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The
huge
variation
in
temperature
between
winter
and
summer
presents
a
challenge
to
almost
all
life
here
.
冬夏气温的巨大变化对这里几乎所有的生命都是挑战。
The
Common
Cranes
that
migrated
early
lost
their
eggs
to
the
cold
.
冷天气使早来的灰鹤遭受损失。
But
later
rival
has
advantage
.
不过,后来者就有了优势。
Warmer
weather
means
the
eggs
of
this
female
will
have
a
chance
of
hatching
.
温暖的天气让这只雌鸟的卵有机会孵化。
But
life
is
far
from
simple
for
a
well
-
travelled
wader
.
然而对于见多识广的涉禽来说生活远没有这么简单。
patrolling
red
fox
will
make
short
work
of
any
unguarded
nest
.
正在巡逻的赤狐会轻而易举地袭击疏于防范的巢穴。
As
if
that's
not
enough
,
soaring
temperatures
in
the
crane's
marshland
summer
home
make
it
a
perfect
breeding
ground
for
insects
.
好像这还远远不够,灰鹤夏天所居的沼泽地气温飙升,非常有利于昆虫繁殖。
If
her
chicks
are
going
to
hatch
,
she
must
stay
on
the
nest
.
要使雏鸟孵化它得呆在巢上。
That
makes
her
a
sitting
target
for
the
flies
.
这就使它成了苍蝇的活靶子。
In
the
north
of
Iceland
,
kittiwakes
are
taking
the
plunge
.
冰岛北部一群三趾鸥扎进水中。
With
much
of
their
life
spent
in
sea
,
a
fresh
water