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新加坡眼  · 公众号  · 新加坡  · 2025-03-04 19:51


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2025年2月18日,新加坡教育部长陈振声在国会书面答复 先驱单选区 议员 郑德源 关于 将“提升奖学金”扩大至所有符合资格就读自主学校的低收入家庭学生 的质询。


郑德源 先驱单选区 议员) 询问教育部长: 教育部是否会考虑将"提升奖学金" (UPLIFT Scholarship) 的覆盖范围,从目前仅限通过直接招生计划 (DSA) 入读自主学校、或获得自主学校教育储蓄奖学金 (ESIS) 的低收入家庭学生,扩大至所有家庭月总收入不超过4,400元 (或人均月收入不超过1,100元) 且就读自主学校的符合资格低收入家庭学生?

陈振声 教育部长) :"提升奖学金" (UPLIFT Scholarship) 旨在表彰来自低收入家庭的新加坡学生,在自主学校 (IS) 及专科自主学校 (SIS) 取得的优异成绩。获奖资格要求学生必须是自主学校教育储蓄奖学金获得者,或通过直接招生计划入读上述学校。

除"提升奖学金"外,教育部为中低收入家庭的新加坡学生就读自主学校及专科自主学校提供经济援助。家庭月总收入不超过3,000新元 (或人均月收入不超过750新元) 的学生,可通过"自主学校教育储蓄奖学金"获得全额学费补贴,以及餐费、交通费、课本与校服津贴。家庭月总收入介于3,001至4,400新元的学生,可获高额学费补贴,仅需支付与政府学校同等的学费。



Mr Patrick Tay Teck Guan asked the Minister for Education whether the Ministry will consider expanding the UPLIFT Scholarship to all lower-income students admitted to independent schools whose families meet the eligibility criteria of $4,400 or less monthly gross household income or $1,100 or less monthly per capita income, instead of limiting the scholarship only to those lower-income students admitted to independent schools through Direct School Admissions (DSA) or who have qualified for the Edusave Scholarships for Independent Schools (ESIS).

Mr Chan Chun Sing : The UPLIFT Scholarship recognises the outstanding achievements of Singaporean students from lower-income families in Independent Schools (IS) and Specialised Independent Schools (SIS). To be eligible for the scholarship, students must be recipients of the Edusave Scholarship for Independent Schools, or admitted to IS/SISes through Direct School Admissions.

Besides the UPLIFT Scholarship, the Ministry of Education (MOE) provides financial assistance to Singaporean students from lower-to-middle income households in IS/SISes. Students from families with a monthly gross household income of $3,000 or less, or per capita income of $750 or less, receive 100% subsidies in their fees through the Independent School Bursary, and also receive meal and transport subsidies, as well as free textbooks and school attire. Students from families with gross household income of $3,001 to $4,400 receive significant subsidies on their fees such that they only need to pay the same fees as students in Government schools.

The current arrangement allows us to preserve the objectives of the UPLIFT scholarship while ensuring that all lower-income students studying in Independent Schools can have access to substantial financial assistance. MOE reviews our financial assistance schemes regularly to support deserving Singaporean students in their education journey, so that all students can access education opportunities regardless of their backgrounds.


CF丨 编审







