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自然科学博物馆研究  · 公众号  ·  · 2019-11-29 17:39


2019 磐石·国际科技馆能力建设高级工作坊圆满结束
Successful Conclusion of 2019 · Panshi International Training Workshop on Capacity Building for Professionals of Science Centers and Museums

经过 7 天紧张而富有成效的学习研讨, 11 25 日, 2019 磐石·国际科技馆能力建设高级工作坊在中国科技馆举行结业仪式,圆满落幕。中国科协副主席、书记处书记孟庆海,中国自然科学博物馆学会理事长程东红,国际博物馆协会副主席、中国博物馆协会副理事长兼秘书长安来顺,中国科协党组成员、中国科技馆馆长、中国科技馆发展基金会理事长殷皓,中国科技馆党委书记、副馆长苏青,中国科技馆发展基金会秘书长初学基,澳大利亚驻华使馆工业、创新与科技处官员陈虹羽出席结业式。结业式由中国科技馆副馆长、中国自然科学博物馆学会副理事长兼秘书长欧建成主持。

After 7 days of intensive and effective studies and discussions, 2019 · Panshi International Training Workshop on Capacity Building for Professionals of Science Centers and Museums was successfully concluded in CSTM (China Science and Technology Museum) on November 25. Meng Qinghai, Vice President & Executive Secretary of CAST, Cheng Donghong, President of CANSM, An Laishun, Vice President of ICOM and Vice President & Secretary-general of CMA, Yin Hao, Member of the Leading Party Members' Group of CAST, President of the Foundation for the Development of Science and Technology Museums in China and Curator of CSTM, Su Qing, Party Secretary and Deputy Curator of CSTM, Chu Xueji, Secretary-general of the Foundation for the Development of Science and Technology Museums in China, and Chen Hongyu, Official from the Department of Industry, Innovation and Technology, Australian Embassy in China attended the graduation ceremony. Ou Jiancheng, Deputy Curator of CSTM, Vice President and Secretary-general of CANSM presided over the closing ceremony.

澳大利亚国家科技馆科学与学习中心主任博比•赛瑞妮,法国环球科学城科学传播和教育主任安东尼奥•戈梅斯•达•科斯塔,美国波士顿儿童博物馆 STEM 教育项目主管米歇尔•罗斯•狄乐苏,以及加拿大科技博物馆前馆长、高级工作坊国际协调人克劳德·福贝尔等 4 位国际教师及中外学员代表先后致辞,对主办方中国科技馆、中国科技馆发展基金会和国际博协科技博物馆专业委员会( ICOM-CIMUSET )为促进世界科普场馆之间的交流合作所做努力和工作坊的精心组织表示感谢。

Four international lecturers, including Dr. Bobby Cerini, Deputy Director and General Manager of Science and Learning at the Questacon—The National Science and Technology Centre of Australia, Antonio Gomes da Costa, Director of Science Mediation and Education at Universcience, Michelle Rose Diieso, STEAM Program Manager at Boston Children’s Museum, U.S.A., and Claude Faubert, Coordinator of Advanced Workshop, as well as trainees both at home and abroad successively presented speeches, showing their gratitude to the efforts made by the organizers of CSTM, the Foundation for the Development of Science and Technology Museums in China and ICOM-CIMUSET for their promotion of exchanges and cooperation among popular science venues around the world and meticulous organizations of this Workshop.


Subsequently, Vice President Meng Qinghai, President Cheng Donghong, Vice President An Laishun, Party Secretary Su Qing and Secretary-general Chu Xueji issued graduation certificates to trainees respectively. President Yin Hao issued the donation certificate to the annual strategic partner of Hefei Panshi Automation Technology Co., Ltd.


Vice President An Laishun expressed sincere congratulations on the smooth holding and perfect closing of this Workshop. He stressed that CANSM firmly supports Chinese museums to go global, strengthen international exchanges and cooperation, tell Chinese stories well and spread Chinese culture. He also hoped that Workshop would become a model for further promoting exchanges and cooperation, resource sharing and project co-building among science & technology museums.


As pointed out by Director Yin Hao, the world today is in a state of unprecedented changes in a century, and the international community has reached a consensus that only by constantly improving the science literacy among the public can we meet the common challenges of mankind, better safeguard science and technology and promote the social well-being. The construction of modern science and technology museum system with Chinese characteristics is exactly the important content of China's supporting governance system of social science and technology. The original intention of holding this Advanced Workshop on Capacity Building of International Science Centers and Museums is to take this opportunity to exchange ideas, learn from each other's experience in the development of science and technology museums in different countries and regions, build the science and technology museum system with a world pattern, and make a beneficial attempt to promote the science literacy among the world public.


On behalf of the organizers, Director Yin Hao also expressed his gratitude to the strong supports from CMA, CANSM and other organizations, the professional dedication and hard work of international lecturers, active participation of all Chinese and foreign trainees, and the generous sponsorship of Hefei Panshi.

此次高级工作坊以“面向未来的 STEM 教育:科技馆教育项目开发”为主题,来自世界 15 个国家及中国 15 个省区市科普场馆的 39 名学员齐聚中国科技馆,聚焦科技馆 STEM 教育方面的各个环节——教育活动的开发推广、辅导员培训、馆校合作等方面,通过分组讨论、团队建设、师生沙龙、参观体验等形式,让各位学员在项目式学习中开阔视野、提升能力、加强合作,增进了彼此的交流和互动,结下了深厚友谊。学员们纷纷表示此行受益匪浅,未来将把所学所获充分运用于工作实践中,为各自所在科技馆的能力建设做出新的贡献。

This Advanced Workshop themed on "The Future of STEM: Developing Learning Programs in Science Centers and Museums", and 39 trainees from popular science venues in 15 countries and 15 provinces, cities and autonomous regionsin China gathered at CSTM, focusing on each and every session of STEM educationin science centers and museums, i.e. development and promotion of educational activities, instructor training, museum-school cooperation and other aspects. Through group discussions, team building, teachers-students salon, visiting experience and other forms, all trainees have broadened their horizons,improved their abilities, enhanced their cooperation, enhanced their communication and interaction, and forged a deep friendship in theproject-based learning. Trainees subsequently said that they had benefited greatly from this Workshop and they would make full use of what they had learned and put them in their work practices in the days to come and make new contributions to the capacity-building of their respective science and technology museums.
