IELTS speaking and idioms.
Play by ear.并不是玩耳朵,而是形容一些音乐家或说话非常厉害的人在毫无准备的情况下按照自己之前听过的音乐或题材进行演奏或者谈话。还可以形容没有什么准备,随遇而安的感觉。
1.What do you like to do on weekends?
Normally, Weekends are days that I don’t have to go to work/school, I would usually like to allocate those time on my own interest, mostly, I would play computer games to kill some time, which could provide me some experience I don’t have opportunity to go though in my real life, then
play by ear
to see what would come up for the rest of the day.