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对话意大利前总理:全球化何去何从 Dialogue: Globalization, where to go?

经济学人集团  · 公众号  · 国际 财经  · 2016-10-20 17:46



Dialogue: Globalization, where to go?

活动简介 | Event

全球化正面临强劲逆风。英国脱欧令人大跌眼镜,美国大选特朗普获得共和党提名,两者都凸显保护主义与本土主义的抬头。作为过去15年全球化的最大受益者,中国需要肩负起推动全球化的领导责任,而不是任由全球化退潮。在此关键时点,中国需要更清楚了解全球化所面临的诸多挑战,并努力为全球化勾勒出新的发展蓝图。在这场由巴黎政治大学 (Sciences Po)与《经济学人·全球商业评论》共同举办的研讨会中,我们将梳理几个重要议题:脱欧之后的欧盟前景?区域经贸自由化是否是全球化退潮的解药?如何前瞻中欧经贸关系的前景欧洲对中国对欧投资的态度?中国未来在世界经贸舞台上将扮演何种角色?

Globalization is facing strong headwind. The unexpected decision of Brexit and the rapid rise of Trump in the US presidential race herald the rising sentiment of protectionism and nativism. As the beneficiary of globalization in the past 15 years, China needs to take on a leadership role in steering globalization forward, not backward. It's therefore important for China to understand the challenges facing globalization, and therefore chart a new blueprint for it. In this seminar jointly hosted by Sciences Po and The Economist Global Business Review, we will try to explore the following questions: the prospect for EU after the Brexit? Would regional trade liberalization an alternative to global effort to liberalize trade and service, investment, and migration? What's the prospects for EU-China business relations and the how to interpret the recent lukewarm attitude towards Chinese investment in EU? What's role should China play in global trade in the future?

嘉宾 | Speaker
Enrico LETTA 恩里科.莱塔先生
巴黎政治大学(Sciences Po) 国际事务学院(PSIA)院长
Dean of Paris School of International Affairs, Sciences Po
Former Prime Minister of Italy
Former Minister for EU Affairs, Italy
Former Member of the European Parliament


Anne-Marie IDRAC 安娜-玛丽 伊德哈克女士

巴黎政治大学(Sciences  Po)公共事务学院(EAP)



President of Strategy Committee of School of Public Affairs, Sciences Po

Former Minister of Transport, France

Former Minister of Foreign Trade, France


伊德哈克女士一直投身在法国国家环境、住房、城镇规划及公共交通事务上,并自2015年起担任巴政公共事务学院战略委员会主席职务。她曾经担任法国国家铁路公司主席及CEO,法国交通部部长,以及法国对外贸易部部长。目前她还担任法国第六大机场图卢兹机场监管委员会主席,并出任著名法国企业道达尔(Total),布依格电讯集团(Bouygue),圣戈班(Saint Gobin),苏伊士环境集团(Suez-Environnement)的高级顾问。2012年获得法国政府颁发的国家荣誉勋章司令官绶章。

Yann ALGAN 杨.阿尔刚先生
巴黎政治大学(Sciences Po)公共事务学院(EAP)院长

Dean of School of Public Affairs, Sciences Po

Best French Young Economist Award (2009)

Member of the OECD High Level Expert on well-being


阿尔刚教授的研究集中在数字经济和公共行动3.0。他还专注于与个人成就和经济行为相关的社会资本和福利研究,特别注重教育、文化和制度在其中的作用。 他的研究结合心理学、社会学和经济学的方法,包括公共政策的随机评价。 他是经合组织(OECD)人类福祉高级别专家组的成员。 2009年他获得法国最佳年轻经济学家奖,他的关于社会诚信与经济发展的的著作被评为2009年法国最佳经济学书籍。

主持人 | Moderator
Wu Chen 吴晨先生


Editorial Director of The Economist Global Business Review

Former head of Editorial (Asia Pacific)EuroFinance

The Economist Group

2009 Asia Publishers Excellence Awards for Business Reporting 


吴晨先生目前担任《经济学人·全球商业评论》主编。此前曾担任英国经济学人集团欧洲金融(亚太区)总编辑。2005年至2009年, 他担任经济学人集团旗下《财务总监》杂志主编。在记者生涯中,他曾在新华社国际部、彭博新闻社新加坡分社和《商业周刊》香港记者站工作。2009年,其撰稿的中国制造转型特稿获得年度亚洲出版商协会商业报道优胜奖。

活动安排 | Agenda

11月3日 周四   Nov 3rd Thurday 
6:30  签到          6;30 pm Registration
7:00  开场          7:00 pm Start
8:30  酒会          8:30 pm Cocktail

耶鲁北京中心  Yale Center Beijing

8 Jianguomenwai Avenue
36th Floor
Tower B of IFC Building
(Yong'anli Subway Station, Exit C)

报名 | Registration

请点击“阅读原文”或扫下方二维码在11月1日前进行注册。如有任何问题,请发邮件至[email protected]


Please click "Read More" ,or scan the QR code below to register. Please send an email to [email protected] if there are any problems. 

No entrance fee. The language of the event will be English.

组织者 | Organiser

巴黎政治大学 Sciences Po
主办方 Organiser

Sciences Po is a highly internationalized leading university in the social sciences. In the 2016 QS Ranking of Top Universities by subject, Sciences Po ranks 4th internationally in Politics & International Studies.

Since its inception in 1872, Sciences Po has been educating public and private sector decision-makers to understand and lead change in the complex world. Its alumni include a Secretary-General of the United Nations(,Boutros Boutros-Ghali), four Managing Directors of the International Monetary Fund, a Managing Director of the World Trade Organisation, numerous corporate leaders, and five of the previous seven Presidents of the French Republic, including Francois Hollande. Sciences Po is open to the world with international students from 150 countries. It offers 39 dual degrees with international partners including Columbia University and Peking University.

官网 Homepage: www.sciencespo.fr
微信号WeChat: 巴政SciencesPo

The Economist Global Business Review

协办方 co-organiser


The Economist Global Business Review is a new bilingual digital product from the editors of The Economist Group, launched in May 2015. The product is designed for the Globally Curious Achievers and beyond, readers who want mind-stretching journalism. Each month, the best business, finance and technology articles from the weekly publication are selected and translated, and delivered to reader’s mobile device with an intuitive and attractive digital application interface. The articles report on key trends shaping the global business community, always with the deep insight and sharp perspectives. The Economist Global Business Review also engages more Chinese readers to analyze the world and also to provoke for critical thinking.

官网 · Homepage: www.tegbr.com 

APP下载 · Scan QR code to download App
