“宁德时代新能源科技股份有限公司是全球领先的新能源创新科技公司,致力于为全球新能源应用提供一流解决方案和服务。现根据发展需求招聘专利经理(化学方向)、高级专利工程师(机械/电学/化学)等职位。”提示:“聘”栏目为四二六人才平台(426.cn)【人力资源服务许可证编号:(粤)人服证字(2022)第0112005723号】,针对于企事业单位、服务机构、律师事务所开辟的知识产权人才专栏,如果您有招聘需求,可将招聘需求发送至[email protected]。1.化学领域IP竞争力建设,包括高价值专利包布局及武器专利打造。负责武器专利的识别和评审;2.化学领域风险应对及创新支持,包括专利情报分析与应对、专利风险预警及应对;3.重大项目专利包强化、核心专利撰写/撰写过程把控,确保撰写质量;4.协助负责人负责组织能力建设,包括面向年研发人员/IPR的培训,提升特定对象的IP意识和技能。
Overseas Position— Senior Patent Manager
Work Location: Munich, Germany
1.Responsible for the management and capacity building of the CATL European IP team;2.Developing European Litigation & Licensing strategies, assisting the headquarter IP in European disputes & licensing projects;3.Building and maintaining the European IP Resource Pool;4.Assisting with patent prosecution and patent quality control in Europe.
1.bachelor's degree or higher in chemical/mechanical or electrical background, qualified as a European patent attorney, English as the working language;2.10 years or more patent practice experience, having the working experience of IP head in the world's top 500 companies, or partners/senior patent attorneys in US /European law firms, or long-term study/work abroad;3.familiar with European patent law and highly experienced in patent application practice;4.experienced in major patent litigations, preferably experienced in patent license negotiations;5.honesty, strong communication and coordination skills, strong self-motivation, and good at using various resources to achieve work goals.
Overseas Position—Patent Manager
Work Location: Munich, Germany
1.Supporting the company's license negotiations and implementation in Europe;2.Developing European IP litigation strategies and handling dispute cases;3.Studying European patent law regulations and developing corresponding operation guidelines;4.Assisting with patent prosecution and patent quality control in Europe.1.bachelor's degree or higher in chemical/mechanical or electrical background, qualified as a European patent attorney, English as the working language;2.8 years or more patent practice experience, having the working experience in world's top 500 companies or in European/ US law firms, or study/work abroad;3.familiar with European patent law and experienced in patent application practice;4.experienced in patent litigation, preferably experienced in patent license negotiation;5.honesty, strong communication and coordination skills, strong self-motivation.
Overseas Position—Senior Patent Engineer
Work Location: Munich, Germany1.Studying of European patent law regulations and developing corresponding operation guidelines;2.Development and implementation of European patent prosecution strategies;3.Assisting in managing European dispute & licensing projects;4.Assisting with patent prosecution and patent quality control in Europe.1.bachelor's degree or higher in chemical/mechanical/or electrical background, qualified as a European patent attorney, English as the working language,2.3 years or more patent practice experience, having working experience in large enterprises or European/US law firms, or study/work abroad;3.familiar with European patent law and experienced in patent application practice;4.honesty, strong communication and coordination skills, strong self-motivation.
宁德时代新能源科技股份有限公司是全球领先的新能源创新科技公司,致力于为全球新能源应用提供一流解决方案和服务。2018年6月,公司于深圳证券交易所上市,股票代码300750。根据SNE Research数据统计,宁德时代动力电池使用量连续6年排名全球第一,2023年,宁德时代营收4009亿元,同比增长22.01%,净利润441亿元。根据SNE Research数据统计,宁德时代动力电池使用量连续七年全球第一,全球市占率37%。储能电池出货量连续三年全球第一,全球市占率43.4%。宁德时代知识产权部作为新能源行业自主知识产权的先行者,全面管理和落实宁德时代知识产权战略规划、布局、运营、许可和诉讼。截至目前,管理专利成果超4.1万件,且荣获国家知识产权示范企业、中国专利奖、欧洲发明家奖等多项荣誉。
简历投递:[email protected]
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