专栏名称: Kallanish国际钢铁资讯
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Kallanish国际钢铁资讯  · 公众号  ·  · 2020-11-20 10:26


Kallanish (开阑商务信息咨询)报道,过去一周,东亚长材进口市场强劲上涨。中国国内需求旺盛和废钢价格居高,对价格上涨和市场情绪走强构成支撑。

East Asianlong product import markets rose strongly over the past week, Kallanish notes.Buoyant Chinese domestic demand and the strong run-up in scrap aresupporting the uptick and stronger market sentiment.

马尼拉市场上,盘条价格连续第二周上涨约 20 美元 / 吨。目前,马来西亚高炉盘条报价为 545 美元 / cfr ,中国盘条报价为 565 美元 / cfr

Wire rodprices rose by around $20/tonne for the second consecutive week in Manila.Malaysian blast furnace wire rod is now offered at $545/t cfr, andthat from China at $565/t cfr.

不过,一些人认为,市场走强只是因为报价较高。一位中国贸易商说,一家中国主流钢厂的盘条报价已经达到 570 美元 / fob 中国。一位越南贸易商称,越南感应炉盘条报价为 550 美元 / fob 越南。从中国和越南到马尼拉的运费估计分别约为 25 美元 / 吨和 20 美元 / 吨。

Some,however, believe the market is stronger only because of higher-pricedoffers. A leading Chinese mill is already offering wire rod at $570/t fobChina, says a Chinese trader. A Vietnamese trader says induction furnaceVietnamese wire rod was offered at $550/t fob Vietnam. Freight to Manila fromChina and Vietnam is estimated at around $25/t and $20/t respectively.

菲律宾贸易人士称,本周初达成一宗 2,000 吨的中国盘条交易, 1 月船期,价格为 555-560 美元 / cfr 马尼拉。一位贸易商称,买方为这批货物支付高价是因为,这批货物来自一家受青睐的中国钢厂,是用于精细拉丝的低碳材料。 Kallanish SAE 1008 6.5mm 直径盘条的估价为 540-545 美元 / cfr 马尼拉,周环比上涨 25 美元 / 吨。

There was a2,000-tonne booking of Chinese wire rod for January shipment at $555-560/t cfrManila early this week, Philippine trading sources report. The buyer booked thecargo at a premium because it is from a preferred Chinese mill and islow-carbon material for fine wire-drawing, a trader says. Kallanish assessedSAE 1008 6.5mm diameter wire rod at $540-545/t cfr Manila, up $25/t on-week.

同时,新加坡和香港的螺纹钢进口市场也大幅上涨,供应商的报价同样上涨 20 美元 / 吨。

Meanwhile,rebar import markets in Singapore and Hong Kong are also surging. Offers fromsuppliers have similarly risen by $20/t.

在新加坡市场上,土耳其螺纹钢报价为 505 美元 / cfr 理重。买方人士证实,最近的土耳其螺纹钢交易价格为 485 美元 / cfr 新加坡。中国原产螺纹钢价格也已跳涨,一些钢厂表示,对 1 月船期的目标价格在 565 美元 / cfr 。一位新加坡贸易商表示,买家的还盘仍在 500 美元 / cfr 以下。他指出,新加坡的建筑活动已接近疫情之前的水平。

InSingapore, offers for Turkish theoretical-weight rebar are heard at $505/t cfr.A recent booking of Turkish rebar was confirmed by buying sources at $485/t cfrSingapore. China-origin rebar prices have also jumped, with some millsindicating a target price for January shipment at $565/t cfr. Buyers arestill bidding at under $500/t cfr, a Singapore trader says. He notes thatconstruction activities in Singapore are close to pre-Covid-19 levels.

在香港市场上,土耳其螺纹钢报价为 515 美元 / cfr 实重。“目前还没有接受报价的买家,”一位进口商说。不过他认为,这种情况“……可能会在两周内发生变化,届时买家需要回补 [ 材料 ] 。”大约十天前,一宗土耳其螺纹钢交易成交价约为 495 美元 / cfr 香港。

In HongKong, Turkish actual-weight rebar is offered at $515/t cfr. "For now,there are no takers," an importing source says. He thinks though that this"…may change in another two weeks when buyers need to cover [formaterial]." An order for Turkish rebar took place at around $495/t cfrHong Kong some ten days ago.

Kallanish BS4449 500B 10-40mm 直径螺纹钢的每周估价升至 495-500 美元 / cfr
