1.区域协调发展coordinated regional development
2.新型城镇化战略new urbanization strategies
3.新的增长极增长带加快成长we have seen new growth poles and belts developing faster
4.积极推京津冀协同发展actively pursue coordinated development of Beijing, Tianjin, and Hebei
5.长江经济带the Yangtze Economic Belt
6.建设一批重点项目undertake a number of key projects
7.出台一系列改革创新举措unveil a whole series of reforms and innovative measures
8.革命老区old revolutionary base areas
9.民族地区areas with large ethnic minority populations
10.边疆地区border areas
11.加强援藏援疆援青工作strengthen aid work in Tibet, Xinjiang, and Qinghai
12.重点城市群major city clusters
13.放宽落户限制ease restrictions on permanent residency
14.居住证制度a residence card system
15.常住人口permanent residents
16.高标准农田high-standard cropland
17.高效节水灌溉efficient water-saving irrigation
18.小农户small agricultural households
19.集体产权collective property rights
20.集体林权collective forest tenure
21.充满生机活力be full of life and dynamism
22.新建改建农村公路20万公里build or upgrade 200,000 kilometers of rural roads
23.促进农村移风易俗encourage a shift away from outdated social practices
24.德治rule of virtue
25.坚持走中国特色社会主义乡村振兴道路continue to pursue a Chinese path to socialist rural revitalization