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中国日报双语新闻  · 公众号  · 国际  · 2016-12-30 12:50





Imagine Tony Stark standing in front of you in a suit, and asking you to get in. What would you think?

A. 军火不好卖?钢铁侠也出来跑黑车了?(1分)

Is the arms industry in depression? So Iron Man is driving an unlicensed cab?

B. 快找条赛道,我要畅快淋漓地拉几圈青烟。(5分)

Let’s go find a circuit and enjoy the rush of racing! 

C. 世界需要我。说吧,这次要我去救谁?(3分)

The world needs me! Tell me, whom am I saving this time? 



Have you ever imagined yourself driving a supercar to catch a villain and rescue a girl, thus becoming a hero?


A. 只想过驾驶超跑,其他的是什么鬼,美女能吃吗?(3分)

I’ve only imagined driving a supercar. What on earth is the rest of this scene about?

B. 有时看大片时会不自觉地脑补下。(5分)

I may have imagined it unconsciously when watching a Hollywood film. 

C. 当然,如果再来点出场音效更赞。(1分)

Of course I have, and it would be even more exciting with some sound effects.



What elements of a supercar attract you?

A. 各种赛事的冠军车型,尤其是像勒芒24小时这种...(5分)

The fact that this particular model has won a number of racing events, especially the 24 Hours of Le Mans.

B. 好莱坞大片中的主角座驾。(3分)

The supercar is driven by a leading character in a film.

C. 我的爱豆车库也有这款车呢。(1分)

The supercar is in one of my idols' garage.



What’s the number one attractive feature to you in a supercar?

A. 引人注目的赛车外观、棱角分明:鲨鱼腮状侧进气、巨大的碳纤维定风翼。(5分)

An impressive and clean-cut race car exterior: shark-gill side vents and a huge carbon fiber spoiler.

B. 科技感十足:最具未来感的激光大灯。(1分)

A strong high-tech feel: futuristic laser headlights.

C. 最直观的感官感受:澎湃的排气声浪、高光炭黑色轮毂。(3分)

Direct sensory perception: surging exhaust sound, black high-gloss carbon wheel hubs.



What do Ronaldo, Lionel Messi, Robert Downey Jr. and Hugh Jackman have in common?

A. 著名足球运动员和著名演员。(3分)

They are all celebrities.

B. 都是荷尔蒙爆棚的帅哥。(1分)

They are all extremely masculine.

C. 他们的车库都停着同一款超跑。(5分)

They have the same supercar in their garages.



What’s your top concern in choosing a supercar?

A. 3秒!3秒!百公里加速必须3秒!(5分)

Three seconds, three seconds! Three second zero-100 km/h acceleration is a must.

B. 张扬的车身设计,出挑的颜色!(3分)

Striking body design and impressive color.

C. 要快也要安全!(1分)

Speed, and safety.



Are you familiar with terms such as V10 naturally aspirated engine, mid-mounted engine, All-Wheel Drive, and carbon fiber?

A. 虽然看不懂,但好像很厉害的样子。(3分)

I haven’t much idea about what these are, but they sound pretty awesome.

B. 我又不是老司机。(1分)

I’m not a professional driver. 

C. 这才是一台超跑该有的样子。(5分)

These are totally necessary for a supercar.



Are you expecting laser headlights, racing seats and intelligent Human Machine Interface in a supercar?

A. 要要要,把这些先进高科技配置全部用上。(5分)

Yes, these cutting-edge technologies are all indispensable.

B. 我更看重车本身的性能,这些只是锦上添花。(3分)

I pay more attention to vehicle performance. These would be the icing on the cake.

C. 不需要,我是来玩车的,把那些杂七杂八增加重量的东西都给我撤了。(1分)

No. I came here to drive. Tear off these messy and superfluous elements to reduce weight.



If your car were one day equipped just like the cockpit of a fighter aircraft…

A. 开车时我会不会忙不过来。(1分)

Wouldn’t that make driving an overly busy affair?

B. 听上去不可思议,想象一下也是很炫酷的。(3分)

It sounds incredible. Very cool!

C. 不能再赞,我真这么想过。(5分)

Terrific! I have actually thought of this before.



What do you expect from the interior of a supercar?

A. 最顶尖的真皮材质带来触觉顶级感受。(3分)

The superb tactile sensation of premium leather.

B. 不下10个的高级B&O立体声音响,配合各种高科技控件按钮,带来未来前瞻感受。(1分)

An advanced B&O 3D sound system with no less than 10 speakers, together with various high-tech control buttons, making for a futuristic feel.

C. 桶式赛车座椅,最安全的配置,忠于纯粹赛车感受。(5分)

Bucket seats and safety systems for the ultimate and unadulterated sensation of a true race car.






You are moderate, calm and persevering, and you try to avoid causing trouble.


You are less concerned with a supercar’s acceleration than its safety and durability.

全新一代奥迪R8 V10 Coupe Performance采用了行业领先的ASF混合材料空间框架结构,车辆主要支柱及框架部件由碳纤维强化材料和新型合金制成。整体车身重量虽然减轻了46千克,但刚度提升了30%,实现极佳轻量化的同时,也带来了高水准的安全性。

The all-new Audi R8 V10 Coupe Performance is equipped with a state-of-the-art multi-material Audi Space Frame: the main pillars are made of carbon-fiber-reinforced polymer, while the rest of the body is made of a new type of high-strength aluminum-magnesium alloy. Although the model’s gross body weight has been reduced by 46 kg, its rigidity has been improved by 30%, achieving optimally light weight and maximized safety.


精准型 (Precise)


You excel at logical analysis and pay attention to details. You would make an ideal quality control specialist.

全新一代奥迪R8 V10 Coupe Performance的核心。5.2升V型10缸自然吸气发动机,源于匈牙利杰尔奥迪工厂员工纯手工打造,从而使最迅速、精准输出动力,为你展现最极致的运动魅力。

The outstanding performance of the all-new Audi R8 V10 Coupe Performance is attributable to its 5.2-liter V10 naturally aspirated engine, carefully handcrafted by the employees of the Audi Gyor plant in Hungary. Its agile throttle response paired with its rapid and precise power output guarantee extreme sportiness.

而当你坐进全新一代奥迪R8 V10 Coupe Performance,整洁的几何线条、环绕座舱的巨大弧线,无不展现奥迪设计美学的不凡功力。仪表盘优雅而轻盈,就像无重力般地悬浮着。桶式运动座椅经过全新设计,提供了更优异的横向支撑,而Nappa真皮皮革的搭配,让座椅在轻量化、功能性与舒适性之间保持了完美的平衡。

Inside the all-new Audi R8 V10 Coupe Performance, the clean geometric lines and large arcs surrounding the cabin are perfect embodiments of the extraordinary design aesthetics of Audi. The instrument panel seems to be floating in the air, slim and graceful. The redesigned sports bucket seats offer a more aggressive look and better horizontal support. The use of fine Nappa leather strikes a perfect balance in the seats between light weight, functionality and comfort.


表达型 (Expressive)


You are enthusiastic, pay attention to your individual image, maintain a passion for work and life at all times, and have strong communication skills.

全新一代奥迪R8 V10 Coupe Performance拥有例如激光大灯、极富未来感的奥迪“虚拟驾驶舱”等多项科技元素,全方位展现你前瞻的品味。此外,多达10款车身配色、4种亚光与炭黑内饰条的选择,以及丰富的运动选配套件,皆能为你带来全感官个性选择。

The all-new Audi R8 V10 Coupe Performance boasts a number of forward-looking technological features such as laser headlights, the futuristic Audi Virtual Cockpit, a selection of ten exterior colors, four kinds of matte and carbon black interior trims, and abundant optional sporty parts and components, providing personalized choice for all the senses.


支配型 (Dominating)


You are active and adventurous with a strong competitive spirit and executive capabilities. Once you set a goal, you spare no effort to achieve it. 

热爱速度与激情的你,一定是超跑爱好者,那你必定会钟爱这款全新一代奥迪R8 V10 Coupe Performance,它那引人注目、高光碳纤维元素打造的赛车外观,棱角分明,透露着勇敢无畏的气息以及百公里3.2秒的加速表现,将带着你勇往直前。

As an enthusiast of speed and passion, you are a supercar fan, making the all-new Audi R8 V10 Coupe Performance a perfect match for you, with its attractive carbon fiber race car-like exterior, clean-cut and bold style, and 3.2 second 0-100 km/h acceleration.