Read the attached paper
Paired design of dCas9 as a systematic platform for the detection of featured nucleic acid sequences in pathogenic strains
, which is a research achievement of Peking iGEM team 2015. Answer the following questions.
Briefly describe the design of the detection system. (2’)
Make a brief summary for each experiment set in this study (why, how, telling what). (6’)
Why is it that the design theoretically can improve the specificity as well as the sensitivity of nucleic acid detection? (6’)
Now, suppose you were the researcher.
What molecular cloning method(s) would you choose to build the chimeric proteins showed in Figure 2a, why? (4’)
Describe your molecular cloning process. Analyze its advantages and disadvantages. Try to make a comprehensive discussion. (6’)
Draw two sequence maps of chimeric protein Nfluc-dCas9 and Cfluc-FKBP. (6’) Requirements are as follows:
•The protein sequences should be carried on express vector pET28a.
•Necessary feature marking for different elements is required.
•Sequence maps should be in SnapGene file format (.dna).
•Primers must be contained in the map file to show your cloning methods.
•Not all elements for sequence construction are given. Find the rest by your own efforts (from supplementary material or iGEM parts registry).
Now, suppose you were working on improving this system.
As you can see in figure 3d, the detection system showed many non-ideal readouts when tested with purified E. coli genomic DNA. Why did the system generate a relatively high background readout with non-target DNA? (5’)
Based on existing results showed in the paper, what’s your idea for making further improvements on the sensitivity, as well as the specificity? (5’)
Notes: You need to do some basic literature research to answer question 7 and 8.