[1] ECRA§ 1741-1791 (2018).
[2] CRS In Focus IF10964, “Made in China 2025” Industrial Policies: Issues for Congress. https://crsreports.congress.gov/product/pdf/IF/IF10964/8. accessed on 11 November 2024.
[3] Ibid.
[4] U.S. Congress, House Committee on Foreign Affairs, Markup of H.R. 5040 et al., April 17,2018,115th Cong., 2nd
sess., Serial No.115-120 (Washington, DC: GPO, 2018), p.219.
[5] 50 U.S.C.§4817(a); ECRA §1758(a).
[6] 50 U.S.C. §4817(b); ECRA §1758(b).
[7] 50 U.S.C. §4817(b); ECRA §1758(b).
[8] Christopher Ford, “Technology Transfer De-Risking: A New and Growing Need,” Department of State, December 2020.
[9] CRS In Focus IF10964, “Made in China 2025” Industrial Policies: Issues for Congress.
[10] 50 U.S.C.§4812(a)(2)(F); ECRA§1753(a)(2)(F).
[11] 50 U.S.C. §4815(d)(1)-(3); ECRA §1756(d)(1)-(3).
[12] 50 U.S.C. §4817(b)(3)(C); ECRA §1758(b)(3)(C).
[13] 50 U.S.C. §4815; ECRA §1756.
[14] 50 U.S.C.§4817(a) and (d).
[15] 50 U.S.C.§4819(b)-(c); ECRA §1760(b)-(c).
[16] 50 U.S.C.§4820; ECRA§1761.
[17] EAR, 15 C.F.R. §744.21.
[18] Executive Order 13936.
[19] Antoni Slodkowski, James Pomfret and Laurie Chen, “Ready or not? How China scrambled to counter the second Trump shock” (Reuters, November 8, 2024). https://www.reuters.com/world/ready-or-not-how-china-scrambled-counter-second-trump-shock-2024-11-08/ accessed on November 11, 2024.
[20] Federal Register/Vol. 83, No. 223/Monday, November 1, 2018; Federal Register Vol. 85, No. 167, August 27, 2020.
[21] Clay Jr., William L., et al. "Trump 2.0: An Initial Roundup of Key Policy Issues and Expectations." *Pillsbury Law*, 2024, https://www.pillsburylaw.com/en/news-and-insights/trump-policies-expectations-2024.html. Accessed on November 11,2024.