专栏名称: TinyMonster
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怪兽福利 | 延续你对甜食的迷恋

TinyMonster  · 公众号  ·  · 2019-05-08 09:41


TM每年一定不会错过的市集,今年要食言了。因为有其他安排,无法参加Common Rare这个夏天的市集。 但还是在现场兑票处,为小怪兽们准备了彩色的小礼物。 🌈

强烈推荐小怪兽们前往🏃。 另准备了三张赠票,送给💛最高的三名留言。

继2018年Sweet & Salty甜点节,凡几将甜食与咖啡的魅力延续,散落于首届 Dessert Design Coffee Fest (DDC FEST) ,由代言人 Tammy 带领你穿梭在那些尚未发掘的美食品牌、咖啡文化、及独立设计中。你将透过 WHOSMiNG 的笔触体验到世界各地的咖啡店;目睹 大地野食 如何将餐桌变换成一场展览;与 果篓果物商店 一起探索果汁的天马行空。这场甜点咖啡生活节,把甜点、设计、咖啡的零零星星都装进你初夏的行囊中。

Our first market of the year is going to be on May 18th and 19th! Dessert Design Coffee Fest (DDC) Fest curates all three of our favorite things- sweets, independent designs and caffeine! Besides eating and shopping your way through DDC Fest, we are so happy to announce the illustrator/creator of #mingscups series on Instagram, WHOSMiNG , is presenting his first ever illustration exhibition in Shanghai.

扫 码 购 票

Extract this QR code to get tickets!

/  B I T T E R - 独立 咖啡品牌 /

/  S W E E T - 甜点 品牌 /

/  M O R E  F O O D - 更多精美餐饮 品牌 /

/  L I F E - 独立设计品牌 /


这次将会有来自台北的插画家、设计师MiNG 首次来上海办展,带你探索全世界的咖啡文化 。MiNG擅长以极简生动的线条,并带幽默的插画笔触勾勒生活中对人事物的细微观察。

每到一间咖啡店,就在外带纸杯上画下咖啡师的模样,组成 #mingscups 系列作品。这个还在持续进行的创作行为,始于一次次未经安排的感动,如今已累积超过300个杯子画作,超过20多个城市。

IG: @whosming

FB: www.facebook.com/whosming

EMAIL: [email protected]

MiNG is a designer and illustrator. He is skilled in visual communication within graphics and typography. His projects have included graphic design, web design, animation and motion graphics. As an illustrator, he is very good at capturing people's features, using simple and specific lines to draw characters. The #mingscups series is well-known on social media.

由美国知名饭店ACE HOTEL / PUBLIC HOTEL ,咖啡品牌La Colombe、Intelligentsia Coffee等分享介绍,与台北Simple Kaffa、Goodman Roaster、诚品书店、Crate & Barrel、MINI等多个品牌跨界合作。不仅仅是个人商品在台湾、上海、日本、及纽约各地贩售,还被日本杂货品牌“手纸社”邀请作为首位日本以外创作者于东京举行个展。

新书“旅行与咖啡:用插画搜集当下美好”记录了12座城市,共112份咖啡馆的故事。 这一次,MiNG将他记忆里那份无法复制的档案馆,首次在上海展出,让你在DDC FEST中沿着他笔下的线条,走遍咖啡的世界。

MiNG has collaborated with a variety of brands- ACE Hotel / Public Hotel, La Colombe, Intelligentsia Coffee, Crate & Barrel、MINI and more! His range of stationery and lifestyle products are also sold in Taiwan, Shanghai, Japan and New York. We are absolutely thrilled to have him showcase his work and his new book " Travel & Coffee Make me Happy " for the very first time in Shanghai!



除WHOSMiNG插画区须消费满150元之外,其他凡是有消费(不分餐饮/好物品牌/消费金额)就可以拿到一张"Tammy"贴纸,集满四张贴纸和一个WHOSMiNG印章即可在验票区兌換一个限量DDC Fest帆布袋。

Get a stamp from WHOSMiNG when spend over 150 RMB in the illustration area, and a Tammy sticker with no minimum purchase (applies to both lifestyle/f&b brands). Collect 4 Tammy stickers and 1 WHOSMiNG stamp to redeem a free DDC tote bag at our ticketing booth!


Create (color) your own Tammy!

生活中所有事情都有甜蜜之处,大家对于单身/非单身的甜蜜看法又是什么呢? 与大家一起撰写关于 single/taken 的甜蜜细节,一起完成一幅DDC壁画。

Jot down your opinion on our " Single VS Taken " wall! What's your favorite part about being single or being in a relationship?

凡几除了举办独立原创品牌市集和快闪店之外还会每半年推出一本迷你城市指南- " The Common Guide ",不熟悉的朋友可以在这次DDC看到去年的回顾内容。

If you are not familiar with us, we do not just host creative markets and pop-ups! We also have our mini bi-annual city guide- " The Common Guide ". Check out our past 2 issues at DDC!


Draw your own version of a coffee cup at WHOSMiNG's illustration wall!

大地野食 专注于策划举办野外餐食聚会及艺术展览主张在土地上感受四季的变化。迎合季节和享受自然带来的不同野外聚会感受,适宜的餐桌布置让人们完全与自然融合,用食物链接自然与人的关系,人与人的情感。

这次大地野食将在凡几,为这场聚集了对“甜”的热爱的DDC FEST中,创造一份独有的 餐桌艺术 。让大家用属于自己的镜头视角,记录这个过程。



" Wild and Gather " will create 2 dessert table arts solely dedicated to our first installment of Dessert Design Coffee Fest!

从取名为“ 果篓 ”开始,他们就没打算安安分分卖果汁。每一份味道,每一份情感,都可以被安心装入的果篓。 这次凡几甜品节,果篓将在现场呈现一处复杂的概念空间,你很难描述它究竟是什么, 也许是一个集合店,也许是一个展览空间,也有可能是一个片场 。或是以上的所有结合。

Grooow Juice is launching their first ever lifestyle Pop Up shop at DDC! However, they are keeping the project a bit of a secret, and only hinted it might be an exhibition, a select shop, or a mini film set, so I guess you will find out what exactly they are up to when you come by during those 2 days!


- 文末可购票 -



上海市 长宁区 延安西路1262号

上生新所7号楼 哥伦比亚乡村俱乐部

Columbia Country Club , Columbia Circle

Building No.7 1262 YanAn W. Road


活动 时间 TIME

5 / 18 星期六 (Sat) 12:00 - 20:00 PM

5 / 19  星期日 (Sun) 12:00 - 18:30 PM

活动地点 VENUE

上海市长宁区延安西路1262号 上生新所7号楼


Columbia Country Club, Columbia Circle

Building No.7 1262 YanAn W. Road


预售早鸟单人票 Early Bird             50 元

两人同行票 Bundle Ticket for 2    90 元

现场票 At the Door          60 元

限量好物真空包 Limited Vacuumed Goodies    99 元

(含一张门票,includes one entry ticket)
