专栏名称: AI数据派
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51好读  ›  专栏  ›  AI数据派

报名 | 海外学者短期讲学:全球数字经济环境创业与技能发展课程

AI数据派  · 公众号  ·  · 2017-12-04 07:30



Short-Term Course of Visiting Professor


Innovating Entrepreneurship & Skills for Global Digital Economy

为培养创新创业人才,近 由清华大学 软件学院主办、数据科学研究院协办 海外学者短期课程 “Innovating Entrepreneurship & Skills for Global Digital Economy” (全球数字经济环境创业与技能发展课程)即将开放报名 ,课程云集来自世界各地不同领域的领军人物,展开物联网、工业大数据、智慧城市、创新医疗、教育创业、农业创新等多个领域的深入交流,研究多个行业的具体案例,探讨“数码革命”如何转变全球经济的主要行业。 现招收100名学员,包括高年级本科生、硕士生、博士生,感兴趣的同学可以通过链接报名。

This course is designed for young entrepreneurs and experienced professional to get a deeper understanding of “digital economy” challenges and opportunity and build leadership expertise to be more effective in leading and building future organizations. The course will be taught by experienced leaders from industry, academia, research and government organizations and will discuss the case studies of various industries and how successful industries have transformed to the new “digital economy”.


  • 通过课程帮助学生在全球数字经济新环境下创新创业做好准备;

  • 邀请国内和国际知名企业领军人物讲座并介绍实习生机会;

  • 表现优异者有机会受邀参加国际名校交换计划。

Course Objectives:

  • Prepare students to build a successful career in the new digital global economy

  • Connect students to do internship jobs with major companies in China and around the world

  • Connect students with major foreign universities as foreign exchange student.

课程时间: 2018年2月26日~2018年3月4日,每天3学时,包含2小时授课和1小时讨论。

Course Duration: Feb.26th - Mar. 4th 2017 (3hrs/day, including 2hrs of lecture and 1hr of discussion)

评定方式: 在课程中开展分组练习并进行小组报告,每位学生最终提交一份报告,完成课程后可获1个选修课学分。

Performance Evaluation:

Group exercise, classroom presentation and an individual final report (one selective credit course)

报名方式: 点击文末左下角 “阅读原文” ,或长按下方 二维码

Application: click"Read more" to fill out the applicaiton form OR long press the QR code down below, then click on extract QR code


The course outline includes the following:

  • Evolution of Digital Economy:

Agriculture Economy

Industrial Economy

Internet Economy

Knowledge Economy

  • Digital Economy: Challenges & Opportunities

Innovating Manufacturing Economy

Innovating Healthcare Services

Innovating Financial Services

Innovating Mobile Commerce

Innovating Government Services

Innovating Smart City

Innovating Agriculture & Food Security

Innovating Education & Entrepreneurship

  • Major advances in Digital Technology/Solutions/Services:

Cloud Computing

Big data analytics

Machine Learning/ Artificial Intelligence

Mobile Services


Social Networking

Internet of Things

  • Innovation process/methodology/strategy

  • Startups Ecosystem/Funding models

  • Innovating Global Ecosystem: Industry, Academia, Government partnership


Course Agenda:


Course Instructor/Invited Speakers:

Course Instructor:

Kris Singh

President & CEO at SRII.

Silicon Valley, CA



Kris Singh is the founder and CEO of SRII located in Silicon Valley, California. SRII mission is to "drive digital economy innovation for a better world". SRII provides advisory and consulting services to major organizations on the subject of “innovating digital economy for major sectors of economy”. SRII members include key leaders from industry, academia, research, startups and government organizations from around the world (www.thesrii.org).

Kris has been a senior leader in the Silicon Valley for more than 30 years and has worked with major IT companies such as IBM Research, Intel , AMD and National Semiconductor. Kris has also been working closely with academia to help drive “Innovation in Education & Entrepreneurship”.   Currently he is a visiting professor at Tsinghua University in China and has been an Industry Fellow in the College of Engineering at UC Berkeley and an adjunct professor in the Electrical Engineering & Computer Science department at Santa Clara University, CA.

Kris is also on the board and advisory member of several startup companies and he is a regular speaker at major forums and conferences around the world.

Invited Speakers will include:

Jim Miller:

Vice President, WW Operations, Google


Anant Jhingran:

Products at Google


Anurag Gupta:

Vice President, Amazon Web Services

Silicon Valley, CA


Jonathan Reichental

CIO of Palo Alto City, CA


Yan Chow

Medical Director at Amgen, CA


Dan Riskin

CEO, Vanguard Medical Techologies, PaloAlto, CA


Ashok Banerjee:

CTO & VP Engineering Enterprise Security Products, Symantec, Silicon Valley, CA.


Catherine Yang:

Vice President, Digital Transformation and Cloud computing, Microsoft China


Kangping Liu:

Senior Manager at Microsoft Research Asia


Xiaowei Shen

CTO of IBM China, Beijin


Dong Liu

Managing Director, Accenture, Beijing


Rajeeb Hazra

Vice President, Technical Computing, Intel,Santa Clara, CA

