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新加坡眼  · 公众号  · 新加坡  · 2025-03-01 19:05


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2025年2月18日,新加坡人力部长兼贸工部第二部长陈诗龙医生、外交部长维文在国会口头答复 义顺 选区 议员 叶汉荣、 丹戎巴葛 集选区议员潘丽萍、 盛港集选区议员林志蔚副教授、官委议员李坚辉 有关 美国出口管制对新加坡半导体产业的影响及确保本地芯片公司遵守新规以维护国家商业声誉的 问题。


叶汉荣 义顺 选区 议员) 询问副总理兼贸工部长:

(a) 贸工部如何确保在新加坡营商便利的优势不会被意图规避美国贸易限制的公司滥用?

(b) 能否提供美国芯片出口管制规则对我国半导体产业及整体经济影响的评估更新?

潘丽萍 丹戎巴葛集选区议员) 询问副总理兼贸工部长:是否有措施确保在新加坡运营的实体遵守出口管制及国际法,以维护我国作为备受尊重的国际商业枢纽地位?

林志蔚 副教授 盛港集选区议员) 询问副总理兼贸工部长:

(a) 是否知悉新加坡将被列为美国新人工智能出口管制的“第二级国家”?

(b) 争取“国家认证最终用户”地位及“第一级”重新分类是否为政府的外交政策目标?

(c) 美方是否提出技术及监管升级作为调整层级的先决条件?

林志蔚 副教授 盛港集选区议员) 询问副总理兼贸工部长:鉴于美方指新加坡成为受制裁中国AI企业芯片转运枢纽,

(a) 政府能否说明2023年以来芯片再出口政策的外交考量及跨部门决策过程?(b) 如何修补此类报道对新加坡信誉及美新关系的损害?

陈诗龙 医生 (人力部长兼 贸工部第二部长) :议长先生,请允许我合并回答叶汉荣议员、潘丽萍议员及林志蔚副教授今日提出的第3至6项口头询问。

议长 :请继续。

陈诗龙 医生 (人力部长兼 贸工部第二部长) :这些问题涉及美国出口管制及新加坡的应对措施。我的答复也将涵盖李坚辉议员后续会议提交的类似询问。







在获取先进的人工智能 (AI) 计算 (例如英伟达 H100 图形处理器(GPU)) 方面,上届美国政府已于 2025 年 1 月出台了一项人工智能扩散规则,旨在以国家为单位管理 H100 或同等 GPU 的获取。新加坡与大约 150 个国家一样,被列为二级国家。美国现任政府尚未最终确定美国人工智能扩散规则的细节,美国也没有传达任何具体要求作为改变国家分级分类的先决条件。

我们的目标是确保在新加坡开展业务的本地和国际公司都能充分使用人工智能计算。我们将确保总部设在美国的云超大规模企业能够继续作为 “通用验证最终用户 ”在新加坡运营,并支持希望申请成为 “国家验证最终用户 ”的本地公司使用人工智能计算。


议长 :有请叶汉荣议员。

叶汉荣 义顺 选区 议员) :感谢答复。本人声明任职于新加坡全球投资公司。 我很高兴该部强调遵守国际贸易规则,也很高兴新加坡认真履行我们的义务。


陈诗龙 医生 (人力部长兼 贸工部第二部长) :感谢叶先生的补充提问。 新加坡拥有健全的出口管制制度,并以全面的战略物资管制法为基础。2002年战略物资(管制)法》及其附属法规对战略物资和技术的转让和中介活动进行管理和规范。



我们如何平衡与外国同行的合作?正如我早些时候在答复中提到的,虽然我们目前可能没有法律义务执行其他国家的单边出口管制 (这些管制可能会不时变化) ,但在新加坡运营的公司如果其国际业务活动适用这些法规,则应考虑到这些法规。

外交部 (MFA) 和新加坡海关还与一些外国对口部门 (如美国) 达成了现行安排,以促进对相关公司的调查。当我们不时收到有关指控的信息时,如果我们意识到存在违规行为,我们将承诺自行开展这些调查。


议长 :有请潘丽萍议员。

潘丽萍 丹戎巴葛集选区议员) 我有一个补充问题想问部长。我想知道是否有计划发布任何行业指南,以支持在新加坡经营的公司遵守出口管制和国际制裁?

陈诗龙 医生 (人力部长兼 贸工部第二部长) 正如我早些时候所说,各国可能会不时单方面实施出口管制。我们对在新加坡经营的公司非常明确和透明的一点是,他们应该遵守各国的出口管制,而不是利用新加坡作为绕过或规避这些出口管制的国家。



林志蔚 副教授 盛港集选区议员) :议长先生。原问题提交外交部,现转交贸工部。 我理解这一转发背后的动机,但希望外交部的部长或一位部长能够对要求采取更多外交政策的问题作出答复。

尽管陈部长声称英伟达产品的实际销售额仅占 1%左右,但英伟达向美国证券交易委员会提交的最新文件显示,在截至 2024 年 10 月的九个月中,该公司的总收入达到 910 亿美元,其中国内收入略低于一半,即美国国内收入。其次是新加坡,约为 70 亿美元,超过中国 (包括香港) 的 120 亿美元。这意味着新加坡约占英伟达全球收入的 20%。


无论如何,标题上的不平衡会引起商业行动,就像我们所看到的那样。那么,请问外交部是否知道这些不平衡现象?如果知道,它的评估是,从外交政策的角度来看,促进转口贸易对国家利益是积极的还是消极的?与此相关的是,外交部是否有正式机制对 MTI 不可避免会产生外交政策影响的贸易决定进行审查或提供意见?

最后,有一个问题是直接问 MTI 的,鉴于新加坡现在被美国置于二级地位,政府将采取或计划采取哪些具体步骤来防止我们的地位被进一步降级,因为这可能会危及我们的人工智能中心愿望?

议长 先生:有请外交部长维文先生。

维文 医生 外交部长): 议长先生,新加坡是一个转运中心,是成千上万家国际公司的重要区域和全球总部。我们的贸易额是我们国内生产总值 (GDP) 的三倍,我们的公司所从事的一系列活动,不仅是新加坡和新加坡人拥有的公司,而且是这些公司的全球拥有者所从事的活动,都有区域和国际足迹。因此,我不知道贾穆斯-林副教授所说的不平衡指的是什么。



世界上有 200 个国家。200 个国家有可能颁布单方面的出口措施。我们已经解释过,我们在法律上没有义务执行 200 个国家的单方面出口措施。不過,我們會執行經協定的多邊出口管制制度。



如果贸易伙伴来找我们,说 “我们有顾虑”,我们肯定会协助调查,或者至少深入查看数据,看看是否有任何令人担忧的原因,我们这样做是为了保护我们自己的国家利益。特别是先进的半导体芯片。我们也需要半导体。诚然,我们也是全球半导体生产和出口链的一部分。

但目前在新加坡生产的并不是 H100,即用于人工智能的高端芯片。但我们自己也需要这些芯片,因此我们必须监督这些芯片制造商的出口制度。

这位议员提到了我们的二级分类。首先,他们称之为 “人工智能扩散规则”。它是在拜登政府末期首次公布的。事实上,现在该规则正在征求意见,情况仍在不断变化。我们不在第一梯队,但我们在第二梯队,与其他约 150 个国家在一起。我不想详细谈论芯片的确切数量,以及目前这是否对我们构成限制。不用说,我们将继续与这些先进芯片的主要出口来源国接触,以确保我们有足够的芯片。







议长 先生:有请陈诗龙部长。

陈诗龙 医生 (人力部长兼 贸工部第二部长) 补充:谢谢议长。我也想谈谈林副教授关于英伟达季度收入的观点,正如他之前分享的那样。


请允许我与各位议员广泛分享一下。全球实体的通常做法是在其中心集中开具采购货物和服务的账单,但这与产品的运输地点是分开的。迄今为止,根据我们的核查和手头掌握的数据显示,在该季度,英伟达整体收入中只有不到 1%是实际运往新加坡的。在英伟达 向新加坡商业实体收取的其余收入中,并不包括运往新加坡的实际货物。

议长 :有请李坚辉议员,最后一个问题。

李坚辉 (官委议员) 我感谢部长非常全面的答复。部长提到,根据美国人工智能芯片出口管制,新加坡已被列为第二级国家。我向部长提出的补充问题是:被列为第二级国家对经济有什么影响,这种分类是否会影响新加坡吸引人工智能芯片投资、高端半导体研发的能力,甚至阻碍我们成为人工智能发展中心的雄心?

陈诗龙 医生 (人力部长兼 贸工部第二部长) 感谢李先生的补充提问。正如我尊敬的同事维文部长所分享的,我们是150个国家中基础较广的国家。我认为我们是很好的伙伴。

我在刚才的回答中也提到,美国的人工智能扩散规则尚未由现任政府最终确定;维文部长也提到了这一事实,即拜登政府在其执政的最后几天发布了这一规则。实际上,它是在 2025 年 1 月 13 日发布的,也就是一个多月前。征求意见期为 120 天,将于 2025 年 5 月 13 日结束。新政府尚未就其对该规则的政策或立场发表评论。因此,我们是处于第二级地位的 150 个国家之一。

虽然美国将 18 个国家归为第一级,但并没有分享分级分类的具体要求,也没有说明一个国家从第二级重新归为第一级需要满足哪些要求。

获得人工智能计算能力对于我们实现国家人工智能目标非常重要。正如我们的国家人工智能战略 2.0 所阐明的,我们正在采取多管齐下的战略,使产业界、学术界和政府能够开展高价值的人工智能活动。除了确保获得先进的人工智能硬件和计算能力,我们还将重点关注人才和基础设施的发展。我们将继续支持在新加坡运营的公司获得先进的芯片,包括符合人工智能扩散规则的芯片。

目前,我们的行业参与者对先进芯片的需求大多来自总部位于美国的云超级计算机。它们是 Meta、亚马逊、谷歌等。我们将与他们合作,申请成为通用验证最终用户,允许他们向新加坡转移一定数量的先进芯片,以满足他们的创新和业务需求。




问题 3-6 的说明:

1 项质询其后撤回:问副总理兼贸工部长:(a) 有何措施确保以新加坡为基地的实体遵守美国的出口管制,防止未经授权再出口受管制的技术;(b) 新加坡如何与国际伙伴,特别是美国合作,加强遵守和执行美国的出口管制,同时促进商业信心,保持其作为值得信赖的全球贸易枢纽的地位。


Mr Yip Hon Weng asked the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Trade and Industry (a) how does the Ministry ensure that the ease of doing business in Singapore is not exploited by companies seeking to bypass US trade restrictions; and (b) whether the Ministry can provide an update on its assessment of the effects of the US chips export control rules on our semi-conductor industry and the broader economy.

Ms Joan Pereira asked the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Trade and Industry whether there are measures in place to ensure that entities operating in Singapore are compliant with export controls and international laws in order to protect Singapore’s status as a well-respected international business hub.

Assoc Prof Jamus Jerome Lim asked the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Trade and Industry (a) whether the Ministry is aware that Singapore will be placed under the new US AI export controls' Tier Two status; (b) whether it is a specific foreign policy objective of this Government to secure (i) the National Validated End-User status and (ii) Tier One reclassification under these controls; and (c) what specific technical and regulatory enhancements, if any, have been communicated by US counterparts as prerequisites for such status changes.

Assoc Prof Jamus Jerome Lim asked the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Trade and Industry in light of how US agencies have flagged Singapore as a hub for illicit chip transshipments to blacklisted Chinese AI firms (a) whether the Government is able to (i) disclose the foreign policy rationales behind its regulatory stance with regard to re-exports of such chips since 2023 and (ii) detail any or all inter-agency decisions that led to this situation; and (b) how does the Government intend to rectify any damage to Singapore’s credibility and ties with the US arising from such reports.

The Second Minister for Trade and Industry (Dr Tan See Leng) : Mr Speaker, may I have your permission to answer oral Question Nos 3 to 6 on today's Order Paper, filed by Members Mr Yip Hon Weng, Ms Joan Pereira and Assoc Prof Jamus Lim, together, please?

Mr Speaker : Please go ahead.

Dr Tan See Leng : These pertain to questions over the United States (US) export controls and Singapore's approach to such measures. My response today will also cover a similar Parliamentary Question that has been filed by Mr Mark Lee 1 , that has been scheduled for a subsequent Sitting.

Singapore is a stable, trusted, reliable and well-connected international business hub. Our economic competitiveness is based on our commitment to the rule of law, zero tolerance for corruption, transparent regulations and an open inclusive business environment. We have painstakingly built up this reputation over time. That is why we take firm and decisive action against individuals and companies that violate our laws. It is the foundation of our competitiveness.

Questions have been raised about Nvidia chips that were subject to US export controls. We are scrutinising this issue carefully and will continue to do so. So far, our checks indicate that physical delivery of products sold by Nvidia to Singapore represent less than 1% of Nvidia's overall revenue. These are mainly deployed in Singapore for major enterprises and the Singapore Government. We understand that the remainder of Nvidia's revenue billed to business entities in Singapore did not involve physical shipments into Singapore.

If a company in Singapore is engaged in deceptive or dishonest practices to evade export controls that it is subject to, we will investigate and we will take the appropriate action in accordance with Singapore laws. It is in our national interest to secure access to leading edge technology and to maintain the integrity of our business environment.

Within Singapore, the transfer and brokering of strategic goods and technology is governed by the Strategic Goods (Control) Act. This is a robust framework that is aligned with major multilateral export control regimes, including those imposed by the United Nations Security Council.

Outside of these multilateral regimes, countries sometimes impose unilateral export controls on specific items. The US' export controls on advanced semi-conductor chips are one example.

Under these rules, the US expects companies to ensure their business transactions adhere to their requirements, including doing the required Know Your Customer (KYC) on the buyers of the advanced semi-conductor chips. While we currently do not have legal obligations to enforce the unilateral export controls of other countries, we expect all companies operating in Singapore to take into account such regulations if they apply to their international business activities. Their international business activities should be conducted transparently.

We certainly do not condone businesses deliberately using their association with Singapore to circumvent or violate the export controls of other countries. At the operational level, Singapore Customs works closely with its foreign counterparts, including those from the US to address their concerns and to facilitate their investigations where appropriate and to the extent our law permits.

It is important to emphasise that this open, inclusive and transparent regulatory regime applies to all our trading partners.

Some Members also had questions about the economic impact on Singapore arising from US controls on advanced semi-conductor chips. There is limited impact, in terms of our ability to manufacture and export chips. The US' current technology controls are aimed at a narrow subset of advanced semi-conductor chips, whereas Singapore's semi-conductor industry focuses on producing mature node chips which are used globally in appliances, automotives and industrial equipment.

However, in terms of access to advanced artificial intelligence (AI) compute – for example Nvidia H100 Graphics Processing Units (GPUs), the previous US administration had introduced an AI Diffusion Rule in January 2025 aimed at managing access to H100 or equivalent GPUs on a country-level basis. Singapore, like around 150 countries, has been classified as Tier Two. The details of the US AI Diffusion Rule have not yet been finalised by the current US administration, and the US has not communicated any specific requirements as prerequisites for changes to countries' tiering classifications.

Our objective is to ensure adequate access to AI compute by both local and international companies with operations in Singapore. We will ensure that US-headquartered cloud hyperscalers can continue to operate in Singapore as Universal Verified End Users and also support local companies that wish to apply to be National Verified End Users with access to AI compute.

In closing, I wish to assure Members that we will continue to work with companies based in Singapore to facilitate their access to advanced semi-conductor chips and technologies from all the major source countries. We will also continue to engage the US administration to address their concerns.

Mr Speaker : Mr Yip Hon Weng.

Mr Yip Hon Weng (Yio Chu Kang) : Thank you, Mr Speaker. I thank the Minister for his response. I declare that I work in a global investment firm based in Singapore. I am glad that the Ministry has emphasised compliance with international trade rules, and that Singapore takes our obligations seriously.

Could the Minister elaborate on the safeguards in place, to prevent companies from using Singapore as a conduit to bypass US export restrictions, especially in light of heightened US-China trade tensions? And how does the Ministry balance these safeguards with ensuring that we remain an attractable destination for businesses?

Dr Tan See Leng : I thank Mr Yip for his supplementary question. Singapore has a robust export control regime and this is underpinned by a comprehensive strategic goods control legislation. The Strategic Goods (Control) Act 2002 and its subsidiary legislation governs and regulates the transfer and brokering of strategic goods and technology.

Singapore's list of control goods and technologies is aligned with four multilateral export control regimes, namely the Wassenaar Arrangement, the Australia Group, the Missile Technology Control Regime and the Nuclear Suppliers Group. And as I have alluded to earlier, the enforcement action is undertaken by Singapore Customs.

I wanted to give a bit more granularity in terms of how we manage the exports. Potential contraventions can include export, transshipment, transit of strategic goods without the requisite permits or providing false or misleading documents or information, incorrect declarations and brokering of strategic goods without a permit or being registered – and with that, criminal penalties can then be enforced.

How do we balance working with foreign counterparts? As I have earlier on mentioned in my reply, while we may currently not have legal obligations to enforce unilateral export controls of other countries, which may vary from time to time, companies that are operating in Singapore are expected to take into account such regulations if these apply to their international business activities.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) and Singapore Customs also have existing arrangements with some foreign counterparts, such as those in the US, to facilitate the investigation of companies of interest. From time to time, when we do get information of allegations and if we are aware of breaches, we will undertake to conduct these investigations ourselves.

The approach that we take is systematic and thorough, and we want to continue to emphasise that we have an open, inclusive and transparent regulatory regime and it applies to all of our partners today. I hope that addresses Mr Yip's supplementary question.

Mr Speaker : Ms Joan Pereira.

Ms Joan Pereira (Tanjong Pagar) : Thank you, Mr Speaker. I have one supplementary question for the Minister. May I know if there are plans to issue any industry guidelines to support firms operating in Singapore to comply with export controls and international sanctions?

Dr Tan See Leng : I thank Ms Joan Pereira for her supplementary question. As I have shared earlier on, countries may have export controls from time to time, unilaterally. Where we have been very clear and transparent to companies operating within Singapore is that they are expected to abide by the countries' export controls, and not use Singapore as a country to bypass or circumvent these export controls.

To this end, as the hon Member has highlighted, it would not be possible to cover every potential, probable or future export controls that countries may unilaterally impose. But those principles that have guided us through to build us up to where we are a reputable business hub, these principles will continue to be consistent and we will hold true to these principles. From time to time, when these unilateral export controls come to our attention, we will work with the relevant countries to gain clarity, to engage them, as we are actively engaging with the US, our very important partner, to see how we can better manage and better educate the businesses that are based here to make sure that they are able to comply. I hope that gives the Member the reassurance.

Mr Speaker : Assoc Prof Jamus Lim.

Assoc Prof Jamus Jerome Lim (Sengkang) : Sir, I had originally posed my two Parliamentary Questions to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) before they were redirected to the Ministry of Trade and Industry (MTI). I understand the motivation behind this redirection, but hopeful that the Minister or a Minister from MFA will be able to respond to questions that call for a more foreign policy approach.

Notwithstanding Minister Tan's assertions about the physical sales of Nvidia products being only around 1%, Nvidia's latest filing with the US Securities Exchange Commission states that for the nine months that ended October 2024, the company booked US$91 billion in total revenue, of which a little less than half is domestic; that is, domestic to the US. The next highest source is actually Singapore, with around $7 billion, and it is more than that for China, which includes Hong Kong, at $12 billion. This means that Singapore accounts for around 20% of Nvidia's global revenue.

It is not unusual for entrepôt hubs like us to book such inflated revenue figures, even if our value-added component is small or negligible, nor is this really about fraud, as the Minister seems to allude to, but actually legitimate accounting practices and rules of origin machinations.

Regardless, the headline imbalance invites commercial action, like what we have seen. So, if I may enquire if MFA was aware of these imbalances and if so, is it, in its assessment, that facilitating transshipment trade is positive or negative for the national interest from a foreign policy angle? And relatedly, is there a formal mechanism for MFA to review or provide input to MTI's trade decisions that have inevitable foreign policy implications?

And finally, one question directly for MTI, and given that Singapore is now being placed under Tier Two status by the US, what specific steps will the Government take or plan to take to prevent further downgrades of our status, which could jeopardise our AI hub aspirations?

Mr Speaker : Minister Vivian Balakrishnan.

The Minister for Foreign Affairs (Dr Vivian Balakrishnan) : Mr Speaker, Singapore is a transshipment hub, a vital regional and global headquarters for thousands of international companies. Our trade volume is three times our gross domestic product (GDP), and the range of activities that our companies are engaged in, and not just companies owned by Singapore and Singaporeans, but by global owners of these companies, have a regional and international footprint. So, I am not sure what Assoc Prof Jamus Lim is referring to when he says imbalances.

These unique characteristics are par for the course for the unique role that Singapore plays in the global economy. So, for instance, when, as the Member correctly said, Nvidia states in its returns that 22% of sales of chips were booked to entities with operations in Singapore, but my colleague has already explained to the Member only 1% physically came to Singapore and was deployed in data centres here, serving the Government and other major enterprises, including, I should add, hyperscalers. So, there is nothing unusual or unbalanced about that.

The nub of the question really is whether Singapore is being used by these enterprises and companies to evade unilateral export controls. And my colleague has very carefully explained to this House that Singapore, by law, through the Strategic Goods Control Act, gives effect to multilateral export control regimes. He referred to the Wassenaar Arrangement, the Australia Group and the Missile Technology Control Regime. Basically, these are focused especially on weapons or weapons of mass destruction, chemical and biological threats, and other potentially significant dual-use equipment. And these have force of law and we take our reference from the United Nations Security Council.

There are 200 countries in the world. It is possible for 200 countries to promulgate unilateral export measures. We have explained that we are not legally obliged to enforce that unilateral export measures of 200 countries. But we will enforce the multilateral agreed-upon export control regimes.

Having said that, it is not in our national interest to be made use of and for companies who, for whatever reasons, are trying perhaps to evade unilateral export control measures that apply to them, to use their association with Singapore – because people know Singapore is a clean, hygienic, transparent and reputable place – we will not allow them to use that association with us to engage in deceptive or evasive measures to avoid unilateral export measures that apply to them.

The point is the onus is on that company and we will not countenance evasion, deception, false declarations or even mis-accounting; and that we will act on.

And as and when a trading partner comes to us and says, "We have concerns", at that point, we would certainly facilitate investigations or at least, have a deeper look at the data and see whether there is any cause for concern, and we do that in order to protect our own national interest. Specifically for advanced semi-conductor chips. We too have a need for semi-conductors. It is true that we are also part of the global chains that manufacture and export semi-conductors.

But those that are currently manufactured in Singapore are not the H100s, the high-end chips which are used for AI. But we need them for our own purposes and we therefore have to monitor the export regimes of the manufacturers of these chips.

The Member referred to our Tier Two classification. Well, first of all, they call it the AI Diffusion Rule. It was first published near the tail-end of the Biden Administration. In fact, right now, the rules are up for comments and the situation is still evolving. We are not in Tier One, but we are in Tier Two, in good company with about 150 other countries. I do not want to get into detail about the exact number of chips and whether that currently poses a constraint for us. Needless to say, we will continue to engage the major exporting source of these advanced chips to ensure that we have adequate.

And I am sure Members of this House will also be aware, when dealing with sensitive topics like this, it is not in our national interest to compromise our negotiating positions when it deals with strategic items on this score. So, I hope the Member understands that the situation that has arisen is: one, because of our unique role and indeed our successful performance of this unique, global role; and two, the fact that we are a trusted, reliable and honest player.

If you zoom out, beyond chips and export controls, the point is this: Singapore, as a tiny island city-state and a trading hub, we do need to stand in favour of free trade. We do need to play a critical role in global supply chains.

Second point, because we are small, we have to subscribe to international law and multilateral rules, and processes and institutions to give effect to multilateral rules. It comes with being small.

Third point, we always have to seek to be relevant to the world, to be useful to big and middle powers, but we will not be made use of, either by other powers or even by companies pursuing pecuniary interest.

And my final point, in a world which is bifurcating, fracturing or polarising and divided, it is all the more important for us to play it straight, for me to say the same thing in Beijing and Washington, and to be fair. And that is why everything that Minister Tan has said applies to all our trading partners.

I think I have said enough. And I hope I have reassured the Member and other Members of this House.

Mr Speaker : Minister Tan.

Dr Tan See Leng : Thank you, Speaker. I want to also address Assoc Prof Lim's point about Nvidia's quarterly revenue, as he shared earlier on.

I just wanted to put it into very clear perspective for the Member: in the third quarter of 2024, the proportion of Nvidia's quarterly revenue attributed to Singapore is 22%. This reflects the location where Nvidia's customers received the bill; it does not mean that it was shipped here. So, it is independent from the physical location that Nvidia and its customers deliver the goods to.

Let me share broadly with Members of the House. It is common practice for global entities to centralise the billing for procured goods and services in their hubs, but this is separate from where the products are shipped to. So far, from our checks and the data that we have on hand, it is revealed that in that quarter, less than 1% of Nvidia's overall revenue was physically shipped into Singapore. The remainder of Nvidia's revenue billed to business entities here did not involve physical shipments into Singapore.

Mr Speaker : Mr Mark Lee, last supplementary question.

Mr Mark Lee (Nominated Member) : I thank the Minister for the very comprehensive reply. The Minister has mentioned that Singapore has been classified as a Tier Two country under the US AI chip export controls. My supplementary question to the Minister is: what are the economic implications of being in Tier Two and does this classification impact Singapore's ability to attract AI chip investments, high-end semi-conductor research and development or even hinder our ambitions to be an AI development hub?

Dr Tan See Leng : I thank Mr Lee for his supplementary question. As my esteemed colleague, Minister Vivian, has shared, we are in the broader base of the 150 countries. I think we are in good company.

As I have also mentioned in my reply earlier, the US AI Diffusion Rule has not yet been finalised by the current administration; and Minister Vivian has also alluded to the fact that it was released by the Biden Administration in the final days of his administration. Actually, it is on 13 January 2025, just over a month ago. And there is a 120-day comment period, which will end on 13 May 2025. The new administration has not commented on their policy or position towards the rule. So, we are among one of the 150 countries under this Tier Two status.

Whilst the US categorised 18 countries under Tier One, it did not share specific requirements on the tiering classification nor what requirements are required for a country to be reclassified from Tier Two to Tier One.

Access to AI compute is important for our national AI ambitions. As articulated in our National AI Strategy 2.0, we are adopting a multi-prong strategy to enable industry, academia and Government to undertake high-value AI activities. Besides securing access to advanced AI hardware and compute, we will also focus on talent and infrastructure development. We will continue to support companies operating in Singapore to gain access to advanced chips, including those that are under the AI Diffusion Rule.

Presently, most of the demand for advanced chips amongst our industry players come from US headquartered cloud hyperscalers. These are: Meta, Amazon, Google and so on. We will work with them to apply to be universal verified end users, so as to allow them to transfer a certain quantity of advanced chips to Singapore for their innovation and for their business needs.

For the local companies with significant AI compute requirements, they can apply to be the national verified end user. There are two tiers: a universal verified end user and a national verified end user. They can apply for the national verified end user status to receive access to advanced AI chips and we will support our local companies in their application.

Chips that are imported by both universal and national verified end users will not count towards the national cap imposed on Tier Two countries.

We are in consultation with industry players in Singapore to gather feedback on the potential impact of the draft rules on their business activities. This will allow us to better consider appropriate measures to support our companies and we are also, as I have said earlier, engaging the US to address their concerns and to also better understand their approach to the AI Diffusion Rule.
