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中古史  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-05-26 00:14




The Second Forum on Dialogue of World Civilizations:

An International Symposium on Dunhuang and Classics in Chinese Philosophy


Multifaceted Dimensions of International Research on The Awakening of Faith in Mahāyāna

会议时间 / Time

2024年5月24-26日 / May 24-26, 2024

会议地点 / Location

甘肃·敦煌 / Dunhuang, Gansu Province, China

主办单位 / Sponsors:

1.     兰州大学 / Lanzhou University

2.     敦煌研究院 / Dunhuang Academy

承办单位 / Organizers:

1.     敦煌研究院文献研究所 / Institute of Dunhuang Manuscripts, Dunhuang Academy

2.     兰州大学哲学社会学院 / School of Philosophy and Sociology, Lanzhou University

会议概述 / Conference Themes:


This conference focuses on the theme of “dialogue of world civilizations” to discuss the role Chinese culture has played in the promotion of dialogue of world civilizations, approaching from the perspective of a classical treatise in Chinese philosophy, The Awakening of Faith in Mahāyāna, and its related Dunhuang manuscripts. It brings together both senior and emerging scholars from across the world, whose contributions address issues on or related to the treatise, including possible sources and precedents of the treatise, its texts and related texts, its metaphors, concepts and doctrines, its transmission on the Silk Road, its exegetical tradition, its relationship with Chan Buddhism, Confucianism and New Confucianism, its role in the East Asian encounters with the West and its reading through a comparative lens. In short, this conference seeks to show the unique and profound influence The Awakening of Faith in Mahāyāna has exerted on the dialogues of civilizations among Asian and particularly East Asian societies and between the East and the West.


/ Speakers and Topics:

1. Gimello, Rober M. (圣母大学)

The “Dyophysite” or “Two-Natured” Mind of the Dàshèng qǐxìn lùn 大乘起信论


2. Girard,Frédéric (法兰西远东学院)

The Dacheng qixinlun: A Heterodox Treatise That Has Become Orthodox as an Ecumenical Text


3. Ikeda,Masanori 池田将则 (中央民族大学)


(A Preliminary Study on the Dunhuang Manuscript The Meanings of the Ten Stages[titled tentatively ‘Hane 333R’] in the Kyō’u Library Collection)

4. Jin,Tao 金涛(兰州大学)

The Missing Passage in the Old Version of the Awakening of Faith in Mahāyāna: An Unsolved Mystery


5. Jorgensen, John (独立学者)

The Dasheng qixin lun and Lingbian (477-522): Milieu and Motives


6. Kantor, Hans-Rudolf (华梵大学)

Siming Zhili’s Tiantai Understanding of the Awakening of Faith


7. Keng,Ching 耿晴(台湾大学)

Toward a New Interpretation of the Water-waves Metaphor in the Awakening of Faith


8. Kim, Halla(西江大学)

Ti and Yong in Mahāyāna Buddhism and Confucianism


9. Lee, Minsung (韩国学中央研究院)

Commentary-centric Approach: Characteristic of Korean research on the Dasheng qixin lun 大乘起信论, and its Historical Context


10. Lee, Sangyop 李尚晔 (首尔大学)

On the Notion of “One Mind” in Shi Sengwei’s “Shizhu jing hanzhu xu”


11. Lee,Sumi 李秀美 (德成女子大学)

Revisiting the Significance of Tathāgatagarbha Thought of the Awakening of Faith


12. Li, Zehao 李泽昊(兰州大学)

Two Interpretations of the Underlying Structure of The Awakening of Faith in Mahāyāna and the Origin of “The Dependent Arising out of the Tathāgatagarbha”


13. Li, Zijie 李子捷 (西北大学)

Zhenru 真如 (tathatā) in the Chinese Translation of the Ratnagotra-vibhāga-mahāyānottaratantra-śāstra and the Dasheng qixin lun 大乘起信论


14. Lin, Chen-kuo 林镇国 (政治大学)

Logic and Faith: A Methodic Turn in Tongrun’s (1565-1624) Commentary on the Qixinlun (Awakening of Faith)


15. Liu, Zhengye 刘政晔(复旦大学)

Summary and New Perspective on the Ideology and Authorship of the “Brief Commentary on Treatise on Awakening Mahāyāna Faith” (大乘起信论略述)


16. Luo, Hong 罗鸿 (北京大学)

An Anachronistic Analogy: Rereading the Dàshèng qǐxìn lùn in the light of

Ratnākaraśānti’s Prajñāpāramitopadeśa


17. Ma,Yingjie 马英杰(敦煌研究院)


(A Study of the Dunhuang Chan Manuscripts from the Heze Tradition)

18. Makeham,John(拉筹伯大学)

Xiong Shili’s Ti-Yong Metaphysics and the Treatise on Awakening Mahāyāna Faith’s “One Mind, Two Gateways” Paradigm


19. Morseth,Brianna K. (香港中文大学)

Body Without Organs, Mind Without Thoughts: A Thousand Plateaus and Awakening of Faith in Comparative Philosophy and Practice

