Q: What should I never do or say in Australia?
Paul Hannah:
You should never act or speak as if anyone is any better than anyone else. We have a culture that is egalitarian to the core.
You should never try to copy the Australian accent.
Never, ever, ever try to say ‘G’day’, you’ll get it wrong and someone might think you are making fun of us.
When you have finished drinking a beer at a bar, never turn your glass upside down, it is a challenge to fight anyone and everyone in the pub. If you see someone doing that, run.
Avoid pubs that have the furniture bolted to the floor. This is done to stop patrons throwing chairs and tables at each other.
If you are male and alone or with another man, never get into the back seat of a taxi. You are implicitly saying you are better than the driver. If you are female, sit where you like.
If you are invited to a party and asked to bring a plate, it is expected that the plate you bring will have food on it to share with everyone else.
Bring beer.
Tipping is appreciated but not usually expected.
Don’t dress up too much. This is a picture of Australians voting: