专栏名称: Kallanish国际钢铁资讯
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Kallanish国际钢铁资讯  · 公众号  ·  · 2020-03-06 12:09


Kallanish (开阑商务信息咨询)获悉,俄罗斯管材生产商Chelpipe计划改善其出口策略。

Russian pipemaker Chelpipe plans to improve its export strategy, Kallanish learns from the company.


The focus is to develop new markets in Europe, North America, theCIS, North Africa and the Middle East. “We understand that some markets we willneed to enter in partnerships, opening offices in the Middle East, NorthAmerica and the EU,” a Chelpipe spokesperson says. “In particular, we areconsidering local options in the Middle East for a number of types ofproducts.”


The company will focus on the development of promising segments,investing into high value-added steel products, service and integratedengineering solutions. This will be instead of increasing production volumes,regardless of the market situation.


The spokesperson declined to comment directly on press reportssuggesting Chelpipe is evaluating listing a larger shareholding on the stockexchange. “The company is considering various options for financing itsdevelopment, but at the present time it is premature to talk about specificplans and parameters,” the spokesperson says.


The Russian pipemaker demonstrated growth in all major financialindicators in 2019. This was achieved on the back of increased shipments andexpansion into export markets (see Kallanish passim). The company clocked uprevenue of RUB 192.3 billion ($28.7 billion), up 7.5% on-year, with net profitrising 28.9% to RUB 9.96 billion. Profitability rose 0.8 percentage points to16.6%.


The company will continue focussing on raising higher-value-addedproducts output in 2020, while increasing efficiency, expanding sales geographyand participating in projects in adjacent markets, it says.



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