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Kallanish国际钢铁资讯  · 公众号  ·  · 2020-02-12 10:02



The possibility of reduced working hours islooming over several steel processing companies in German and Austria.

德国中型冷轧商受到其主要客户——汽车行业需求低迷的影响。 Wälzholz 的一名发言人向 Kallanish (开阑商务信息咨询)证实,该公司已经减少了工作时间,但仅限于哈根总部的管理工作。他表示,除了国内订单减少外,出口通常也是该公司的主要业务,因此也受到全球需求下降的影响。

The German medium-sized cold-rollers areaffected by low demand from the automotive industry, their main customer group.A spokesman at Wälzholz confirms to Kallanish that reduced hours havebeen introduced, but only in the administration of its Hagen headquarters.Apart from declining domestic orders, the company is normally a strongexporter, and therefore is also hurting from lower global demand, he says.

附近的 Bilstein 也是一家主要的冷轧商,该公司在秋季实施了一段时间的短时工作制。不过,由于 10 月份一座新的四机架可逆式冷轧机投产,工作时间恢复正常。“因为有了新生产线,我们又回到了正常工作时间。新生产线的运营不是一件容易的事,你需要培训员工,重新安排运营,”公司发言人解释说。但他指出,该公司仍准备再次实施短时工作制。

At nearby Bilstein, also a major playeramong cold-rollers, a period of short-time work was implemented in autumn. Thiswas scaled back to regular hours however due to the start-up of a new widequarto reversing cold rolling mill in October.  “Because of thenew line, we went back to full-time. The operation of a new line is not a pieceof cake, you need to train your workforce and rearrange operations,” a companyspokesman explains. He notes however that the company remains on standby tointroduce short hours again.

位于普莱滕贝格的 Mendritzki 最初将实施两个月的短时工作制,每月有一天休假,员工将得到补偿,该公司表示。

Mendritzki in Plettenberg will be on shortworking time for two months initially with one day off each month foremployees, who will be compensated, the company says.

在奥地利,奥钢联( voestalpine )首席执行官 HerbertEibensteiner 在接受媒体采访时说,该公司正在为可能缩短工作时间做准备。该公司受影响最大的部门是生产无缝钢管的奥钢联管材公司( voestalpine Tubulars )。去年后期,该公司把工作时间从四班缩短到了三班。这与德国无缝管制造商的趋势一致。

InAustria, voestalpine is preparing for the possibility of reduced hours, its ceoHerbert Eibensteiner says in a press interview. Theunit most affected at the company is voestalpine Tubulars, which makes seamlesspipes. Late last year, it shortened working time from four to three shifts.This is in line with the trend at German seamless pipes manufacturers.



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