• Objectives (neutrality, finality, enforceability, party autonomy, efficiency, confidentiality) and the reality
• Legal framework (New York Convention, UNCITRAL Model Law and non-Model Law countries)
• Recent developments (TPF, Prague Rules)
Fundamental Concepts
•Party autonomy
•Systems of law (seat / lex arbitri, proper law of arbitration agreement, substantive law of the main contract; doctrine of separability)
•Seat (supervisory court; court interventio) / lex arbitri (arbitrability, NYC reservations)
Arbitration Agreement
• Incorporation of arbitral rules - recent cases
• Practical tips on drafting arbitration agreement (model clauses, IBA Guidelines)
• Considerations in choosing the seat / institution / rules / languages
Arbitral Proceedings • Procedure (institutional v ad hoc arbitration rules)
• Tribunal (interview with potential arbitrators, constitution, conflict of interest/challenge/IBA Guidelines, kompetenz-kompetenz, med-arb, tribunal secretary)
• Evidential rules and discovery (IBA Rules v Prague Rules) • Interim applications (EA; security for costs)
Arbitral Award
• Form and contents (partial/ final/interim/consent award, dissenting opinions, correction, functus officio)
• Setting aside (Model Law and non-Model Law countries, remission or revision) and interplay with enforcement proceedings (active v passive remedy)
• Recognition and enforcement (New York Convention, ‘pro-enforcement bias’)