思考两个或者更多相互冲突的概念,反复权衡其相对价值。
7. 头脑封闭的人缺乏深刻的谦逊意识。谦逊通常来自人的失败经历,失败让人以一种开明心态积极了解自己不知道的东西。头脑开放的人看待事物时,时刻在心底担忧自己可能是错的。一旦你能区分头脑开放的人和头脑封闭的人,你将会发现,你希望自己周围都是头脑开放的人。这样做不仅能提高你的决策效率,你还能学到很多东西。几个优秀决策者一起有效合作,效果要显著好于单打独斗的优秀决策者。即使是最优秀的决策者,若是能得到其他优秀决策者的帮助,也能显著提高自己的决策质量。
It’s easy to tell an open-minded person from a closed-minded person because they act very differently. Scroll to see some cues to tell you whether you or others are being closed-minded:
1. Closed-minded people don’t want their ideas challenged. They are typically frustrated that they can’t get the other person to agree with them instead of curious as to why the other person disagrees. They feel bad about getting something wrong and are more interested in being proven right than in asking questions and learning others’ perspectives.
Open-minded people are more curious about why there is disagreement. They are not angry when someone disagrees. They understand that there is always the possibility that they might be wrong and that it’s worth the little bit of time it takes to consider the other person’s views in order to be sure they aren’t missing something or making a mistake.
2. Closed-minded people are more likely to make statements than ask questions. While believability entitles you to make statements in certain circumstances, truly open-minded people, even the most believable people I know, always ask a lot of questions. Nonbelievable people often tell me that their statements are actually implicit questions, though they’re phrased as low-confidence statements. While that’s sometimes true, in my experience it’s more often not.
Open-minded people genuinely believe they could be wrong; the questions that they ask are genuine. They also assess their relative believability to determine whether their primary role should be as a student, a teacher, or a peer.
3. Closed-minded people focus much more on being understood than on understanding others. When people disagree, they tend to be quicker to assume that they aren’t being understood than to consider whether they’re the ones who are not understanding the other person’s perspective.
Open-minded people always feel compelled to see things through others’ eyes.
4. Closed-minded people say things like “I could be wrong . . . but here’s my opinion.” This is a classic cue I hear all the time. It’s often a perfunctory gesture that allows people to hold their own opinion while convincing themselves that they are being open-minded. If your statement starts with “I could be wrong” or “I’m not believable,” you should probably follow it with a question and not an assertion.
Open-minded people know when to make statements and when to ask questions.
5. Closed-minded people block others from speaking. If it seems like someone isn’t leaving space for the other person in a conversation, it’s possible they are blocking. To get around blocking, enforce the “two-minute rule” I mentioned earlier.