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美国科罗拉多矿业大学Timm Strathmann课题组招聘环境化学博士生(2025年秋季入学)

环境人Environmentor  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-12-18 13:25


科罗拉多矿业大学的Timm Strathmann教授课题组招聘一个博士生于 2025 年秋季入学,研究项目关注新污染物PFAS的处理和分析

Ph.D. Position in Environmental Engineering
Colorado School of Mines
Job Description
The Strathmann Lab led by Dr. Timm Strathmann is looking for one creative and self-motivated Ph.D. student to join us in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Colorado School of Mines, starting 2025 Fall.  The PhD student will be co-advised by Dr. Shilai Hao. The Strathmann Lab focuses on applying modern chemical research tools and techniques to develop more sustainable technologies for environmental protection and resource recovery ( https://strathmanngroup.com/timothy-strathmann/ ). The successful candidate will work on PFAS treatment and analysis using innovative methods.
The review of applications will begin immediately and continue until the positions are filled.
Candidate Requirements:
·Must have a bachelor’s degree in relevant fields including but not limited to environmental engineering, chemical engineering, chemistry, material science and engineering, etc.
·A master’s degree in relevant fields is highly desirable but not required
·Conduct independent research projects as well as team working abilities
·Excellent scientific writing and communication skills
Preferred Qualifications:
·Experience with treatment of PFAS-contaminated water using physical-chemical unit processes
·Experience with analytical methods for PFAS characterization
·Experience and/or interest in constructing and operating pilot-scale treatment systems
·Strong publication record
What We Offer:
·Competitive stipend ($38000) and benefits (tuition fully covered)
·Supportive research environment with state-of-the-art facilities and equipment
·Multidisciplinary collaboration for convergence research
·Professional development opportunities, including travel fund for attending conferences and workshops, leadership development, and career guidance
To Apply:
Interested candidates are encouraged to contact Dr. Shilai Hao (Email: [email protected] ) with a subject line as “Ph.D. Application_Your Name”. In addition, please send a single file including:
1.Curriculum vitae
2.Unofficial transcripts
More About Colorado School of Mines
Mines is consistently ranked among the top engineering colleges in the United States and ranks number one as the best public school in the state for best value colleges. Mines is located in the heart of Golden, Colorado, a western suburb of Denver.  The campus location offers a small-town ambiance with close proximity to all that the Denver metropolitan area has to offer with an abundance of cultural events, museums, theaters and sporting venues. An arid climate and an average 300 days of sunshine per year make the area an ideal place to live, work and play.
Today, we are the No. 38 public university in the nation, recognized for our innovation and undergraduate teaching in science, technology engineering and math (U.S. News and World Report, 2023).
At the same time, Mines faculty members are pushing their fields in new directions, whether that’s manufacturing, space resources, quantum engineering, carbon capture or more. Mines was recently classified as a R1 “Very High Activity” research institution by Carnegie, a notable feat for any university but particularly one of our size.

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