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【微观美国】英语social, 如何聊出质量?|第32期

考研英语时事阅读  · 公众号  · 考研  · 2016-12-13 05:10






节目音乐:Have you met Miss Jones? by Robbie Williams

Run out of topics?


Do you run out of things to talk about or always talk about superficial topics?



  • Daily learning (日常累积):英语+文化

  • Practical approach (实际步骤):选择切入点+适当扩展

How do you strike up conversations naturally with people whom you just met? 如何跟刚认识的人自然地开启话题?


  • strike up a conversation: 开始聊天,通用词

  • hookup: 搭讪

Keep it natural



Don't memorize fixed things to say to people: 不要像背稿子一样死记硬背

That's one of the reasons your conversations are very stale and limited. 那样的话,你聊的内容总是很老套、很局限

Learn a useful train of thought or flow of logic: 掌握一些实用的谈话逻辑

Jenny, Spencer先示范一下:

Assume we are at a social networking event and we don't know each other: 假设我们在一个社交场合,不认识彼此

Let's improv: 我们现场即兴演示一下


J: Hi, I'm Jenny. Nice to meet you!

S: Hey, how's it going? My name is Spencer. Where are you from?

J: I'm from Shanghai. What about you?

S: I come from the States, come from D.C. But I bounced around a bit over the past few years, so it's kind of hard to tell where I'm really from at this point.

J: I've been to the States almost ten times. But I've never been to DC, and I've always wanted to go.

S: You should check it out sometime. We've got a lot of cool stuff there. A lot of free museums are really fun to go to.

J: But I guess it's a bit crazy this time of the year, given all the election talks.

S: It's not as crazy as you may think it is. But if that guy, Trump, gets into the office, then all bets are off.


  • 初次见面,聊天很简单,从自己谈起!

Talk about yourself: who you're, where you're from;

但是别两句话结束, 多扩展一些.

Build on the conversation.

“What's your name?”



  • Introduce your name first.

  • And say"And you are?"


Hi, I'm Jenny, and you are?



Talk about the event, the immediate surroundings

Spencer's tip: I usually say something that has to do with the event.

Example: Someone just gave the speech. I might turn to somebody and say, "Hey, is it just me or did that speech make you wanna go to sleep, too?" 如果有人刚做了个演讲。我可能就会对某人说:“嘿,是只有我一个人觉得困还是刚才那个演讲让你也犯困?”

It's just a way to open up the conversation. I can just be joking. I like to start off with some sort of joke. 这就是一种开场的方式。我喜欢讲笑话。我喜欢用玩笑来开始对话。

If you don't have Spencer's sense of humor, just say: That was a great speech. 如果你没有Spencer的幽默,那么就说:那个演讲真不错!

Then the conversation naturally flows from there. 然后对话就自然发展下去啦。


除了 "What's your job?",还有更多问法:

如果你已经知道对方工作的行业(industry specific),可以这么问:

  • What company are you with?


  • What do you do for a living?

  • What kind of work do you do?


  • How long have been working at this company/in this industry?

  • How long have you been in that line of work?

  • How long have you been working in (industry)?

  • How long have you been working in marketing?

  • When did you start your own company?

  • Have you always been in education?

Tailor your questions to what they do: 按照对方的行业进行扩展

"Where are you from?"


Tie your conversation to the place he/she comes from.

Spencer's tip: People like to know that you're knowledgeable of where they come from. 人们喜欢你知道一些他家乡的事。

I can meet someone from practically any corner of the world. 我会遇到从世界各地来的人。

Some little tidbit or some little piece of information I can throw out at them. They will feel: Wow, you know where I'm from! 我说一点跟他们家乡有意思的小事情,他们都会觉得:哇,你知道那里!

It will lead to very interesting and meaningful exchange. 这会让对话变得有意思,而且有意义。


  • If you've been to where they're from or know something about the place, talk about that: 如果你去过那里,或者知道那里的特色,就可以谈谈


  • What is (where they're from) like? 你的家乡是怎么样的呀?

  • I've always wanted to go there but I haven't had the chance. Tell me more about it. 我总想去那儿,但一直没机会。你给我讲讲吧

  • In return, talk about your city. 反过来,你也可以讲讲你的城市


Wrap up a conversation gracefully

Another role play 再来演一下

S: It's been a real pleasure meeting you today. I hope to encounter you at another one of these events.

J: Likewise. Do you use WeChat?

S: That, I do. But I'm usually out of China. So when I'm out, I usually use WhatsApp. Do you have WhatsApp? I know we're a little behind with the WhatsApp. It's easier to contact me on there.

J: No, you have to get on WeChat, especially if you travel to China. It's great. In any case, I'm on LinkedIn, or we can exchange email.

S: Cool, why don't we just exchange email and maybe I'll get on that WeChat thing a bit in the future.

J: OK, sure. It's a pleasure meeting you and enjoy the rest of the evening.

S: Enjoy your stay here in Beijing.


1. 释放结束信号Signal

  • It's been really nice meeting you.

  • It's been a pleasure meeting you.

  • It's been very nice talking to you.

2. 交换联络方式 (exchange contact information)

  • Let's keep in touch.

  • Are you on WeChat?

  • Do you have a card?

3. 最后说 (Enjoy...)

Enjoy the rest of ________.

  • Enjoy the rest of the/your day.

  • Enjoy the rest of the/your stay.

  • Enjoy the rest of the/your evening.



  • You need to build up your English skills and culture understanding.累积英语能力和文化认知

  • We should be bilingual and bicultural. 不仅有双语能力,还有跨文化的理解

