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【经济学人】鞋带为什么会自己松开? | 2017.04.15 | 总第876期

考研英语时事阅读  · 公众号  · 考研  · 2017-05-25 06:01



每天穿鞋系鞋带,你有没有想过鞋带为什么会经常自己松开?美国加州大学伯克利分校的机械工程师Oliver O' Reilly在教女儿系鞋带时就突然发现,这个问题似乎从来没人认真思考过。于是,他就说服两名同事,帮助自己一起研究,结果发现,原来是作用在鞋带结头上的力的结合造成了突然的失控。

The science of shoelaces


How shoelaces come undone


Three Californian engineers have found out the answer to a knotty problem


Apr 15th 2017

ENGINEERING brings great benefit to humanity, from aircraft to bicycles and from bridges to computer chips. It has, though, had difficulty creating a shoelace that does not accidentally come loose. At least in part, this is because no one has truly understood why shoelaces come undone in the first place. But that crucial gap in human knowledge has just been plugged. As they report in the Proceedings of the Royal Society, Christopher Daily-Diamond, Christine Gregg and Oliver O’Reilly, a group of engineers at the University of California, Berkeley, have now worked out the mechanics of shoelace-bow disintegration.

从飞机到自行车,从桥梁到电脑芯片,工程设计研究为人类带来了极大的便利。尽管如此,想要发明一种不会轻易松开的鞋带仍然存在困难。至少在某种程度上来说,这是因为没有人真正清楚为什么系紧的鞋带会自己松开。但如今,人类知识体系中的这一重大缺失已经补全。加州大学伯克利分校的三名工程师Christopher Daily-Diamond、Christine Gregg和Oliver O’Reilly在英国《皇家学会学报》上刊文称,他们已经弄清了鞋带蝴蝶结自然松脱的原理机制。

  • Shoelace:n. 鞋带

  • Bow:n. 弓;鞠躬;船首;蝴蝶结

A shoelace bow is a type of slip knot that has, at its core, a reef knot. Like conventional reef knots, bows can be mistied as “granny” knots, which come undone more easily than a true reef does. But even a shoelace bow with a true reef at its core will fail eventually, and have to be retied.


  • Slip knot:活结;滑结

  • Reef knot:平结;缩帆结

  • Granny knot:顺结;十字结

Walking involves two mechanical processes, both of which might be expected to exert forces on a shoelace bow. One is the forward and back movement of the leg. The other is the impact of the shoe itself hitting the ground. Preliminary experiments carried out by Mr Daily-Diamond, Ms Gregg and Dr O’Reilly showed that neither of these alone is enough to persuade a bow to unravel. Both are needed. So they had to devise experiments which could measure and record what was going on while someone was actually walking.


  • Exert:vt. 运用,发挥;施以影响

  • Preliminary:n. 准备;预赛;初步措施

  • Devise:vt. 设计;想出;发明;图谋;遗赠

The “someone” in question was Ms Gregg, who endured numerous sessions on a treadmill so that the behaviour of her shoelaces could be monitored. Using cameras, and also tiny accelerometers attached to the laces, the researchers realised that two things are important. One is how the act of walking deforms the reef at the centre of a bow. The other is how the different inertial forces on the straight-ended and looped extremitiesof the bow conspire to pull the lace though the reef in the way a wearer would when taking a shoe off.


  • Treadmill:n. 踏车,跑步机

  • Accelerometer:n. 加速计

  • Inertial:adj. 惯性的;不活泼的

  • Extremities:n. 四肢,骨端;末端,极限

  • Conspire:vi. 共谋;协力

  • Lace:n. 花边;鞋带;饰带;少量烈酒

The first thing which happens during walking is that the reef itself is loosened by the inertial forces of the lace ends pulling on it. This occurs as a walker’s foot moves first forward and then backward as it hits the ground during a stride. Immediately after that, the shock of impact distorts the reef still further. The combination of pull and distortion loosens the reef’s grip on the lace, permitting it to slip.


  • Stride:n. 大步;步幅;进展

In principle, the lace could slip either way, giving an equal chance of the bow eventually undoing completely or turning into a non-slip knot of the sort that long fingernails are needed to deal with. In practice, the former is far more common. The reason turns out to be that the free ends of the bow can swing farther than the looped ends do. The extra inertial force this causes favours slippage in the direction of the longer of the free ends. To start with, the effect is small. But as the free end in question continues to elongate, the disparity in inertial force gets bigger—and, eventually, only two or three strides are needed to take a shoe from being apparently securely tied to being untied.


  • Elongate:vt. 拉长;使延长;使伸长

  • Disparity:n. 不同;不一致;不等

Probably, nothing can be done about this differential elongation. But it might be possible to use the insights Mr Daily-Diamond, Ms Gregg and Dr O’Reilly have provided to create laces that restrict the distortion of the reef at a bow’s centre, and thus slow the whole process down. Regardless of any practical benefit, though, the three researchers, are surely contenders for an Ignobel prize. That award is made every year for work which “first makes you laugh, and then makes you think”. Their study of laces looks like a shoo-in.


  • Contender:n. 竞争者;争夺者

  • Ignobel:搞笑诺贝尔奖

  • Shoo-in:n. 长胜将军;十拿九稳的必胜者

翻译 ▍陌生、西柚、Serena

审核 ▍云图

图文编辑 ▍澜意


Try to translate 

But as the free end in question continues to elongate, the disparity in inertial force gets bigger—and, eventually, only two or three strides are needed to take a shoe from being apparently securely tied to being untied.

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