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医药大世界  · 公众号  · 药品  · 2017-06-07 17:57


Size, Shape, and Other Physical Attributes of Generic

Tablets and Capsules

Guidance for Industry [1]

This  guidance represents the current thinking of the Food and Drug Administration  (FDA or Agency) on this topic.  It does  not create any rights for any person and is not binding on FDA or the public.  You can use an alternative approach if it  satisfies the requirements of the applicable statutes and regulations.  To discuss an alternative approach, contact  the FDA staff responsible for this guidance as listed on the title page.

Tablets and capsules are widely manufacturedand prescribed and may provide a number of advantages over other dosage forms,including ease of storage, portability, ease of administration, and accuracy indosing.


While generic formulations of these drug productsare required to be both pharmaceutically and therapeutically equivalent to areference listed drug (RLD),2 we are concerned thatdifferences in physical characteristics (e.g., size and shape of the tablet or capsule)may affect patient compliance and acceptability of medication regimens or couldlead to medication errors. We believe these patient safety concerns are important,and we are recommending that generic drug manufacturers consider physical attributeswhen they develop quality target product profiles(QTPPs) for their generic productcandidates.


The recommendations in this guidance apply toabbreviated new drug applications (ANDAs) and their supplements for additionalstrengths that are submitted to the Office of Generic Drugs (OGD).


This guidance does not apply to approved ANDAs(generic drugs) already on the market.3However, if theAgency determines that an approved product should be modified because the size orshape of a product poses a risk to public health, we will notify the holder of the ANDA.

本指南不适用于已上市的仿制药申请。然而,如果FDA确定对已批准药品因产品的大小或形状对人民健康表现出风险而需要变更时,我们会通知ANDA持有人 [1]

This guidance is not intended to apply toother oral dosage forms (e.g., chewable tablets, oral tablets for suspension/solution,orally disintegrating tablets, sublingual tablets, troches, gums).


In general, FDA’s guidance documents do notestablish legally enforceable responsibilities. Instead, guidances describe theAgency’s current thinking on a topic and should be viewed only as recommendations,unless specific regulatory or statutory requirements are cited. The use of theword should in Agency guidances means that something is suggested or recommended,but not required.



A. Differences in Size and Shape of Tablets and Capsules between a ReferenceListed Drug and a Drug Product Subject to an Abbreviated New Drug Application

A. 仿制药申请中的目标片剂和胶囊剂与原研片剂和胶囊剂之间的大小和形状差异 [2]

1. Size 大小

Difficulty swallowing tablets and capsules canbe a problem for many individuals and can lead to a variety of adverse events andpatient noncompliance with treatment regimens.  It is estimated that over 16 million people inthe United States have some difficulty swallowing, also known as dysphagia.4,5   Forthese individuals, swallowing a tablet or a capsule can be particularly challenging.  A survey of adults on difficulties swallowingtablets and capsules suggests that this problem goes well beyond the patientpopulation with clinically recognized dysphagia and may affect as many as 40 percentof Americans. Of those who experience difficulty swallowing medications, lessthan a quarter discuss the problem with a health care professional, 8 percent admitto skipping a dose of prescribed medication, and 4 percent have discontinued therapybecause the tablets and/or capsules were difficult to swallow.6   Individuals who find it difficult to swallowtablets and capsules frequently cite the size as the main reason for the difficultyin swallowing.7,8


Size and shape of tablets and capsules affectthe transit of the product through the pharynx and esophagus and may directly affecta patient’s ability to swallow a particular drug product.  Larger tablets and capsules have been shown tohave a prolonged esophageal transit time. This can lead to disintegration of the product in the esophagus and/or causeinjury to the esophagus, resulting in pain and localized esophagitis and the potentialfor serious sequelae including ulceration, stricture, and perforation.9,10   Otheradverse events such as pain, gagging, choking, and aspiration are related to swallowingdifficulties in the oropharyngeal phase of swallowing and increasingly occur atlarger tablet and capsule sizes.11,12


Studies in adults evaluating the effect of tabletand capsule size on ease of swallowing suggest that increases in size are associatedwith increases in patient complaints related to swallowing difficulties at tabletsizes greater than approximately 8 mm in diameter.13,14,15   Thesize of the tablet or capsule influences esophageal transit, irrespective of patientfactors and administration techniques (i.e., use of fluids, patient position).  Smaller tablets generally have been shown to havesignificantly faster transit times in these studies. Channer and Virjee specificallycompared the transit time of 8 mm diameter round tablets to 11 mm diameter roundtablets and 14 mm x 9 mm oval tablets and found the transit times for the 8 mm roundtablet to be significantly shorter than for 11 mm round and 14 mm x 9 mm oval tablets(p<.02 and="" p="" respectively="" significantly="" more="" patients="" were="" aware="" of="" the="" larger="" round="" tablets="">8mm) sticking in the esophagus compared with the 8 mm round tablets.17   Although there has been less research quantifyingthe effects of size difference on the oropharyngeal phase of swallowing, increasingtablet or capsule size is believed to correlate with increasing difficulty withoropharyngeal transfer.

一项有关片剂和胶囊的大小对成人吞咽容易程度影响的研究显示,当片剂的尺寸超过直径8mm时,与吞咽困难相关的患者投诉随片剂的增大而增加。在不考虑患者因素和给药技术(如液体的使用和服药的姿势)的前提下,片剂和胶囊剂的大小影响药品在食道的转移。较小的药片在这些研究中一般表现出较短的通过时间。Channer 和 Virjee 专门比较了直径8mm与直径11mm圆片和14 mm x 9 mm椭圆片在食道的通过时间,结果发现,直径8mm的圆片在食道的通过时间显著地少于直径11mm圆片和14 mm x 9 mm椭圆片的通过时间(p<.02 p="">8 mm)有“卡住”感觉的患者显著性多于服用直径8mm圆片的患者。尽管很少有量化大小对吞咽困难影响的研究,但是增加片剂或胶囊大小将会增大食道转移的难度。

2  Shape 形状

For any given size, certain shapes may be easierto swallow than others.  In vitro studiessuggest that flat tablets have greater adherence to the esophagus than capsule-shapedtablets.18   Studies in humans have also suggested thatoval tablets may be easier to swallow and have faster esophageal transit timesthan round tablets of the same weight.19,20Patient compliance with medication regimens may be influencedby the size and shape of a tablet or capsule.


[3] 3. Patient Factors 患者因素

The Agency recognizes that a variety ofother factors may affect a patient’s ability to swallow a tablet or a capsule.  For example, age could be a factor. Childrenand adolescents, as well as the elderly, are more likely to have difficultyswallowing tablets or capsules.  Bodyposition, fluid intake, and the presence of certain medical conditions (e.g.,multiple sclerosis, muscular dystrophy, Parkinson's disease) may also affect apatient’s ability to swallow tablets and capsules.


Although not all patient factors can be addressedthrough pharmaceutical design and manufacture, the physical characteristics of aproduct can be addressed. These physical characteristics influence the ability ofcertain patients to swallow the product, particularly in vulnerable populations. We believe that tablets and capsules canbe effectively developed and manufactured to minimize swallowing difficulties, whichcan encourage and improve patient compliance with medication regimens.  FDA recommends that applicants design and developgeneric drugs with this in mind.


B. Othere Physical Attribute Considerations 其他物理特性的考虑

The presence and composition of a coating canalso potentially affect the ease of swallowing tablets or capsules.  The lack of a film coating can decrease or preventtablet mobility compared with a coated tablet of the same size and shape. Coatingalso can affect other factors that contribute to patient acceptance, such as palatabilityand smell.


The weight of the tablet or capsule also mayaffect transit time, with heavier tablets or capsules having faster transit timescompared to similarly-sized, lighter tablets or capsules. Surface area, disintegrationtime, and propensity for swelling when swallowed are additional parameters thatcan influence esophageal transit time and have the potential to affect the performanceof the drug product for its intended use. These physical attributes should also be considered when developing a QTPPfor generic drug products intended to be swallowed intact.



The recommendations in this guidance are basedon published literature regarding patient experiences swallowing tablets and capsulesand Agency experience with NDAs and ANDAs submitted for oral tablets and capsules.If a tablet or capsule intended to be swallowed intact differs from the criteriarecommended in this guidance document, then the applicant should contact OGD withsupportive information and justification before establishing the QTPP.


Size 大小

For comparable ease of swallowing as well aspatient acceptance and compliance with treatment regimens, the Agency recommendsthat generic oral tablets and capsules intended to be swallowed intact should beof a similar size to the corresponding RLD. The Agency recommends limiting sizedifferences between therapeutically equivalent tablets as follows:


If the RLD is less than 17 mm in itslargest dimension,21 the generic product should be:


No more than 20 percent larger than the RLDin any single dimension (the resulting single dimension of the generic shouldnot exceed 17 mm).


No more than 40 percent larger than thevolume of the RLD


If the RLD is equal to or greater than 17mm in its largest dimension, the generic product should be:


No larger than the RLD in any singledimension.


No larger than the volume of the RLD.


We recommend that the largest dimension ofa tablet or capsule should not exceed 22 mm and that capsules should not exceeda standard 00 size.23


Additional flexibility may be given for productsthat are 8 mm or smaller in their largest dimension, but efforts should be madeto develop tablets and capsules that are of a similar size and shape to the RLD.


Under the standard capsule size convention,the allowances described above will generally allow an increase of one capsule size,when the RLD capsule is of size 3 or smaller. When the RLD capsule is of size 2or larger, an increase of one capsule size should only be considered when adequatejustification can be provided for the size increase. These recommendations wouldallow an increase of one capsule size when the capsule size is less than capsulesize 00.


The Agency recognizes that two drug productsmay have different recommended upper size limits, but size should be consideredas part of a single product risk/benefit profile. When establishing therapeuticequivalence, the applicant should compare their generic product only to the RLD.

