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Angew. Chem. | 生物质到甲酸的高效催化转化耦合低能耗电解水制氢

生物质前沿  · 公众号  ·  · 2023-07-24 08:30



Figure 1 (a) Schematic diagram of conventional PEM water electrolysis; (b) Industrial methods for the synthesis of FA; (c) Schematic illustration of the co-production system of FA and hydrogen.

在该系统中,以多金属氧酸盐(POMs)作为阳极氧化还原电解质,在90 ℃将葡萄糖等糖类底物氧化成甲酸,同时在阴极连续电解水制氢。当以H6[PMo9V3O40]作为阳极电解质时,葡萄糖到甲酸的产率高达62.5 %,且甲酸是唯一的液相产物。作者也对不同糖类底物的适用性进行了考察,结果表明:果糖、蔗糖、淀粉、纤维素和秸秆等都能较好地转化为甲酸,且该体系在充足葡萄糖存在的条件下,可连续稳定运行超过100 小时。

Figure 2 (a) The effects of POM species on the conversion of glucose and the yield of FA. Reaction conditions: voltage: 1.0 V (vs. Ag/AgCl), the concentration of various POMs: 0.3 M, the concentration of glucose: 0.1 M, temperature: 90 °C, reaction time: 8 h; (b) The effects of temperature on the conversion of glucose and the yield of FA. Reaction conditions: voltage: 1.0 V (vs. Ag/AgCl), the concentration of H6[PMo9V3O40]: 0.3 M, the concentration of glucose: 0.1 M, reaction time: 8 h; (c) Effects of different voltage on the conversion of glucose and yield of FA. Reaction conditions: the concentration of H6[PMo9V3O40]: 0.3 M, the concentration of glucose: 0.1 M, temperature: 90 °C, reaction time:8 h; (d) The glucose conversion and FA yield of H6[PMo9V3O40] recycled for five times; (e) The conversion and FA yield of different substrates. Reaction conditions: voltage: 1.0 V (vs. Ag/AgCl), the concentration of H6[PV3Mo9O40]: 0.3 M, the concentration of various substrates: 0.1 M, temperature: 90 °C, reaction time: 8 h; (f) Comparison of this work with the reported on the yield of FA, reaction temperature and pressure. Error bars represent the s.d. of at least three independent measurements.


Figure 3. Schematic diagram of the redox cycle in the anode chamber.

该耦合系统仅需1.22 V即可达到50 mA/cm2 的电流密度,其析氢法拉第效率接近100 %,产氢能耗仅需2.9 kw·h·Nm-3 (H2),仅为传统电解水制氢能耗(4.2 kw·h·Nm-3 (H2))的69 %,展现出超低的能耗。此外,该系统还可以直接由太阳能电池驱动,其经济效益约为传统电解水制氢的5.4倍。

Figure 4 (a) The LSV curves of anode in the mixture of 3 M glucose and 0.3 M H6[PMo9V3O40] electrolyte after 3 h pre-reaction and 1 M H3PO4 electrolyte at 90 °C; (b) The power consumption analysis of this system. (c) Comparison of this work with the voltage required for electrocatalytic biomass conversion coupled with hydrogen production systems reported in the literature [22]; (d) Measured H2 quantity compared with theoretically calculated H2 quantity assuming a 100% Faradaic efficiency for the H2 evolution. Theoretical H2 = (total charge during potentiostatic electrolysis) × 2/ F, where F is the Faraday constant (96485 C mol−1); (e) Economic efficiency analysis of conventional hydrogen production and the present work. The economic benefits of the whole system were calculated according to the price of hydrogen 2.5 $/kg, oxygen 0.108 $/kg, and FA 0.975 $/kg. Taking the power consumption of 1000 kWh as an example, the traditional electrolysis water hydrogen production device can produce about 21.2 kg H2, which is worth 53.0 $, and the anode can produce about 169 kg O2, which is worth 18.3$. The total economic value is 71.3 $. If we input a voltage of 1.22 V, we will get 30.7 kg of H2, worth 76.7 $. In the anode electrolyte, approximately 321.0 kg of primary FA will be produced. Assuming that FA is obtained by distillation, it will consume approximately 45 kWh of electricity (0.11 $/kWh). Its value is about 308.0 $. The total value will reach 384.7 $, which will be 5.4 times the economic benefit of traditional electrolysis of water for hydrogen production.



Efficient Conversion of Biomass to Formic Acid Coupled with Low Energy Consumption Hydrogen Production from Water Electrolysis

Dr. Wensi Tang, Dr. Lunan Zhang, Dr. Tianyu Qiu, Prof. Huaqiao Tan, Prof. Yonghui Wang, Dr. Wei Liu, Prof. Yangguang Li


Angewandte Chemie International Edition

DOI: 10.1002/anie.202305843

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Angewandte Chemie International Edition

《德国应用化学》(Angewandte Chemie)创刊于1888年,是德国化学学会(GDCh)的官方期刊并由Wiley–VCH出版。作为化学领域的权威期刊,《德国应用化学》涵盖了化学研究的各个领域,刊发包括新闻、综述、观点、通讯、研究论文等在内的各种内容。


Chem. Eur. J. :吲哚化合物的高化学选择性合成


Angew. Chem. :接触电催化实现常温常压下高效合成过氧化氢