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设计联  · 公众号  · 设计  · 2019-07-29 17:58




Openness, Scenario, Interactivity


Fragmentation and diversification of information, elimination of authority, raising value of personal discourse, etc. The widely application of digital media aroused a new revolutionary among the traditional offline terminal market. The change of marketing status determines the change of physical space.


Mornfasion is a female dress design and production enterprise rooted in Guangzhou, for nearly 20 years. How to break through the thought pattern of habitual clothing enterprise, and to bring innovative design into the new office space?


When the space returns to the spiritual concerns, it’s the sense of space character itself. Designers put forward to create a "opening, contextualized and interacting" new office space, which meets the future development direction of Mornfasion “Beyond the clothing field and embrace the variety of life style”. Thus, Mornfasion commission “Alternability Design” to bring bold transformation to the new office space.


The new office is located on the ground floor of the park, having the advantage of the geographical location connecting the outside. The designers cleverly changed the regular size of doorways and windows: 3X3X3 meters large golden stainless steel door protruding from the outside wall, suspended and floating on the concrete floor of front yard.


Inappropriate, curiosity

经验是个好东西也是一个坏东西 好奇心是一切设计艺术的由来。打破日常经验教条里固有思维禁锢,创造一种“不合时宜”的视觉引爆点,是打造场景性与外向空间的核心出发点。

Every coin has two sides, so as experience. Curiosity is the source of inspiration. Surpass the boundary of empiricism to create an ‘inappropriate’ visual tipping point, is the key of embodied nature scenes and extroverted space.


Basic geometric form is used in space design to keep the office simple and clear.


The T-shape corridor with Golden Pure stainless steel veneer directly connects with the box door. This simple design responding to the surrounding “scenario”, become the guidance of the space, and formed a clear circulation.








1. 建议将经过的户外停车场区域3个车位一并承租,该区域由原来30平方通道,变为接近70平方的户外花园;最重要解决近入大门时经过停车区的极差体验。 2. 与物业沟通,调整1号楼的大门出入口。设计上确保进入花园区域的独有性。 3. 在侧门原有飘蓬结构下,打通原有墙,将室内面积拓展多出30平方办公区域。为室内空间和侧门造型的设计改造提供更多可能性。 4. 建议在制版区利用一楼的层高,搭出一个35平方的钢结构二层作为货品放置仓库。至此,在梳理优化空间后,原有空间基础多设计出100平方左右使用面积。


Dissolution, Deconstruction and interaction

消解杂碍柱子,梳理功能、动线,结合采光通风铺设空间体块,进而用数理逻辑、基准线等,建立空间秩序。至此,空间的骨架昭然若揭。 由骨架到表皮,最后解构企业文化,消解单调,消解焦虑,铸入企业信心与精神文化。

Eliminated the interference columns, sorted out the relation between function and circulation, placed the massing according to natural lighting and ventilation, so as to establish the space order with baseline and mathematical logic. Now, the spatial skeleton is clear. From skeleton to the skin, and to deconstruct the company culture, the design eliminates anxiety, reflecting confidence and spiritual culture of the company in the physical space.


Traditional checker office space is devoid of human nature, however, fully open office space gives a feeling of a factory assembly line. Things always go from one extreme to another. Balance is appreciated.


Sorted out the workflow relationship between things and people, the public office area finally adopted the space partition of "semi-open by work group". Except financial office and boss’s office, there are no doors or other physical isolation between different groups, thus the scattered space could be utilized rhythmically, achieve the aim of keeping opening and ensuring privacy at the same time. Accurately balanced psychological senses and efficiency of office workers.


Signage system coordinated with the overall minimalist space design language, the corridor space coordinated with the cultural context of the company, creates an inspiring space with pleasant atmosphere.


For the display area, the designer creates a brand stores way which hides the hanger for implant fixation. In addition to the display function, it is convenient to communicate with customers during the meeting or live broadcasting.

Ellen.Fu在创立明日风尚时默默地在传统的服装领域奋斗近18年。设计师将明日风尚旗下女装子品牌SMILEGIRL巧妙植入空间,变身SMILEGIRL CLUB。与时尚杂志书架结合,可供直播或场景拍摄同时,又达到休闲、或站立办公多重需求。

Before establishing Mornfasion , Ellen.Fu has been working in the field of traditional clothing for nearly 18 years. The designer puts SMILEGIRL, the women's clothing sub-brand of Mornfasion , into the office space and turn it SMILEGIRL CLUB, which combined with the shelves of fashion magazines. It can be used for live broadcast or scene shooting at the same time, and meet multiple needs such as leisure use or standing office.

空间软装的陈设部分挑选经典的法国家具品牌ligne roset的PLOUM 蓝色沙发等系列,与蓝色吧台、过道,形成空间的视觉记忆点。

For the furnishings and soft decoration, PLOUM blue sofa and other series of classic French furniture brand ligneroset are selected to form a visual memory point of space with blue bar and corridor.

▼ 立面图,elevation



Project Information

项目名称 | 明日风尚服饰办公空间设计

项目地点 | 广州,海珠

项目面积 | 500平方米

完工时间 | 2018年9月

设计公司 | 另奕可能

主案设计 | 王晗文

施工图制图 | XJX

施工单位 | 玮度装饰

施工负责人 | 姚康军

主要材料 | 水磨石、不锈钢、橡木饰面、透光玻璃、钢结构、铝板

主要品牌/供应厂商 | 三晖不锈钢厂、优合办公家具、奕居生活、本土创造等

摄影 | 卜俊华、王晗文
