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丁香园临床用药指南  · 公众号  · 药品  · 2017-07-28 20:55


SCI 训练营其中一讲直播课《如何回复审稿人问题和根据审稿人意见修改稿件》,督导给大家讲解了如下 9 个重要内容:

1. 审稿人在学术论文发表和期刊出版中起什么作用?

2. 回复审稿人意见的八条黄金原则

3. 怎么做,能尽量让修改稿不用再送外审?

4. 审稿人让你补实验怎么办?

5. 审稿人之间的意见相左怎么办?

6. 审稿人一定是对的吗?不同意审稿人的观点怎么办?

7. 稿件被拒了该怎么办?

8. 如果要改投其他期刊,要做些什么?

9. 其他一些要强调的问题



骨科教授陈刚向 Spine 投了一篇文章,2 个月后收到了 decision letter 。编辑部给的决定是 Reject and resubmit,其中一个审稿专家的意见是病例太少,手术治疗方法无创新。如果你是第一作者,该如何回复这个问题?












Thanks for the comment of reviewers. Your suggestion is very important to our current study. I'd like to add the statistical analysis through the xx-test between the study group and control group. The P-value is xx(<0.05 ). 

We can also discover the similar results from the studies that others led to ( reference 1/2 ). We have written the alteration into paragraph 2, page 5. The discussion that we are considering to modify our methods of surgery has been added into the "future work" section.

 And more cases would be collected to analyze the results in the next step.

督导点评:有点生搬硬套讲课内容,但不适于当前这个 case。



We thank the reviewer for this insightful comment. The incidence of the disease in our country is much lower than that in the west. Thus we have merely collected 10 cases with definite diagnosis, and only 6 out of the 10 patients accepted our surgery. 

But a lot of work has been done before and after every surgery. We have referred hundreds of reference documentation, and every number of the team made a summary. This is just the start of the end, we shall continue our work to deeply understand the diseases.



Revision 1: We appreciate the reviewers' attention to the flaws of our text. For the low morbidity of the disease, its undesirable malignance and rapid progression, multitudes of patients have lost the chance to accept surgeries but merely conservative treatments. 

In this sense, it's hard to recruit sufficient patients to participate our research. However, as to the cases present, we have done a lot of work to ensure the rigor of the research. Also, we have added some discussion of it in the 「future work」 section of the conclusion.

Revision 2: We agree that our surgical approach lacks innovation, but for the superficial recognition of the disease, the present approach is most recommended and carried out universally. 

And to ensure the safety of our patients, we did not try to find innovative ones, but we have added some discussion of it in the 「future work」 section of the conclusion.

督导点评:分点来回答很棒。关于病例少的回复非常好。但最后一句话不妥,和 future work 无关,但增加讨论很好。Also, we have added some discussion of it in the 「future work」 section of the conclusion.

第二点没有很好的回复创新性的问题,不能生搬硬套。we have added some discussion of it in the 「future work」 section of the conclusion.


@老翁 1883:



1. 病例太少:承认病例太少,并承诺会继续积累病例。如果在审稿的 2 个月中有新增的合适的病例,可以及时纳入文章里面。

2. 手术治疗方法无创新:结合文献,提出自己对该手术治疗方法的认识,并明确指出与既往方法的不同点,也就是创新点。最后,认真修改稿件,并标识出修改的位置。




1. 针对病例数太少,如果是特殊病例,发病率比较低的病例可以强调说明。并在统计学上进行说明。

2. 手术无创新,这里首先承认跟以往的方法没有差异(如改手术是目前公认的经典方法),可以说明文章关注的指标有不同。






1. Thanks for your consideration for the sample size. To make a clear judgement, we need to set strict inclusion criteria. So the included cases are fewer. 

But fort this kind of surgery, in order to prove the safety, this sample size is enough (mostly is 30 ) and in another article (ref 1 ), the author use only (maybe 25 ) to censorship the safety.

 and in our the pilot study of our golden standard ——the mix fixation surgery,it supply only 32 case and no control.

2. Thanks for your consideration for the innovation of our surgery. In consideration of the safety of the patients, our Ethics Committee can only let us to do such kind of surgery that is not usually performed. 

This kind of method in only seen in a case report before (ref 1 ), and talk only about the efficacy.





Although not novel, but of clinical significance for patients with....


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