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What is the best romantic conversation you can write?

Quora文选英语  · 公众号  · 问答  · 2017-06-14 08:54


What is the best romantic conversation you can write?

It has to be original.


Updated May 29, 2016 · Upvoted by Ellen Vrana, Full-time writer.

678.1kk Views · 45.1k Upvotes

Girl (on phone, to her Long Distance Boyfriend)- "Although we dont believe in such things, but today is 'Proposal Day' and even after 3 years of being together, you haven't formally proposed to me. Do that now, and be creative."

Guy (after thinking for sometime)- "Milady, I propose to you the following-
Although we cant be together for a few more years but,

4 years from now, would you share a home with me?
5 years from now, would you cook me chicken at 3 AM when I have those late night cravings?
6 years from now, would you pick me up from office late at night when my car breaks down?
7 years from now, would you join me on a family vacation with both our parents?
8 years from now, would you let me fertilize your eggs? ;)
9 years from now, would you let me decide the color scheme of our child's room?
10 years from now, would you please take care of the kid at night even when it's my turn, but I am too tired?
11 years from now, would you let me help our kid with potty training? You can trust me, I'll be really good at it."

Girl (Smiling with a hint of tears in her eyes)

Guy- "I know it's difficult. Quite difficult. But,
60 Years from now, would you still kiss me as you do now?"

Girl- "Yes, Yes, and a thousand times, Yes."


miladyn. 夫人(尊称)、时髦妇女、上流社会妇女;

cravingn. ~(for sth) strong desire 强烈的愿望: a craving for food 想吃东西的强烈愿望。

  • crave~ (for) sth have a strong desire for sth 渴望、渴求某事物: I was craving for a drink. 我非常想喝一点。

fertilizevt. 施肥、使…受精;adj. 可施肥的;可受精的;n. 施肥;(此处…自行体会吧…


  • oval object from which young are hatched, laid by birds, reptiles, insects, etc and usu covered by a thin hard shell (鸟类、爬行动物、昆虫等产的)卵、蛋;

  • female mammals the cell from which the young is formed; ovum 卵、卵子、卵细胞: The male sperm fertilizes the female egg. 雄性的精子使雌性的卵子受精。
