专栏名称: Kallanish国际钢铁资讯
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Kallanish国际钢铁资讯  · 公众号  ·  · 2020-02-04 12:27


印度评级与研究公司 (Ind-Ra) 预计,尽管冠状病毒疫情对国内钢铁行业造成影响,但短期内印度钢铁价格的下行空间有限。与 2019 4 月至 12 月相比, 3 月季度的需求增长预计将加快。

India Ratings & Research (Ind-Ra)expects limited short-term downside to Indian steel prices, notwithstanding theimpact of the coronavirus outbreak on the domestic steel sector. Demand growthis expected to accelerate in the March quarter compared to April-December 2019.

Ind-Ra 表示,建筑和基础设施行业的需求正在回升,这反映在长材产品的消费上, 2019 12 月的长材消费量比 2019 年平均水平高出 16% 左右。在截至 2020 3 月的财年中, Ind-Ra 对需求增长的预期保持 4% 不变。

Demand from the construction andinfrastructure sector is picking up, reflected by the consumption of long steelproducts which was around 16% higher in December 2019 when compared to the 2019average, Ind-Ra says. Ind-Ra maintains its 4% demand growth expectation for thefiscal year through March 2020.

Ind-Ra 观察到, 2020 1 月中旬热轧卷价格(德里 2.5mm-8mm, IS2062 )环比上涨约 6% ,由于需求复苏和成本推动,价格略有上涨。

HRC prices (Delhi 2.5mm-8mm, IS2062) werearound 6% higher in mid-January 2020 on a month-on-month basis and have inchedup due to a revival in demand and cost push, Ind-Ra observes.

为了满足改善的需求,并缓解国内铁矿石供应的不确定性——多个采矿许可证将于 3 月底到期,印度钢铁制造商已经提高了产量。

To meet the improved demand and mitigatethe uncertainty over domestic iron ore availability, with multiple mininglicenses expiring by end-March, Indian steelmakers have increased output.

《矿山与矿产(开发与监管)法》的最新修订缓解了由于无法获得铁矿石而可能造成的钢铁供应中断(见 Kallanish (开阑商务信息咨询)往期报道)。铁矿石价格仍有可能上涨,直至 3 月,因为随着需求上升,国内钢铁企业希望增加库存,并增加缓冲库存,以防矿山移交过程中出现轻微中断。

The latest amendment to theMines & Minerals (Development & Regulation) Act mitigates thepossible steel supply disruption due to iron ore unavailability (see Kallanishpassim). Iron ore prices are still likely to rise up to March, as domesticsteel players look to stock-up amid the pick-up in demand and add buffer stockin case of a minor disruption during mine transfers.

炼焦煤价格仍高度波动, 1 月中旬澳大利亚优质硬焦煤价格( cnf 印度)环比上涨 5% 。考虑到对炼焦煤进口的依赖,印度国内钢铁企业一直主张取消印度 2.5% 的炼焦煤进口关税,以提高成本竞争力。

Coking coal prices remain highly volatile,with cnf India-basis Australia-origin premium hard coking coal prices up 5%on-month in mid-January. Given their dependence on coking coal imports,domestic steel players have been advocating towards a revocation ofIndia s 2.5% coking coal import duties to be more cost competitive.



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