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共识粉碎机  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-12-03 17:34


  • 单看Q1业绩情况没问题

  • 风险主要在下半年的Billings,FY25H1的Billings如果参考公司指引推出来的情况非常弱,那就要求H2的Billing做的非常高,市场担心FY25H2能不能实现,会不会有进一步Guidedown的风险。从这个季度来看,Billings情况虽然稍微好于预期,但是没有给足够的信心让大家认为FY25H2能够非常好。


公司对于后面的情况比较乐观, 无论是FY25的全年指引(调高),还是一些表述。

  • “With a more mature pipeline, a stronger sales team, and growing partner engagements, I believe we remain on track to increase sales productivity and achieve strong growth. ”

  • “One, we're seeing strong demand for Zscaler platform, including solid signs of interest for AI security offerings we have. That wasn't there before. Two, we have a strong and growing pipeline. Three, our ramp sales capacity has strengthened, and we have lower sales attrition in Q1.”

  • “What I can say is that, you know, our pipeline supports our guidance. ”

之前销售大佬走了,销售团队经历了一些波动,从我们了解的情况和公司的口径来看,这个问题应该已经基本解决了。 “Our CRO, Mike Rich, and his team are executing on the strategy. And we're already seeing stronger customer engagements, higher quality pipeline, better close rates, and more business with customers.”

竞争情况: 公司觉得“And the so-called competition is still trying to spin up virtual VPN in the cloud and zero trust.” , 而从我们的了解这个技术优势在缩小;而从客户角度能分辨出ZS的cloud native和Palo为代表的防火墙延伸的““缝合””VPN的SASE方案的只有一些大企业。这对已经是Palo 和Fortinet、甚至CISCO防火墙客户的渗透都存在一些挑战。所以公司还是很强调是老客户的ARR增长(Upsell, Crosssell)而不是拓新。


  • Data Protection: 这个点在多家公司的上个季度/这个季度的earnings 都提到了。背后的主要原因和GenAI非常相关。“I think with the emergence of AI, one of the biggest thing that's going to really help drive data protection is AI because companies are worried about their data leaking out there as they start using more and more public AI services like ChatGPT, even copilot falls under that area.”

  • 并且有还不错的标杆项目 “For example, in a seven-figure ACV deal, a Fortune 500 pharma company purchased our data protection solution for over 23,000 users to eliminate multiple point products, including legacy data loss prevention, insider threat management, email data security, and more. This purchase nearly doubled the annual spend of this customer with Zscaler.”

  • 从具体方案角度来看: ZS的方案基于ZIA/ZPA等访问控制,然后实现数据的权限管控/安全管控和内容管控。这样比较传统的方案安全策略可以设定的更加细致,这是个优势。

    目前根据我们了解的情况测算,这里能够为Zscaler提供可观的交叉销售的机会。公司也给了些比较乐观的案例。“For example, in a seven-figure ACV deal, a Fortune 500 pharma company purchased our data protection solution for over 23,000 users to eliminate multiple point products, including legacy data loss prevention, insider threat management, email data security, and more. This purchase nearly doubled the annual spend of this customer with Zscaler.”
