专栏名称: Kallanish国际钢铁资讯
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Kallanish国际钢铁资讯  · 公众号  ·  · 2020-10-15 13:49


独联体方坯出口贸易仍处于平衡状态,相对较低的需求水平与同样有限的现有供应相匹配。市场人士告诉 Kallanish (开阑商务信息咨询),这为贸易商的参与创造了一定的市场真空,抑制了建立未来方向所需的动力。

CIS billet export trade remains in the balance, with relatively low levels of demand matching an equally moderate amount of available supply. This creates a certainvacuum in the market for the involvement of traders, and stifles much needed momentum to establish future direction, market participants tell Kallanish .

由于市场上的 11 月方坯“……不多”,卖家的报价仍在 410-415 美元 / fob 黑海,因钢厂和船期而异。但需求仍在更低的 400 美元 / fob ,包括中国在内,促使卖家接受并完成 11 月和 12 月大部分产品的交易,达成少数传统的大宗交易。这使得中国以外的贸易渠道缺少供应。

With "…not so much" November-casting billet volumes left in the market, sellers'offers remain at $410-415/tonne fob Black Sea, depending on the mill andloading schedule. But demand remains at a much lower $400/t fob, although itincludes China, stoking the opportunity for sellers to accept and closeNovember and most December volumes with a few traditionally large sales. Thisleaves non-China trading channels without material.

由于中国对方坯的需求本月仍有增长潜力,在当前价格水平上可能会有所改善。一位贸易商表示,这也是卖家保持报价坚挺并等待的另一个原因。 Kallanish 获悉,一家越南钢厂已经实现 445 美元 / cfr 中国的价格,但与独联体材料相比,越南方坯享有 2% 的关税优势。

As China's appetite for billet is assessed as still having potential to grow this month,there may even be an improvement on current price levels. This is another reason why sellers are keeping offers firm and waiting, a trader says. Already,$445/t cfr China has been achieved by a Vietnamese mill, although this material has a 2% duty advantage over CIS material, Kallanish notes.

贸易商称,南美对包括方坯在内的各种产品的需求也很旺盛。上周晚些时候,达成一笔 3.5 万吨土耳其高碳 60 级(高碳和高锰含量)方坯的直接交易,实际价格为 411 美元 / fob 土耳其。本周,一位贸易商以类似价格购买了 1 万吨土耳其方坯,供应非洲。

Vibrant demandis coming from South America also, traders say, for various products, includingbillet. A 35,000-tonne Turkish high-carbon grade-60 (high carbon andmanganese content) billet direct sale at an effective price of $411/t fobTurkey was concluded late last week. Another similarly priced 10,000t lot ofTurkish billet was bought by a trader for Africa this week.


There are other supporting factors for Black Sea billet appearing, such as recovering Turkish import scrap prices, firm Russian domestic scrap prices and strong longproducts demand in Russia. The latter limits supply to the market by keepingseasonal sellers away from the already scarce market, as they continue tore-roll billet, which could be marketed for export, into rebar for domesticmarket. Several sources expect a mild winter also, with the extended construction season keeping long products demand propped up.
