白聚山(Bai2009)在线性面板数据中引入了个体差异和时间差异的交互效应,来反映共同因素对不同个体的效应差异。详见Bai, Jushan. Panel data models with interactive fixed effects. (2009) Econometrica.
help regife
regife 现在可以从 ssc下载,但是需要reghdfe
ssc install reghdfe
ssc install regife
net install regife, from("")
对于Stata 12或更早版本,下载存储库的zip文件,并在Stata中运行以下命令
net install regife, from("SomeFolderRegife")
Matthieu Gomez, 2015. REGIFE: Stata module to estimate linear models with interactive fixed effect. Statistical Software Components s457874, Boston College Department of Economics.
regife depvar [indepvars] [if] [in] [weight] , ife(idvar timevar, ndmis) [options]
ife (idvar timevar, ndims)指定id变量、时间变量和固定效应的时间维度。要保存估计的交互固定效果,写入ife(ife_idvar = idvar ife_timevar= timevar, ndims).
absorb(absvar[...]) 表示将被吸收的固定效应,即加入个体或者时间固定效应
vce(vcetype[, opt]) vcetype是unadjusted/ols (default), robust, bootrap or cluster clustervars.。蒙特卡罗证据表明,bootstrap在有限样本中具有较好的性能
webuse nlswork
keep if id <= 100
* Factor model in id, year of dimension 1
regife ln_w tenure, ife(id year, 1)
3、加入个体效应Model including id fixed effect, and a factor model in id, year of dimension 2
regife ln_w tenure, a(id) ife(id year, 1)
4、个体效应基础上继续加入时间效应Model including id fixed effect, year fixed effect, and a factor model in id, year of dimension 1
regife ln_w tenure, a(id year) ife(id year, 1)
5、保存结果Save interactive fixed effects
regife ln_w tenure, ife(ife_id = id ife_year = year, 1)
6、Save fixed effects and interactive fixed effects
regife ln_w tenure, a(fe_id = id fe_year = year) ife(ife_id = id ife_year = year, 1)
7、产生残差项Generate residuals
regife ln_w tenure, ife(id year, 1) residuals(newvar)
8、Bootstrap 方法计算标准误
regife ln_w tenure, ife(id year, 1) vce(bootstrap)
- Bai, Jushan. Panel data models with interactive fixed effects. (2009) Econometrica
- Ilin, Alexander, and Tapani Raiko. Practical approaches to principal component analysis in the presence of missing values. (2010) The Journal of Machine Learning Research 11
- Koren, Yehuda. Factorization meets the neighborhood: a multifaceted collaborative filtering model. (2008) Proceedings of the 14th ACM SIGKDD international conference on Knowledge discovery and data mining.
- Raiko, Tapani, Alexander Ilin, and Juha Karhunen. Principal component analysis for sparse high-dimensional data. (2008) Neural Information Processing.
- Srebro, Nathan, and Tommi Jaakkola. Weighted low-rank approximations (2010) The Journal of Machine Learning Research 11
- Nocedal, Jorge and Stephen Wright An Inexact Levenberg-Marquardt method for Large Sparse Nonlinear Least Squares (1985) The Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society