根据Doctor of Credit的po文。不少CSR持卡者都成功拿到了retention offer,有150美元,也有250美元(似乎是持卡较久的用户),而且并不是近期交年费的用户也获得了Retention Offer。如果能拿到这个Retention Offer的话,基本上持有这张卡就是零成本甚至负成本了(CSR年费今年暂时还是450美元,且有300美元旅行报销)。大家不妨联系Chase试试看哦,也欢迎大家在讨论区提供数据点。
不少近期要交年费的用户(大概率是现在 - 今年七月)收到了Chase发来的Secure Message,具体内容如下:
"We recognize this is a difficult time for everyone. As a way to help, we're providing you a one-time $100 statement credit toward the 2020 $550 annual fee on your Reserve credit card. On an upcoming billing statement (based on your renewal date), you'll see a $550 charge for the annual fee, followed by a $100 statement credit. We will continue to bill the $550 annual fee in 2021.
Because this credit only applies to open Reserve accounts, if you've closed your Reserve account or traded to another credit card before your renewal, you will not receive the $100 statement credit.
We know COVID-19 has affected people in many different ways. Please check chase.com/StayConnected for updates and helpful ways to stay connected to your accounts."
可以说Chase还是非常厚道了,相当于今年不涨年费的意思了(但是要在不关卡的情况下),相当于是一个Retention Offer的意思了。大家可以看看Chase的Secure Message有没有收到信息哦。如果是近期要教年费且没收到消息的同学,不妨去问一问。如果是几个月后才要交年费的同学可以到时差不多要交年费的时候看看会不会收到同样的信息,如果没收到到时也不妨去问问哦。
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