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李 亚|说“桥”——论晚清江南丝竹古曲《肆合》的形态演变

中国音乐ChineseMusic  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-08-13 10:00



李 亚


摘     要 : “四合”作为江南丝竹音乐形态构成最为重要的部分,它在乐种发展的过程中,因流传地域、乐社、乐人、传承等各方面的因素,形成了既有共性又富于个性的诸般面貌。可惜,这首结构极为庞杂且极具艺术价值的江南丝竹联套乐曲,在当下却濒临失传,很难在如今民间乐社的活态传承中找到该曲的音响样本和表演信息。因此,笔者着意从历史谱本中寻其真意,通过存世的工尺曲谱及民间工尺传抄材料,尝试厘清《肆合》《清音》《苏乔》《四合如意》《行街四合》等乐曲间的内在关系,一方面探究不同时期同名乐曲及异名同曲的原型关联与形态差异,以此勾勒“四合”曲调系统在江南丝竹百年历史过程中的形态演变史;另一方面则试图从这首江南丝竹最为重要的套曲中发现并阐释我国传统丝竹器乐曲的乐思发展与结构逻辑。
关键词 : 晚清;工尺谱;江南丝竹;《四合如意》;《桥》
中图分类号 : J613.4 文献标识码 : A
文章编号 : 1002-9923(2024)04-0097-13
DOI: 10.13812/j.cnki.cn11-1379/j.2024.04.011
作者简介: 李 亚(1986—  ), 女,汉族,博士,上海师范大学音乐学院副教授。
基金项目: 本文为2019年度国家社会科学基金艺术学青年项目“晚清至民国丝竹工尺谱本整理与研究”(项目编号:19CD175)的阶段成果。

Read "Bridge": On the Evolution of the Form of Late Qing Jiangnan Silk and Bamboo Ancient Melody Sihe

○Li Ya

Abstract: As the most crucial component of the musical form in Jiangnan silk and bamboo music, Sihe has assumed various appearances that are both characteristic and individualistic due to factors such as regional transmission, musical societies, musicians, and heritage throughout the development of this genre. Unfortunately, this highly complex and artistically valuable suite of Jiangnan silk and bamboo ensemble music is currently on the brink of being lost, making it difficult to find audio samples and performance information for this composition in the vibrant folk music community today. Therefore, the author endeavors to explore its true essence from historical scores, attempting to clarify the inherent relationships among melodies such as Sihe , Qingyin , Suqiao , Sihe Ruyi , and Xingjie Sihe through surviving gongche scores and folk gongche transcriptions. This research aims to investigate the prototype associations and formal differences between melodies of the same name from different periods and melodies with different names but the same tune, thereby delineating the historical evolution of the Sihe tune series over a century of Jiangnan silk and bamboo music history.  Furthermore, this study seeks to discover and expound upon the development of musical ideas and structural logic in traditional Chinese silk and bamboo instrumental music through analysis of this most important suite of Jiangnan silk and bamboo compositions.
Keywords: Late Qing; Gongche Scores; Jiangnan Silk and Bamboo; Sihe Ruyi ; Bridge


《中国音乐》2024年 第4期




