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唧唧堂:JM 营销学研究2021年3月论文摘要7篇

唧唧堂  · 公众号  ·  · 2021-03-15 23:59


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解析作者 | 唧唧堂管理学写作小组: 林迪芬
审校 | 唧唧堂管理学写作小组: Eric.J, 明月奴
编辑 | 悠悠



Firms are exploiting artificial intelligence (AI) coaches to provide training to sales agents and improve their job skills. The authors present several caveats associated with such practices based on a series of randomized field experiments. Experiment 1 shows that the incremental benefit of the AI coach over human managers is heterogeneous across agents in an inverted-U shape: whereas middle-ranked agents improve their performance by the largest amount, both bottom- and top-ranked agents show limited incremental gains. This pattern is driven by a learning-based mechanism in which bottom-ranked agents encounter the most severe information overload problem with the AI versus human coach, while top-ranked agents hold the strongest aversion to the AI relative to a human coach. To alleviate the challenge faced by bottom-ranked agents, Experiment 2 redesigns the AI coach by restricting the training feedback level and shows a significant improvement in agent performance. Experiment 3 reveals that the AI–human coach assemblage outperforms either the AI or human coach alone. This assemblage can harness the hard data skills of the AI coach and soft interpersonal skills of human managers, solving both problems faced by bottom- and top-ranked agents. These findings offer novel insights into AI coaches for researchers and managers alike.

参考文献:Luo X, Qin MS, Fang Z, Qu Z. Artificial Intelligence Coaches for Sales Agents: Caveats and Solutions. Journal of Marketing. 2021;85(2):14-32. doi:10.1177/0022242920956676



How can consumers be encouraged to take better care of public goods? Across four studies, including two experiments in the field and three documenting actual behaviors, the authors demonstrate that increasing consumers’ individual psychological ownership facilitates stewardship of public goods. This effect occurs because feelings of ownership increase consumers’perceived responsibility, which then leads to active behavior to care for the good. Evidence from a variety of contexts, including a public lake with kayakers, a state park with skiers, and a public walking path, suggests that increasing psychological ownership enhances both effortful stewardship, such as picking up trash from a lake, and financial stewardship, such as donating money. This work further demonstrates that the relationship between psychological ownership and resulting stewardship behavior is attenuated when there are cues, such as an attendance sign, which diffuse responsibility among many people. This work offers implications for consumers, practitioners, and policy makers with simple interventions that can encourage consumers to be better stewards of public goods.

参考文献:Peck J, Kirk CP, Luangrath AW, Shu SB. Caring for the Commons: Using Psychological Ownership to Enhance Stewardship Behavior for Public Goods. Journal of Marketing. 2021;85(2):33-49. doi:10.1177/0022242920952084

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The sharing economy has radically reshaped marketing thought and practice, and research has yet to examine whether and how platform-level buyer protection insurance (PPI) affects buyers and sellers in this economy. The authors exploit a natural experiment involving an unexpected system glitch during a PPI launch and estimate difference-in-differences models using over 5.4 million data points from a food sharing platform. Results suggest that PPI significantly increases buyer spending and seller revenue, affirming the benefits of this platform-level insurance in the sharing economy. The authors also uncover multifaceted buyer-side and seller-side responses that enable such benefits. PPI increases buyer spending by boosting product orders and variety-seeking behavior. Furthermore, it enhances seller revenue by increasing customer retention and acquisition. This work contributes to the literature by (1) putting a spotlight on the topic of PPI, a platform governance policy that reduces consumer risks and improves the efficacy of sharing platforms; (2) accounting for how PPI alters buyer and seller behaviors on a platform; (3) addressing what types of buyers and sellers benefit more or less from PPI; and (4) offering guidance for managers to improve platform reputation, marketplace efficiency, and consumer welfare in the context of the sharing economy.

参考文献:Luo X, Tong S, Lin Z, Zhang C. The Impact of Platform Protection Insurance on Buyers and Sellers in the Sharing Economy: A Natural Experiment. Journal of Marketing. 2021;85(2):50-69. doi:10.1177/0022242920962510



A sizable portion of online movie reviews contain spoilers, defined as information that prematurely resolves plot uncertainty. In this research, the authors study the consequences of spoiler reviews using data on box office revenue and online word of mouth for movies released in the United States. To capture the degree of information in spoiler review text that reduces plot uncertainty, the authors propose a spoiler intensity metric and measure it using a correlated topic model. Using a dynamic panel model with movie fixed effects and instrumental variables, the authors find a significant and positive relationship between spoiler intensity and box office revenue with an elasticity of .06. The positive effect of spoiler intensity is greater for movies with a limited release, smaller advertising spending, and moderate user ratings, and is stronger in the earlier days after the movie’s release. Using an event study and online experiments, the authors provide further evidence that spoiler reviews can help consumers reduce their uncertainty about the quality of movies, consequently encouraging theater visits. Thus, movie studios may benefit from consumers’ access to plot-intense reviews and should actively monitor the content of spoiler reviews to better forecast box office performance.

参考文献:Ryoo JH (Joseph), Wang X (Shane), Lu S. Do Spoilers Really Spoil? Using Topic Modeling to Measure the Effect of Spoiler Reviews on Box Office Revenue. Journal of Marketing. 2021;85(2):70-88. doi:10.1177/0022242920937703

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When should business-to-business firms encourage their salespeople to advocate for the customer in pricing negotiations? This research extends dual agency theory to the sales domain to address this question. In Study 1, the authors examine discount negotiations with secondary data from a major U.S. distributor. They find that the customer and seller both experience the most favorable outcomes when the salesperson advocates strongly for both parties; advocacy for either party alone is counterproductive. Study 2 confirms these results using matched survey, pricing, and profit data and demonstrates a key boundary condition: broad customer–seller ties enable the synergy between customer advocacy and seller advocacy by enhancing the firms’abilities to monitor the salesperson. In Study 3, experiments with business-to-business buyers replicate key findings and provide evidence for theorized mechanisms. This research emphasizes the interdependence between the salesperson’s dual roles and demonstrates how the salesperson can serve as an effective agent of both the customer and seller, thereby mitigating challenges associated with role conflict.

参考文献:Lawrence JM, Scheer LK, Crecelius AT, Lam SK. Salesperson Dual Agency in Price Negotiations. Journal of Marketing. 2021;85(2):89-109. doi:10.1177/0022242920974611



The authors address the challenges individuals face when managing their professional brands while working in “prestigious posts”(high-profile jobs in established organizations) and striving to maintain career mobility. Using a case study approach and drawing on sociological field theories, the authors identify two types of tensions (resource-based and identity-based) that are triggered by prestigious posts and four practices conducive to mitigating tensions and maintaining mobility. Beyond extending prior theory on person brands to include consideration of career mobility, this work has implications for better understanding the complexities of affiliations between professionals and the brands they work for. It suggests that individuals who are managing their professional brands while holding prestigious posts need to strike a balance between benefiting from the affiliation in the eyes of external stakeholders and at the same time maintaining their professional independence to maintain career mobility.

参考文献:Parmentier M-A, Fischer E. Working It: Managing Professional Brands in Prestigious Posts. Journal of Marketing. 2021;85(2):110-128. doi:10.1177/0022242920953818

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Marketers frequently style food to look pretty (e.g., in advertising). This article investigates how pretty aesthetics (defined by classical aesthetic principles, such as order, symmetry, and balance) influence healthiness judgments. The author proposes that prettier food is perceived as healthier, specifically because classical aesthetic features make it appear more natural. In a pilot, six main studies and four supplemental studies (total N = 4,301) across unhealthy and healthy, processed and unprocessed, and photographed and real foods alike, people judged prettier versions of the same food as healthier (e.g., more nutrients, less fat), despite equal perceived price. Even given financial stakes, people were misled by prettiness. In line with the proposed naturalness process, perceived naturalness mediated the effect; belief in a “natural = healthy” connection moderated it; expressive aesthetics, which do not evoke naturalness, did not produce the effect (despite being pretty); and reminders of artificial modification, which suppress perceived naturalness, mitigated it. Given that pretty food styling can harm consumers by misleading healthiness judgments for unhealthy foods, managers and policy makers should consider modification disclaimers as a tool to mitigate the “pretty = healthy” bias.
