专栏名称: 细胞与基因治疗领域
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51好读  ›  专栏  ›  细胞与基因治疗领域

第八届先进疗法创新峰会(ATMP2024) | 聚焦细胞与基因治疗产业布局, 聚集 "审评监管-产-学-研-医" 海内外顶流

细胞与基因治疗领域  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-11-28 08:20


2024年12 月19 -20


近年来 ATMP2019-2024 汇聚了来自美国宾夕法尼亚大学佩雷尔曼医学院、帕克癌症免疫疗法研究所、纪念斯隆-凯特琳癌症中心、MD 安德森癌症中心、美国费城儿童医院、加州大学圣地亚哥分校、美国国立癌症研究所、美国国立卫生研究院、 英国伦敦大学圣乔治医院,新加坡科技研究局、日本京都大学iPS 细胞研究所、美国食品药品监督管理局以及德国埃尔朗根-纽伦堡大学(FAU) 等众多国际先进疗法先驱,及中国顶尖学府、科研院所及知名产业界嘉宾的共同参与。 由迪易生命科学主办的 ATMP2024 第八届先进疗法创新峰会将于2024年12月19-20日在上海康桥万豪酒店召开。



随着全球范围内学术、医疗、资本与产业的积极参与,ATMP相关在研产品数量呈现爆发式增长。 与此同时,该领域也面临着法规监管、工艺开发、商业化生产、出海合作、患者可及性等诸多问题与挑战。 为促进来源于中国的高质量研发创新,快速推进先进治疗产品的研发与商业化进程,探索合作新模式,第八届先进疗法创新峰会 - 全球细胞与基因治疗创新峰会将于2024年12月19-20日在上海康桥万豪酒店举办。


* CAR-T 细胞免疫治疗产品的注册与商业化

* CRISPR基因编辑疗法与工程化免疫细胞疗法的未来

* 自身免疫性疾病CAR-T 细胞疗法的研发

* 开发新一代的创新细胞免疫疗法: 脑肿瘤, 实体瘤以及恶性血液瘤领域治疗的最新进展  ( CAR-T. TIL, CAR-NK, TCR-T, CAR-M, In Vivo mRNA CAR T etc., )

* 细胞与基因治疗产品监管科学研究中的探索与思考

* AAV基因治疗在神经退行性疾病, 渐冻症, 眼科疾病, 耳聋, 常见病与罕见病治疗领域的突破

* 罕见病治疗的创新途径

* 细胞治疗药物的开发前景,工艺优化,技术创新,质量控制及商业化生产

* 细胞与基因治疗前沿技术创新


主旨演讲嘉宾 Plenary Speaker s



复星凯瑞 Fosun Kairos

演讲主题: Learnings in registration and commercialization as the pioneer in the China CAR-T market


  • Who is Fosun Kairos?

  • Fosun Kairos’ successful experience in registration and commercialization of YIKAIDA, the first CAR-T cell therapy in China;

  • Exploring innovative payment solutions to increase CAR-T accessibility;

  • Looking forward, how can we release the potential of China CGT market?


执董 总经理



演讲主题: 大药企背景下的细胞治疗布局

Speaker Bio:





圆桌论坛:Future Cell-based Therapies Revolution: Key Considerations for Scientists, CRO/CDMOs, Clinicians, Health Care Systems, International Societies and Regulatory Authorities

Speaker Bio:

郑彪博士毕业于浙江大学医学院医学系;获上海复旦大学医学院免疫学硕士及伦敦大学 (King’s College, University of London)免疫学博士学位。曾在美国马里兰大学医学院 (University of Maryland School of Medicine) 及杜克大学医学中心 (Duke University Medical Center) 任教。随后任职于美国贝 勒医学院(Baylor College of Medicine), 为该校病理和免疫系终身教授。在葛兰索史克 (GlaxoSmithKline) 研发中心负责免疫学研究工作。曾任美国强生公司(Janssen Pharmaceuticals, Johnson & Johnson) 全球副总裁, 负责亚太地区免疫领域创新药物研发,包括免疫调节机制、肿瘤免疫、及自身免疫性疾病。郑彪博士现任邦耀生物首席执行官。

郑彪教授学术著作丰厚,其中多篇发表在 Cell, Nature 和Science 等世界顶尖杂志上。在马里兰大学、杜克大学及贝勒医学院工作期间获得多项重大科研基金,包括美国 NIH 科研基金、白血病与淋巴瘤协会基金、美国关节炎基金会、美国心脏研究协会基金、美国衰老研究联盟基金等。在药物研发方面,从新药筛选、靶点研究、疾病模型、临床前及临床试验等方面积累了重要的经验,对新药开发全过程有深刻的认识。在打造小分子药,大分子抗体药,细胞治疗管线均有丰富的经验。


科济药业 创始人


首席执行官, 首席科学官


演讲主题: 解决实体瘤和异体CAR-T关键挑战的策略

Speaker Bio:


长期从事CAR-T细胞治疗药物研发,带领团队开发了针对复发难治多发性骨髓瘤的国家一类CAR-T创新药物赛恺泽;发表了全球首篇GPC3 CAR-T,首篇CLDN18.2 CAR-T论文并率先开展相应临床试验;其开发的CT041是全球首个进入关键2期临床试验的实体瘤CAR-T候选药物;他在国际上率先提出局部治疗和CAR-T联合,小分子药物和CAR-T联合用于治疗实体瘤等创新治疗策略并推进到临床试验中;发明了原创性同种异体CAR-T技术平台(Thank-uCAR)。他已发表论文过百篇,是超过200个专利的发明人。他入选上海市领军人才,上海市优秀学术带头人,上海市青年科技英才等人才计划。曾获上海市五一劳动奖章、上海市青年科技杰出贡献奖。


副校长, 遗传学讲席教授








药理临床核查部 主审审评员


演讲主题: 细胞与基因治疗产品监管科学研究中的探索与思考


上海交通大学医学院附属瑞金医院 副院长

上海市重中之重临床医学中心 主任

上海市血液学研究所 所长

Speaker Bio:

Zhao Wei-Li, M.D., PhD, Professor of Hematology, Director of Shanghai Institute of Hematology, Director of Shanghai top priority clinical medical center and Vice President of Shanghai Ruijin Hospital. She is the doctoral supervisor of both Shanghai Jiao Tong University and University Paris VII, foreign member of American Society of Hematology, Vice President of Chinese Association of Hematology, Vice President of Chinese Society of Experimental Hematology, and member of the editorial committee of Pathobiology, Biomarker Research, Chinese Journal of Hematology, Chinese Journal of Leukemia & Lymphoma, and Clinical Hematology Journal. She mainly focuses on the clinical and basic research of hematological malignancies, especially the molecular mechanism and targeted therapy of malignant lymphoma. She innovatively proposed the molecular pathways of apoptosis, angiogenesis and cell differentiation involved in lymphoma progression and the availability of targeted agents for treatment. She has been awarded National Award for Science and Technology Progress and Outstanding Achievement Award of Scientific Research from National Ministry of Education and HUA XIA Award of Medicine and Technology from National Ministry of Science and Technology for her research progress and is now leading projects granted by National High Technology Research and Development Program of China, by National Natural Science Foundation of China and several other events on provincial level. She has been honored New Century Excellent Talents in University by State Ministry of Education, Rising-Star by Shanghai Committee of Science and Technology, Shu Guang Scholar by Shanghai Municipal Educational Committee. She has published over 120 articles including those on leading hematology journals like《CANCER CELL》、《NATURE GENETICS》、《BLOOD》、《MOLECULAR CANCER》、《SIGNAL TRANSDUCT TARGET THER》、《J HEMATOL ONCOL》、《LANCET HAEMATOL》、《CLIN CANCER RES》with total impact factors over 1600.

Stephan Grupp




Emily Whitehead 主治医生

在线演讲主题: Current Advances and Challenges in Engineered Cell Therapy for Leukemia and Red Cell Disorders: from CAR T to CRISPR


• Current status of CAR T therapy for relapsed/refractory ALL

• Updates in CAR T toxicity management

• Alternative targets beyond CD19

• Engineered stem cell therapies for thalassemia and sickle cell disease

• Approval of Casgevy in the US for red cell disorders

Peter Marks




在线演讲主题: The Future of Human Genome Editing: A Regulatory Perspective (Online Presentation)


Genome editing offers tremendous promise for the treatment of disease. The US FDA understands that we need to re-evaluate and modernize our approach to the unique challenges of genome editing while also ensuring the resulting therapies are both safe and effective. The FDA is taking steps to facilitate more efficient genome editing product development. For example, the FDA will encourage the use of biomarkers as surrogate endpoints to help facilitate the accelerated approval of gene therapies for serious or life-threatening conditions, such as lysosomal storage disorders and neurodegenerative diseases affecting very small numbers of individuals. FDA is also running a pilot program to attempt to further accelerate the pace of development of therapeutics for very small populations with very high medical need. This pilot for rare pediatric genetic diseases will allow ongoing informal interactions during development of the product. Finally, while countries around the world have their own regulatory authorities, there are not uniform global quality safety standard for the evaluation and regulation of cell and gene therapy products. The FDA supports work toward global regulatory convergence and, ultimately, global harmonization of regulations for these products.




演讲主题: Novel CRISPR-based genome-editing tools rescue fatal diseases and extend lifespan

(基于 CRISPR 的新型基因组编辑工具挽救致命疾病并延长寿命)


Genetic fatal diseases are among the most significant public health challenges, as many lack disease-modifying treatments. The CRISPR system can be used in disease models to edit and manipulate genomes and control gene expression levels precisely, offering the potential to cure diseases as never before. Scientific aspects of employing novel CRISPR technology for gene-editing therapeutic applications will be discussed, focusing on high-fidelity Cas12Max DNA-editing for Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD) and Cas13 RNA-editing for MECP2 Duplication Syndrome (MDS).

We engineered the natural Cas12i variant to develop the high-fidelity CRISPR-Cas12 (hfCas12Max) with high editing efficiency and specificity. Here, we report using a single adeno-associated virus (AAV) carrying hfCas12Max and guided RNA (gRNA) targeting the human dystrophin gene, HG302, for treating DMD. Our in-vivo results of the single-cut DNA-editing strategy support the initiation of MUSCLE clinical study (an open-label, Multidose study to Understand the Safety of Crispr gene-editing therapy and its long-Lasting Effects in DMD patients; NCT06594094). also developed HG204, consisting of CRISPR/hfCas13Y and gRNAs targeting the MECP2 gene, for MDS, a rare and fatal childhood neurodevelopment disorder. One injection of HG204 restores motor function, anxiety behavior, society impairment, and fear of learning, extending lifespan in our in-vivo studies. We plan to initiate the HERO clinical study (a first-in-Human trial to Evaluate the safety and efficacy of a novel crispr Rna-editing therapy in patients with MDS, a rare Orphan disease; NCT06615206) soon.

The HG204 program has been granted orphan drug designation (ODD) and rare pediatric disease designation (RPDD) by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) as well as orphan drug by European Medicines Agency. The HG302 program has also been granted ODD and RPDD by the U.S. FDA. Additionally, the abstract of HG302, using a single-cut gene-editing approach which can be applicable for different hotspot of DMD, has been selected for late-breaking presentation at the 29th Annual Congress of the World Muscle Society in Prague, Czechia.

  • Novel gene-editing tools to overcome the current CRISPR-Cas9 limitations

  • Dystrophin expression and muscle function restoration with novel CRISPR/Cas12Max single-cut gene-editing therapy of HG302

  • Development of CRISPR/Cas13 RNA-editing therapy, HG204, to treat fatal neurodevelopment disease




演讲主题: Advancing Clinical Applications of Gene Editing Using Innovative transformer Base Editor (tBE)


The therapeutic application of gene editing technology in the field of cell or gene therapy is growing rapidly. Currently, Exa-cel (Casgevy), a CRISPR/Cas9 gene-edited cell therapy, is approved by US/EU, several programs using in vivo or ex vivo gene editing have entered clinical stage or even BLA for different indications worldwide, but there are safety concerns such as chromosome abnormalities and off-target mutations with current gene editing tools.

  • Compared with CRISPR/Cas9 and regular CBE, Correctseq’s proprietary transformer Base Editor (tBE) doesn’t cause double strand breaks or undetected off-target mutations, has higher editing efficiency and lower cytotoxicity, making it potentially the best base editor.

  • CS-101, the first pipeline using tBE to precisely edit human hematopoietic stem cells ex vivo for the treatment of β-hemoglobinopathy, achieved better efficacy and much lower safety risks in pre-clinical studies.  It is now at Phase 1 clinical study. Several patients with transfusion-dependent β-thalassemia who have received CS-101 treatment have all achieved transfusion independence and been able to resume a normal life following treatment. It holds great potential to be the best-in-class gene editing treatment for β-thalassemia and sickle cell disease.

  • Proof-of-concept (POC) data in mice for in vivo pipelines using tBE-editing therapies via lipid nanoparticle (LNP) delivery are available, including targets for metabolic diseases including hypercholesterolemia, hypertriglyceridemia, obesity/diabetes, etc. More details of the tBE system and progresses of the pipelines will be presented.



Iovance Biotherapeutics

演讲主题: TIL Immunotherapy for Solid Tumors: Present and Future


-Amtagvi (lifileucel) is the first FDA approved TIL immuno cell therapy for a solid tumor

-TIL therapy targets multiple cancer-specific neoantigens in each individual patient, and there are reported studies of clinical benefits across multiple solid tumor types

-Multiple approaches are in development, including inducible membrane-tethered IL12 aim to further enhance efficacy of TIL therapy

Dr. Yin joined Iovance in November 2021. He is a pharmacologist by training with nearly 30 years of discovery and development experience in various therapeutic areas within the biopharmaceutical industry. His prior leadership roles included Vice President of Oncology Research & Early Development at Pfizer, Executive Director at Novartis, Chief Scientific Officer at Fosun Pharma and President of the Innovation Institute at Qilu Pharmaceutical. Dr. Yin has contributed to the development of Amtagvi, Kymriah and Cosentyx, among others. He earned a Ph.D. in Pharmacology from the University of Rochester and conducted post-doctoral research in the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Pharmacology at the University of California, San Francisco.




演讲主题: IM96 CAR-T Therapy: Breakthrough in Metastatic Colorectal Cancer


The options for third-line treatments and their outcomes for metastatic colorectal cancer (mCRC) are severely limited; currently, only drugs like regorafenib, fruquintinib, and trifluridine are available, with a clinical response rate of less than 5%. This is particularly true for colorectal cancer with liver metastasis, where these treatments prove largely ineffective.

Guanylyl cyclase 2C (GUCY2C) is highly expressed in over 80% of colorectal cancer (CRC) cases and is restricted to the apical region of intestinal epithelial cells in normal tissue, making it an attractive therapeutic target. We have developed a CAR-T therapy targeting GUCY2C (IM96) and initiated a Phase I study to assess its safety and efficacy (NCT05287165).

This open-label, 3+3 dose escalation study enrolled mCRC patients positive for GCC who had progressed on at least three prior therapies. Enrolled patients first underwent lymphodepletion with fludarabine and cyclophosphamide, followed by a single infusion of IM96. The CAR-T cell doses were 3 × 10^8 cells (DL1), 6 × 10^8 cells (DL2), 12 × 10^8 cells (DL3), and 20 × 10^8 cells (DL4). The primary endpoints were safety and toxicity, while secondary endpoints included efficacy and pharmacokinetic characteristics.

As of March 2024, a total of 26 patients received IM96 treatment, including 14 with liver metastasis. All patients carried the pMMR/MSS genotype. 5 patients were treated at the third-line stage, and 21 received post-third-line therapy.

Across all treated patients, IM96 demonstrated good tolerability, achieving a response rate of 42.9% in the target dose cohort and 40% in those with liver metastases. Notably, the responses were durable.




演讲主题: Novel CAR-T Therapy Brings Long-Term Benefits to Solid Tumor Patients


CAR-T therapies have been validated in hematologic malignancies, but not approved for treatment of solid tumors. Immunofoco, a cutting-edge CAR-T company, is dedicated to addressing unmet clinical needs by advancing breakthroughs in CAR-T therapy for treating solid tumors and have adopted firstly the strategy of “curing the solid tumors by treating them as hematologic malignancies”.

Key points as below:

-           Pipeline and preliminary clinical progress

-           Innovative CAR-T technology platforms

-           The prospect of CAR-T industry




演讲主题: Driving Engineered T Cell Therapy for Solid Tumors


- Current bottlenecks of T cell-based therapies for solid tumor treatment

- Biosyngen’s technology and clinical translation platform

- Biosyngen’s CAR-T/TCR-T/TIL development story




演讲主题: FlexTune Platform: its Development and Application for Solid Tumor Treatment


The conventional CAR T therapy has produced stellar results for blood tumor treatments yet obtained limited success so far for solid tumor treatment. In addition, CAR T in its conventional form suffers drawbacks such as uncontrolled adverse effects, limited indications, high costs of development and manufacturing. At TriArm, we took an integrated approach to develop CAR T therapy for the treatment of diseases ranging from cancer, autoimmune diseases to infectious diseases.

We developed FlexTune platform which offers flexibility and functions similar to T cell engager and antibody-drug-conjugates (ADC) in addition to programmable PD/PKs unique to live cellular therapies. In this presentation we will discuss the development of this technology and its application in solid tumor treatment using CD70 program as an example.



上海交通大学医学院 - 上海市免疫学研究所

演讲主题: FOXP3+ regulatory T cell perturbation and the future of Treg-based immunotherapy


Research in our laboratory mainly focuses on understanding molecular mechanism underlying the functional instability, and imbalance of FOXP3+ Regulatory T cells (Treg) and RORγt+ T helper 17 cells (Th17) in inflammatory diseases, as well as their therapeutically modulation, especially by compounds from Chinese Traditional Medicine. By using and developing Treg specifically depletion animal models, as well as these state-of-art cutting-edge technologies in single cell sequencing and immune cell metabolism, we are revealing the functional role of tissue-specific Treg subsets and mechanisms underlying their perturbation in health and disease settings. We expect that our original findings will be translational to biomedical industry and be beneficial to the future of Treg-based immunotherapy.




演讲主题: CMC Considerations for TIL Immunotherapy – Manufacturing and Control: Challenges, Headaches and Solutions


Tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes (TILs) therapy is a type of cell-based immunotherapy using the patient’s own immune cells from the microenvironment of the solid tumor to kill tumor cells.  Recent clinical studies demonstrated that adopting cell transfer of TIL for advanced solid tumors showed good efficacy, and with the first TIL product lifileucel (Amtagvi) approved by FDA February 2024.  This session will cover some of the unique CMC complexity of TIL therapy, and discuss considerations in process design, process control and analytics innovation.




演讲主题: BS001(OH2) Development and the Unique CMC complexity & Process Development for Oncolytic ViroTherapy


OH2 is a genetically engineered oncolytic herpes simplex virus type 2, which has been granted with Breakthrough Therapy Designation in China, and two Orphan Drug Designations and Fast Track Designation in USA.

  • Unique CMC complexity and full closed-loop process development for oncolytic virotherapy.

  • New progress in INDs and clinical trials in unresectable melanoma, advanced glioblastoma, soft tissue sarcoma, biliary track cancer, and metastatic esophageal, colorectal cancer in China / USA.

  • Enhancing the specificity of oncolytic virus intravenous delivery for a novel oncolytic virus technology pathway .




演讲主题: Conjugated-Antibody allogenic NK cell products for the treatment of tumor and non tumor diseases


Imbioray focuses on the world's first universal NK and CAR-NK technology and drug development, targeting the Chinese and overseas markets, committed to leading the development of high-quality natural killer NK cells worldwide, and building a new pattern of natural medicine health. Layout globally, focusing on researching and developing cutting-edge tumors, autoimmune diseases, chronic diseases, and CNS diseases. Imbioray is the world's first enterprise to achieve large-scale, fully enclosed, automated, and modular production processes for NK cells. We have four core technology platforms that collaborate to accelerate source innovation, including a universal NK platform with independent intellectual property rights, an immune domestication NK cell platform, a virus free vector and gene modified CAR coupling platform, and an antibody guided NK connector platform.




演讲主题: BCMA/CD19 Dual-targeting CAR T (KQ-2003) in Relapsed/Refractory Multiple Myeloma Patients with Extramedullary Diseases


KQ-2003 is a BCMA/CD19 dual-targeting CAR T-cell therapy product, manufactured by Novatim Immune Therapeutics (Zhejiang) Co., Ltd. Utilizing the latest parallel CAR structure to enhance the cell activation and persistence, the dual CAR structure alleviates the antigen evasion of single target therapy. This Investigator-Initiated study (NCT04714827) in China aims to evaluate the safety, tolerability, and preliminary efficacy of KQ-2003 CAR-T cells in patients (pts) with relapsed/refractory multiple myeloma (RRMM), particularly in those with extramedullary disease (EMD). As of the Jul. 25, 2024 clinical cutoff, 23 pts (52.2% male; median age 64 y (range 52-77) with RRMM received KQ-2003, 60.9% (14/23) of the pts had EMD at baseline, 35.7% (5/14) of EMD pts have no hematological measurable indicators, and the response was evaluated by PET-CT. Hematological overall response rate (ORR) was 100.0% (18/18), with a sCR/CR rate of 88.9% (16/18), VGPR rate of 11.1% (2/18). The PET ORR of EMD pts was 85.7% (12/14), 64.3% (9/14) and 50.0% (7/14) of EMD pts had > 50% and > 75% reduction in the size of soft tissue plasmacytomas. CRS and ICANS were observed in 21/23 (91.3%, grade 3/4 4.3%), and 5/23 (21.7%, grade 3/4 8.7%). KQ-2003 showed prompt, profound and durable response in RRMM with acceptable safety. More importantly, it exerted promising efficacy in pts with EMD, including the clinical intractable EM-E, which merits further clinical investigation. Furthermore, the phase 1/2a KQ-2003-CAR-T study in R/R MM (CTR20233309) and R/R POEMS (CTR20242409) is already ongoing in China.




演讲主题:Developing Donor-derived CD7-targeting Allogeneic CAR-T cells to Treat CD7+ Malignanc




演讲主题: Updated Clinical Results of Metabolically Armored CD19 CAR-T Cells at Extremely Low Doses


• Manageable safety profile in r/r DLBCL/B-ALL

• Promising breakthrough efficacy in all dose groups

• Extremely low dose (0.2 x 10⁵ / kg  to 1 x 10⁵ / kg), corresponding to 1% - 5% dose of commercial products (2x10⁶ / kg)




演讲主题:The Latest Advances in CAR-T Cell Therapy for T-cell Malignancies




演讲主题: Innovation and Breakthrough of TIL Therapy


- TIL therapy has delivered deep and durable responses for patients suffered with advanced cancer.

- TIL therapy is still confronted with several challenges about production process, treatment regimen, and cost.

- Multiple resolutions are in development, using epigenetic or genetic modification, to overcome the challenges of TIL therapy.




演讲主题: Allogeneic  Universal Ready-to-Use Tumor-Infiltrating Lymphocyte (TIL)


Solid tumors account for more than 90% of all cancers. Treating solid tumors using TILs can produce reproducible, even sustained anti-tumor responses. The advantages of using TIL for anti-tumor adoptive cellular therapy are: multi-target and polyclonal that partially solves the problem of tumor heterogeneity; has mild side effects; with natural chemokine receptors; strong tumor infiltration and rapid homing, and rich in memory T cells.

At present, all TIL cell therapies are autologous immune cells that have many limitations. Xinghua Biotherapeutics is a global pioneer in allogeneic TIL cell therapy.  Allogeneic UR-TIL technology greatly expands the scope of clinical applications. Using our tumor organoid production (TOP) platform, and UR-TIL production technology, we are forging a robust immune cell therapy pipeline to combat multiple cancers. Powerful components of TIL manufactured from doner’s PBMC with a purity of CD8+ T cells greater than 95% of the population. Unlimited quantity can be produced as a universal “off-the-shelf” TIL product.

Our method has been evaluated as safe in animal toxicity studies including mice and dogs. Quantitative analysis of GVHD-related protein factors showed that these cytokines were all at low levels after administration of UR-TIL. Allogeneic UR-TIL has been used for solid tumors and hematological malignancies.

Clinical applications of this UR-TIL indicate an excellent clinical safety profile. No CRS or GVHD are observed. Clinical application of UR-TILs is also effective, such as improving life quality, increasing survival time, and inducing tumor regression or disappearance associated with decreased or normalization of tumor biomarkers.

These results indicated that UR-TIL could GVL or GVT therapeutic effects but avoid GVHD toxicity. For cancer patients receiving our UR-TIL, lymphodepleting before TIL infusion is unnecessary; only a low dose of interleukin-2 is needed after TIL infusion. These unique characteristics of our UR-TIL overcome the limitations of autologous TIL-based ACT.

  • Using our TOP platform and UR-TIL production technology, TIL is manufactured from doner’s PBMC with a purity of CD8+ T cells greater than 95%. Unlimited quantity can be produced as a universal “off-the-shelf” TIL product.

  • Allogeneic UR-TIL has been used for solid tumors and hematological malignancies. Results of clinical applications of this UR-TIL indicate an excellent clinical safety profile. No CRS or GVHD nor autoimmune diseases were observed.

  • UR-TILs is also effective, such as improving life quality, increasing survival time, and inducing tumor regression or disappearance associated with decreased or normalization of tumor biomarkers.

  • These results indicated that UR-TIL could GVL or GVT therapeutic effects but avoid GVHD toxicity. These unique characteristics of our UR-TIL overcome the limitations of autologous TIL-based ACT.




演讲主题:Harnessing the Power of Red Blood Cells for Treating Cancers




演讲主题: Leading the Innovation of Developing Next Generation Universal CD-7 CAR-T Cell Therapy against Hematological Malignancies -- WU-CART-007 Development Story


















联合创始人 兼基因治疗设计副总裁


演讲主题: Advancements in AAV-based drug development for innovative treatments of Parkinson's disease


Parkinson's disease ranks as the second most prevalent neurodegenerative disorder globally, affecting approximately 10 million individuals worldwide, with around 4 million of those cases in China. The primary pathological hallmark of Parkinson's disease is the degeneration of dopaminergic neurons within the substantia nigra of the midbrain. Despite existing treatments, there remains a significant gap in addressing the therapeutic needs for this condition. In the early stages, medications such as levodopa can provide symptomatic relief, but their efficacy tends to diminish as the disease advances. Moreover, these drugs do not address the fundamental issue of replenishing the lost dopaminergic neurons.

Hence, there is an urgent need for a therapeutic intervention that can stimulate the regeneration of dopaminergic neurons, thereby reversing the disease's progression. Our research has successfully harnessed cell reprogramming techniques to regenerate dopaminergic neurons in vivo, offering a novel therapeutic strategy for the treatment of Parkinson's disease. This breakthrough has the potential to revolutionize the management of mid to late-stage Parkinson's disease, providing hope for patients where traditional treatments have fallen short.










里程碑 - 细胞治疗在自身免疫疾病与炎症领域的突破

主旨演讲嘉宾 Plenary Speaker s

Georg A. Schett



在线演讲主题 : CAR T Cell Therapy in Autoimmune Diseases


•  Principles of CAR T cell therapy and rationale for SLE treatment

•  Efficiency and safety in Lupus

•  Research agenda

•  Understand current unmet needs in treatment of autoimmune disease

•  Discuss the potential of CAR T cell therapy in autoimmune diseases

•  Present the key datasets on CAR T cell therapy in autoimmune disease

Georg Schett is Professor of Internal Medicine and since 2006 head of the Department of Medicine 3 - Rheumatology and Immunology at Uniklinikum Erlangen, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg in Germany.

Professor Schett graduated from the University of Innsbruck (Austria) in 1994. After his dissertation from medical school, he worked as scientist at the Institute of BioMedical Aging Research of the Austrian Academy of Science in Innsbruck. Two years later, he joined the Department of Medicine at the University of Vienna, where he completed his postgraduate training in Internal Medicine and subsequently in Rheumatology. In 2003 he was promoted to professor of Internal Medicine. Before accepting his position as the chair of the Department of Internal Medicine 3 in Erlangen, he worked as a scientist in the United States of America for one year.

Georg Schett’s scientific work includes a broad spectrum of clinical and immunological issues, particularly the molecular basics of immune-inflammatory diseases. Initially, he investigated the immunology of atherosclerosis and focused on antibody-mediated endothelial cell damage. His research work led to the understanding of the phenomenon of LE-cells in 2007. He was awarded the renowned START Award in 2002 and established a research group for arthritis in Vienna. In 2008, he initiated in collaboration with colleagues the priority program IMMUNOBONE in Germany, funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG). IMMUNOBONE aims to elucidate the interactions between the skeletal and the immune systems. Since 2015, Prof. Schett has led the DFG collaborative research centre 1181 “Checkpoints for Resolution of Inflammation” in Erlangen. Additionally, he is spokesperson of the project METARTHROS, funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research, which investigates the impact of the metabolism on arthritis. In 2019, he received funding for the ERC-Synergy grant “4D+ nanoSCOPE Advancing osteoporosis medicine by observing bone microstructure and remodelling using a four-dimensional nanoscope” of which he is spokesperson. 4D nanoSCOPE aims to develop tools and techniques to permit time-resolved imaging and characterization of bone in three spatial dimensions (both in vitro and in vivo), thereby permitting monitoring of bone remodelling and revolutionizing the understanding of bone morphology and its function.

In 2021, Prof. Schett was appointed Vice President for Research at the Friedrich Alexander University of Erlangen-Nuremberg and became a Leopoldina member of the German National Academy of Sciences.

Professor Schett’s scientific work has been honored with several awards, including the Carol-Nachman Prize from Wiesbaden. In March 2023, Prof. Schett received the 2023 “Funding Prize in the Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Programme” awarded by the DFG. He has published over 1000 peer-reviewed papers.


德国埃尔朗根-纽伦堡大学医学博士 中国科学技术大学特任研究员 安徽省教育厅领军人才特聘教授







演讲主题: Allogeneic CAR-T Cell Therapy in Refractory Autoimmune Diseases


Allogeneic chimeric antigen receptor (CAR)-T cells hold great promises for expanding the accessibility of CAR-T therapy, whereas risks of allograft rejection have hampered its application. Here we genetically engineered healthy donor-derived, CD19-targeting CAR-T cells using CRISPR-Cas9 to address the issue of immune rejection and treated autoimmune diseases with these cells. The infused cells persisted for over three months, achieving complete B cell depletion within 2 weeks of treatment. During the six-month follow-up, we observed deep remission without cytokine release syndrome or other serious adverse events in all cases, primarily shown by the significant improvement in the clinical response index scores for the three diseases we studied respectively and supported by the observations of reversal of inflammation and fibrosis. Our results demonstrate high safety and promising immune modulatory effect of the off-the-shelf CAR-T cells in treating severe refractory autoimmune diseases.




邦耀生物 董事长




演讲主题: KN5501 CD19 CAR-NK Cell Therapy to SLE Patients


Our ongoing clinical trial (NCT 06010472) has completed the KN5501 CAR-NK treatment of 20 SLE patients. The 1st patient has reached to 12 months post infusion and the median follow-up duration of 20 patients treated is 6 months. The received data demonstrates the efficacy, safety and persistency of KN5501 CD19 CAR-NK cell therapy to relapsed and refractory SLE patients.

The data demonstrated:

1. The efficacy of KN5501 CD19 CAR-NK, specifically designed for autoimmunity, to SLE patient:

- the complete deletion of B cells and reset of B cell immune system with Naïve B cell reconstitution,

- overall improvements of clinical disease activity, including reduced dsDNA autoantibody, reduced urine protein excretion, hydrarthrosis

disappearance, normalization of autoantibodies and complements etc. and SLEDAI-2K decrease

- observed CR in LLDAS and DORIS assessments

2. No CRS, ICANS, infections or AEs were observed during the infusion/12-month follow-up, which demonstrated a supper safety

characteristic of KN5501 CAR-NK therapy in autoimmunity.

3. The patient of 'disease-free' post infusion for up to 12-month so far indicated a potential of KN5501 drug persistency.

As a breakthrough therapy, KN5501 CD19 CAR-NK cell therapy demonstrated a great potential that can help many patients suffering autoimmune diseases.






演讲主题: T Regulatory Cell Therapy in Inflammatory Diseases

Speaker Bio:

Dr. Zheng earned his MD from the Anhui Medical University, MS from Fudan University Shanghai Medical School in China and PhD from the University of Orleans in France. He completed his postdoctoral training at the University of California, Los Angeles and the University of Southern California in United States. Two years later, he joined the Department of Medicine at the University of Southern California as an Assistant Professor and Associate Professor until 2013. He then was promoted as a full professor and director of Rheumatology Research Center at Penn State University Medical School. In 2018, he was appointed as a Ronald L. Whisler Chair and Professor of Medicine, and Chair of Rheumatology Research Center in the Department of Internal Medicine at the Ohio State University. He has returned to China to serve as a Chair Professor of Medicine and Dean at the Shanghai Jiao Tong University since 2023.

Song Guo Zheng’s scientific work includes a broad spectrum of clinical and immunological issues, particularly the therapy basics of immuno-inflammatory diseases. He initially discovered TGF-β induced Tregs in 2002. His research led to the understanding of Treg differentiation and broadened the immunotherapies to various autoimmune and inflammatory diseases. Additionally, Dr. Zheng has been also focusing on the instability and dysfunction Treg cells under inflammatory conditions, for which he discovered that all-trans retinoic acid maintains and enhances natural Treg function even under inflammatory condition. He has significantly contributed to understanding of molecular mechanisms thereby Treg cells result in the pathogenic conversion, eventually promoting immunotolerance in immune systems and immunotherapy for patients with autoimmune and inflammatory diseases.

Dr. Zheng’s work has been well funded by NIH multiple R01, R33, R43, R61, and P30, STAR, ACR, Wright Foundation, Arthritis Foundation in US, as well as China NSFC and National key research and development project from the Department of Science and Technology and others.

He was awarded the renowned Freda Newton Memorial Scholar Award from Arthritis National Research Foundation in 2006, James R. Klinenberg M.D. Award (most outstanding immunologist in Southern California) from Arthritis Foundation in 2007 and ACR Investigator Award from American College of Rheumatology in 2008. He was then awarded the renowned NIH STAR Award in 2016, Outstanding Investigator Award in Pennsylvania (2017), the Edmund Dubois Award (most outstanding rheumatologist in the Asia-Pacific region, 2019), the Outstanding Clinical Immunologist in the big bay area (2019), the Outstanding Scientist Award from ScienceFather (2023) and the Hospital President Award in Shanghai (2023).

He is an elected member of the Henry Kunkel Society and an ANFR fellow.




演讲主题:Developing Next Generation Allogenic iPSC-Derived CAR-NK Cell Therapies for Cancer and Autoimmune Diseases




演讲主题:CAR T在中枢神经系统自免疾病的临床进展


复旦大学生命科学学院 兼职教授

雅科生物, 创始人

演讲主题:Advancing CAR T-Cell Therapy in a New Frontier-Autoimmune Diseases




演讲主题: 全球创新非基因编辑现货通用型DNT细胞疗法的研究进展




演讲主题: 虹信生物细胞靶向递送平台(EnC-LNPs)的研究与产业化进展

Speaker Bio:

肖泽秀, 医学博士,毕业于中山大学中山医学院,师从著名免疫学家陈列平教授,博士后师从调节性T细胞权威郑颂国教授,曾任中山大学附属第一医院特聘副研究员,基于共刺激分子的调节作用,在自身免疫疾病转化治疗应用研究10余年,研究成果以第一或者通讯作者发表论文13篇。现任深圳虹信生物科技有限公司董事、研发中心负责人。







AbelZeta Pharma



亘喜生物 阿斯利康集团成员


同济大学教授, 博士生导师


演讲主题: Advancing Towards the Future: Mesenchymal Stem Cell Therapy as an emerging Treatment for Crohn's Disease


Crohn's disease (CD) is a primary type of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), predominantly affecting young adults, who face lifelong recurrence and an increased risk of cancer. Clinical manifestations include abdominal pain, diarrhea, abdominal masses, fever, weight loss, and in severe cases, intestinal stenosis, obstruction, intra-abdominal abscesses, fistulas, perianal lesions, as well as extraintestinal complications involving joints, skin, eyes, and oral mucosa (Figure 1), significantly impacting quality of life. In China, the incidence of CD is rapidly increasing, having doubled or tripled over the past 30 years, making it a common gastrointestinal disorder, with a similar rising trend observed globally. Current standard therapies for Crohn's disease (CD) include glucocorticoids, immunomodulators, and biologics. Glucocorticoids can effectively induce remission in CD, but approximately half of patients become steroid-dependent or require surgery.  Monoclonal antibodies targeting tumor necrosis factor-alpha, interleukin 12/23, leukocyte adhesion molecules, as well as small molecules like Janus kinases (JAK) inhibitors and Sphingosine 1-phosphate (S1P) receptor modulators represent significant milestones in CD treatment. Despite their superior efficacy over traditional therapies and improved prognosis, overall response rates remain only 32-45%.

Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) have become a focal point in research for various diseases due to their regenerative, anti-inflammatory, and immunomodulatory properties. This pesentation will review existing animal experiment results demonstrating its ability to alleviate symptoms of CD colitis, analyze clinical studies showing its effectiveness in treating CD-associated fistulas, and further integrate our own research findings indicating its potential in treating refractory CD. It represents a third option for CD treatment beyond medication and surgery.


再生医学-干细胞-细胞外囊泡-外泌体-类器官 研发与产业化创新
Extracellular Vesicles and Advanced Therapies
Stem Cell, Human Organoids and Regenerative Medicines

细胞治疗的发展,不仅为患者带来了新的治疗希望,也为医药行业带来了新的发展机遇。细胞与基因治疗是当今医疗领域最具热度和潜力的发展方向之一,细胞治疗产业也成为各地抢先布局规划的重地。第八届先进疗法创新峰会2024 将于12月19-20日在上海康桥万豪酒店举办。


* 国家干细胞转化资源库和教育部干细胞资源库建设

* 干细胞治疗糖尿病最新研究进展与突破

* 干细胞外泌体在阿尔兹海默症治疗中的研究进展

* 干细胞治疗炎症性肠病研究进展

* 干细胞与退行性骨病研究进展

* 干细胞治疗产品:从中-美双报到NDA

* 胚胎发育与干细胞研究; 胚胎干细胞自我更新和分化

* 干细胞来源的细胞外囊泡的临床应用

* 工程化载药细胞外囊泡 - 细胞外囊泡递送系统技术创新

* 工程化外泌体新药研发的前景与挑战

* 外泌体生物学与肿瘤精准医学

* 3D人脑类器官-神经科学与脑科学的最新研究进展

* 促进肺泡再生, 治疗肺纤维化的新方法

* 视网膜类器官疾病模型与视网膜再生医学

* 肿瘤类器官在癌症研究中的革命性作用

* 类器官芯片在生物医学中的研究进展

* 斑马鱼与类器官在科研中的应用进展

主旨演讲嘉宾 Plenary Speaker s

张 灏




演讲主题: 靶向“不可成药的磷酸酶”:肿瘤治疗的新机制&新靶点 Targeting Undruggable Phosphatase in Oncology

Speaker Bio:

张灏,暨南大学医学院教授、博士生导师、博士后指导教授、肿瘤精准医学和病理研究所所长、教育部肿瘤分子生物学重点实验室副主任。主要研究方向包括1)RNA异常剪接及其蛋白产物在突变非依赖性肿瘤的驱动机制;2)抑癌基因酪氨酸磷酸酶在肿瘤中的调控机制和治疗靶点。以此为基础开展了转化研究包括:外泌体液体活检和免疫治疗,包括无创性唾液外泌体检测、基于嵌合RNA的外泌体疫苗、工程化外泌体包裹的抗体导向RNA药物等。获批多项发明专利,荣获《广东省科技进步奖二等奖》、《广东省医学科技奖二等奖》、《河南省科技进步一等奖》、《中国产学研合作创新奖》、《金博奖全球高层人才科技创新大赛金奖》、《全国十佳消化道领域临床研究金奖》、《中国研究型医院学会医学研究创新奖一等奖》、《中华医学科技奖三等奖》等。担任中国抗癌协会肿瘤标志专业委员会外泌体技术专家委员会(CSEMV)主委,《外泌体研究转化和临床应用专家共识》专家组组长,多个杂志的主编及编委。主编《肿瘤急诊病例治疗例析》,参编《Chimeric RNA》、《细胞外囊泡》、《Extracellular Vesicles: from bench to besides》等。





演讲主题: Cell Therapy and National Stem Cell Translational Resource Center Construction


Cell therapy has become an important therapy besides drugs and surgery, and is becoming a hope to many refractory diseases, leading the revolution of medical methods. Stem cell therapy is one of the most attractive cell therapies, which utilizes the multiple differentiation potential of pluripotent stem cells and the paracrine function of stem cells and their differentiated cells, aiming to treat diseases such as degenerative diseases and organ terminal lesions, and has made increasing progress. However, due to the heterogeneity of stem cells, the comparability of research results on the same type of stem cells from different sources is relatively poor, which also leads to significant differences in the therapeutic effects of the same type of stem cells on the same disease. These seriously hinder the research and clinical application of stem cells. To this end, China has established the National Stem Cell Resource Center and the National Stem Cell Translational Resource Center, with the aim of researching and establishing unified stem cell standards and sources, expanding stem cell sharing, researching and promoting universal stem cell technologies, and improving the level of national stem cell research and application. Here, I will share with you the situation of stem cell therapy and the construction of the National Stem Cell Translational Resource Center.



演讲主题:Unlock the Power of iPSC-Derived Islets for Diabetes Therapy





演讲主题: Advanced Cell Therapy for Diabetes Using Optimized Human Islet Organoids Derived from Pluripotent Stem Cells


The deficiency of islet β cells is an important pathological factor in diabetes, and achieving the regeneration and protection of these cells is a crucial aspect of diabetes treatment. While clinical cases have demonstrated the potential of human pluripotent stem cell-derived pancreatic β-cells (SC-β cells), this novel cell therapy faces several challenges. Differentiated β-cells fail to respond effectively to blood glucose fluctuations and struggle to adapt to the pathological microenvironment characterized by hyperglycemia and hyperlipidemia in diabetic patients, leading to potential secondary defects. By combining genome editing and small molecule compound treatments, we developed an efficient in vitro differentiation system to generate more mature islet organoids with a structure similar to human primary islets. Furthermore, we have optimized these islet organoids to improve their adaptability to the pathological microenvironment in vivo. This new technology addresses the low survival rate of functional islet organoids after transplantation, achieving better therapeutic outcomes. Our research provides novel insights and therapeutic targets for diabetes treatment.







Speaker Bio:

同济大学医学院/附属东方医院长聘教授,同济大学干细胞研究中心副主任,国家重点研发计划“干细胞及转化研究”首席科学家,中国细胞生物学学会细胞与基因治疗分会副会长、党组书记,上海张江超级器官研发中心(教育部工程研究中心转化基地)主任,浙江省江南干细胞研究院院长,上海市青年联合会常务委员(教育界别)。先后入选国家教育部长江学者奖励计划及中组部高层次人才计划青年项目,浙江省高层次人才、江苏省双创专家、江西省双千计划专家等人才计划。担任国自然优青基金、国自然国际合作基金、国家生物药技术创新中心“揭榜挂帅”等项目负责人。兼任呼吸疾病国家重点实验室“南山特聘”教授,国家卫健委移植与免疫重点实验室特聘教授,国家卫健委尘肺病重点实验室特聘教授,中国细胞生物学学会校企双创委员会委员,Gene Therapy、Clinical Precision Medicine等SCI期刊编委等学术职务。

团队深入开展基于成体干细胞的肺、肾等重要脏器的再生修复与功能增强研究。提出器官再生是其发育过程重演的创新理论,开创了R-Clone药品级前体细胞分离扩增技术,负责三项国家卫健委干细胞临床研究备案项目,主导完成世界上首个肺前体细胞移植临床试验。论文成果发表在Nature、Science Translational Medicine、AJRCCM、EMBO Mol Med等期刊上, 单篇通讯作者论文被引超1700次。开发的全球首创肺前体细胞1类新药REGEND001获国家药监局批件进入II期临床,目前已成功完成上百例患者受损肺脏的再生修复治疗。成果入选2018年“中国医药生物技术年度十大进展”,入选2023年欧洲呼吸学会(ERS)发布的全球年度三大重要进展, 2024年团队慢阻肺细胞治疗成果登上《科学》官网首页。个人2018年获国家刊物官方评选为“中国年度十大创新先锋”, 2021年入选中国“科学家创业先锋”榜单Top5,  2023年入选树兰基金会“生命科学新力量年度人物”。






演讲主题: Advanced Therapies for Skeletal Diseases


G-protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs or GPRs) are integral membrane proteins involved in the transmission of signals from the extracellular environment to the cytoplasm. A variety of external stimuli, including neurotransmitters, hormones, phospholipids and growth factors, can activate GPCRs. Therefore, GPCRs and their signal transduction pathways represent important specific targets for a variety of physiological functions and therapeutic approaches, ranging from the control of blood pressure, allergic response, kidney function, hormonal disorders, neurological diseases, to bone formation and remodeling. We did GPCRs screening on osteoclastogenesis, we found multiple GPCRs have key roles in osteoclast differentiation. We have reported that leucine-rich repeat-containing G-protein-coupled receptor 4 (LGR4, also called GPR48) is another receptor for RANKL.




演讲主题: Identification of Specific Markers for Human Stem Cell-derived Small Extracellular Vesicles


Pluripotent stem cell-derived small extracellular vesicles (PSC-sEVs) have demonstrated great clinical translational potential in multiple aging-related degenerative diseases. Characterizing the PSC-sEVs is crucial for their clinical applications. However, the specific marker pattern of PSC-sEVs remains unknown. This study aimed to identify the potential specific markers of iPSC-sEVs and ESCs-sEVs. Firstly, we performed proteomic analysis of iPSC-sEVs and ESC-sEVs and found that a group of pluripotency-related proteins were enriched in PSC-sEVs. Further Western Blot verification showed that several proteins including PODXL, OCT4, Dnmt3a and LIN28A were specifically expressed in PSC-sEVs but not non-PSC-sEVs. Next, to facilitate the characterization of PSC-sEVs at single particle resolution, we analysed the surface markers for PSC-sEVs using NanoFCM. PODXL, the only surface protein among the proteins validated above, together with three mostly used specific surface antigens on PSC (SSEA4, Tra-1-60 and Tra-1-81) were selected for NanoFCM analysis. Among them, SSEA4 is a kind of glycolipid while Tra-1-60 and Tra-1-81 are carbohydrate epitopes. By NanoFCM analysis, we showed that PODXL and SSEA4 were enriched in PSC-sEVs with high abundance and high positive rates, but not in non-PSC-sEVs. At last, we verified these results with density gradient ultracentrifugation to exclude the possible contaminated protein particles. In conclusion, our results demonstrated that PODXL, OCT4, Dnmt3a and LIN28A detected by Western Blot analysis and PODXL and SSEA4 detected by NanoFCM can be used for PSC-sEVs identification. These findings would be an important milestone for the clinical application of sEVs derived from pluripotent stem cells.



AD/PD MDT 门诊创建人

演讲主题: Clinical safety and efficacy of allogenic human adipose mesenchymal stromal cells-derived exosomes in patients with mild to moderate Alzheimer's disease: A phase I/II clinical trial


Background : There had been no effective treatments for slowing or reversing Alzheimer’s disease (AD) until now. Our team has established the potential of allogenic human adipose-derived MSCs Exosomes (ahaMSC-Exos) from healthy volunteers for the intranasal treatment of AD mice. After intranasal administration with a dose of 30 μg ahaMSC-Exos per mice, ahaMSC-Exos can be rapidly transported to various brain regions through the olfactory system involving olfactory sensory neurons. In APP/PS1 mice, ahaMSC-Exos displayed neuroprotective effects, increased neurogenesis, and enhanced spatial memory. The ahaMSC-Exos also appeared to decrease Ab deposition and inhibit microglial activation. Importantly, ahaMSC-Exos did not induce morphological alterations in key organs, indicating the safety of the intranasal administration.

Aims : The first 3 arms, drug-intervention, phase I/II clinical trial (Clinical Trial NCT04388982) was conducted to explore the safety and the efficacy of allogenic human adipose MSCs-Exo (ahaMSCs-Exos) in patients with mild to moderate AD.

Methods: The eligible subjects were assigned to 1 of 3 dosage groups, intranasally administrated with ahaMSCs-Exos twice a week for 12 weeks, and underwent follow-up visits at week 16, 24, 36, and 48.

Results : No adverse events were reported. In the medium-dose arm, ADAS-cog scores decreased by 2.33 (1.19) and MoCA-B scores increased by 2.38 (0.58) at week 12 compared to baseline levels, indicating improved cognitive function. Moreover, the ADAS-cog scores in the medium-dose arm decreased continuously by 3.98 points until week 36. There were no significant differences in altered amyloid or tau deposition among the 3 arms, but hippocampal volume shrank less in the medium-dose arm to some extent.

Conclusions : Intranasal administration of ahaMSCs-Exos was safe and well tolerated, and a dose of at least 4×108 particles could be selected for further clinical trials.

Bullet Points of Discussion : Recent advances of MSCs or exosomes in treatment of AD (administered by other modalities).





演讲主题: In Situ Trans-differentiation, an Innovative Gene Therapy for Neurological Disorders




演讲主题: R&D, trial development & industrialization of  clinical-grade iPS-derived cell therapy for Parkinson’s disease

Speaker Bio:

李翔博士专注iPS衍生细胞创新药的科学研发及产业化十五年:先后师从iPS衍生细胞领域多位世界级科学家,以第一作者或通讯作者在Cell Stem Cell等领域内顶级国际期刊发表论文十余篇,引用率千余次,研究成果入选Cell Stem Cell杂志封面论文、Cell Stem Cell杂志年度最佳论文等。之后,李翔博士先后在美国帕金森病基金会、美国iPS衍生细胞治疗产业界及国内上市药企全职任职关键研发岗位及高级管理岗位。

自全职归国创立士泽生物后,李翔博士获评了姑苏领军人才、苏州工业园区科技领军人才、上海市春申金字塔杰出人才,担任中国药品监督管理研究会细胞与基因治疗产品监管研究专业委员会委员、中国药学会专业委员会药物安评专委会委员、中国干细胞产业联盟副理事长等;获评2023脑科学与类智能科创新青年30人、2023科创先锋人物、2023中国生物医药U40菁英榜、2022年东方英才计划青年项目、2022年度生物技术行业影响力之星(BioCon Awards)、2022年中国CGT年度影响力企业领袖、全球华人精英Power100、2021中国杰出青年创新30人等领域榜单。
