专栏名称: 魔都晨曦来临
Shanghai Morning Herald by Boarhead Club
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魔都晨曦来临  · 公众号  ·  · 2021-05-30 20:30


Dr. Boarhead’s Summary of Global Updates on the 2019 Novel Coronavirus: 30 May 2021

1. 《美国医学会杂志》: 一项研究分析了 658 名接种两剂 mRNA 新冠疫苗的器官移植者。接受抗代谢药物的 473 名受试者中,38 人( 8% )在接种第一剂和第二剂后出现抗体反应;268 人( 57% )在接种第一剂和第二剂后均无反应;167 人( 35% )在接种第一剂后无反应,但在接种第二剂后出现反应。未接受抗代谢药物的 185 名受试者中,60 人( 32% )在接种第一剂和第二剂后出现抗体反应;33 人( 18% )在接种第一剂和第二剂后均无反应;92 人( 50% )在接种第一剂后无反应,但在接种第二剂后出现反应。 ( 5 月 5 日)

[关键信息] 研究发现,mRNA 新冠疫苗对器官移植者的有效性较低。

Journal of the American Medical Association : 658 transplant recipients who received 2 doses of SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccine were studied. Among the 473 participants who received antimetabolites, 38 (8%) had antibody response after doses 1 and 2; 268 (57%) had no antibody response after dose 1 or 2; and 167 (35%) had no antibody response after dose 1 but subsequent antibody response after dose 2. Among the 185 participants who did not receive antimetabolites, 60 (32%) had antibody response after doses 1 and 2; 33 (18%) had no antibody response after dose 1 or 2; and 92 (50%) had no antibody response after dose 1 but subsequent antibody response after dose 2. <5 May>

[key info] A study finds mRNA COVID-19 vaccine less effective in transplant recipients.


2. 《自然》: 根据七款当前疫苗和康复者队列的数据,研究人员分析体外中和水平与抵御新冠感染的关系。据估测,要达到 50% 的抵御可检测新冠感染有效性,所需的中和抗体水平是康复者体内平均水平的 20.2% 。要达到 50% 的抵御严重感染有效性,所需的中和水平明显更低。 ( 5 月 17 日)

[关键信息] 有效性 50% 的疫苗所激发产生的中和抗体水平约为康复者体内水平的五分之一。

Nature : Researchers analyzed the relationship between in vitro neutralization levels and protection from SARS-CoV-2 infection using data from seven current vaccines and from convalescent cohorts. They estimated the level of neutralizing antibodies for 50% protection against detectable SARS-CoV-2 infection to be 20.2% of the mean convalescent level. The neutralization level required for 50% protection from severe infection was significantly lower. <17 May>

[key info] The level of neutralizing antibodies induced by a vaccine with 50% efficacy is about 1/5 of the convalescent level.


3. 《自然》: 在西班牙一项试验中,663 名受试者接种过第一剂牛津—阿斯利康疫苗。随机选出三分之二受试者,在第一剂接种完至少八周后接种辉瑞—拜恩泰科疫苗,对照组 232 人则未接种加强剂。接种完第二剂的受试者开始产生远高于此前的抗体水平,且这些抗体能够在实验室试验中识别并灭活新冠病毒。未接种加强剂的对照组则抗体水平不变。 ( 5 月 19 日)

[关键信息] 接种牛津—阿斯利康疫苗至少八周后,接种辉瑞—拜恩泰科疫苗,或可激发产生更高水平的抗体。

Nature : A Spanish trial enrolled 663 people who had already received the first dose of the Oxford/AstraZeneca vaccine. Two-thirds of participants were randomly picked to receive the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine at least eight weeks after their first dose. A control group of 232 people has not yet received a booster. After this second dose, participants began to produce much higher levels of antibodies, and these antibodies were able to recognize and inactivate SARS-CoV-2 in laboratory tests. Control participants who did not receive a booster vaccination experienced no change in antibody levels. <19 May>

[key info] Vaccinating people with the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine at least eight weeks after the Oxford/AstraZeneca vaccination may produce higher levels of antibodies.


4. medRxiv: 二至三月,美国佛罗里达州阿拉楚阿县发现 10 例“突破疫苗接种”的感染病例。这些人在完全接种辉瑞—拜恩泰科疫苗后因社交传播、家庭传播而感染。其中 5 人及周边区域的 399 人体内成功提取新冠病毒基因组。这 5 人所感染的病毒既包含“值得关注的变异株”,也包含周围人群中存在的低频变异株。 ( 5 月 21 日)

[关键信息] “值得关注的变异株”和低频变异株均可能导致“突破疫苗接种”的感染。

medRxiv: Between Feb. and Mar., 10 “vaccination breakthrough” infections were identified in Alachua County, Florida. The individuals fully vaccinated with the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine were infected as a result of social or household transmission. SARS-CoV-2 genomes were successfully generated in 5 of them and 399 individuals in the surrounding area. These 5 individuals were characterized by infection with both variants of concern and low-frequency variants present within the surrounding population. <21 May>

[key info] Both variants of concern and low-frequency variants may cause “vaccination breakthrough” infections.


5. 英格兰公共卫生署: 研究发现,辉瑞—拜恩泰科疫苗第二剂接种完两周后,对于 B.1.617.2 变异株具有 88% 的有效性,对于 B.1.1.7 变异株具有 93% 的有效性;两剂牛津—阿斯利康疫苗对于 B.1.617.2 变异株具有 60% 的有效性,对于 B.1.1.7 变异株具有 66% 有效性;第一剂疫苗接种完三周后,两款疫苗对于 B.1.617.2 变异株均有 33% 的有效性,对于 B.1.1.7 变异株的有效性约为 50% 。 ( 5 月 22 日)

[关键信息] 辉瑞—拜恩泰科和牛津—阿斯利康疫苗对于 B.1.617.2 变异株的有效性和 B.1.1.7 接近。

Public Health England: A study found that the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine was 88% effective against the B.1.617.2 variant 2 weeks after the second dose, compared to 93% efficacy against the B.1.1.7 variant; 2 doses of the Oxford/AstraZeneca vaccine were 60% effective against the B.1.617.2 variant, compared to 66% efficacy against the B.1.1.7 variant. Both vaccines were 33% effective against B.1.617.2 3 weeks after the first dose, compared to around 50% efficacy against the B.1.1.7 variant. <22 May>

[key info] For the Pfizer/BioNTech and the Oxford/AstraZeneca vaccines, efficacy against B.1.617.2 was close to that against B.1.1.7.


6. 《美国医学会杂志》: 武汉生物制品研究所和北京生物制品研究所设计了一项 III 期试验,40382 位受试者接种至少一剂的两剂装灭活疫苗,疫苗由新冠病毒 WIV04 毒株、HB02 毒株或氢氧化铝研制而成,氢氧化铝仅用于对照组。在平均 77 天的随访调查中,WIV04 组有 26 名受试者感染有症状新冠肺炎,HB02 组中有 21 人,对照组中有 95 人。WIV04 和 HB02 两个疫苗组的有效性分别为 72.8% 和 78.1% 。 ( 5 月 26 日)

[关键信息] 一项 III 期试验中,两款中国灭活疫苗的有效性均超 70% 。

Journal of the American Medical Association : A phase 3 trial was designed by the Wuhan Institute of Biological Products and the Beijing Institute of Biological Products, in which 40,382 participants received at least 1 dose of a 2-dose inactivated vaccine series developed from the SARS-CoV-2 WIV04 strain, the HB02 strain, or aluminum hydroxide—only for the control group. During a median follow-up duration of 77 days, symptomatic COVID-19 was identified in 26 participants in the WIV04 group, 21 in the HB02 group, and 95 in the control group, resulting in efficacy of 72.8% for the WIV04-based vaccine and 78.1% for the HB02-based vaccine. <26 May>

[key info]
