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Masatoshi Kudo教授分享ORR/DpR/DoR对肝癌患者的预后及治疗指导价值

ioncology  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-12-07 19:39


编者按: 既往研究显示,在晚期肝癌靶免治疗中,近期疗效指标客观缓解率(ORR)与远期疗效指标总生存期(OS)相关 [1] 。在近日举行的2024年国际肝癌协会(ILCA)大会上, 日本近畿大学医学院附属医院的Masatoshi Kudo(工藤正俊)教授 进一步对相关研究进行了探索性分析 [2] ,讨论了DpR、DoR等疗效指标与OS生存获益的相关性,及其用于指导药物全身治疗联合局部治疗的价值。《肿瘤瞭望》联合《国际肝病》在大会现场采访了Kudo教授分享其研究成果如下。




Kudo教授: 在评估应答时,有三个关键因素:ORR、DpR和DoR。ORR与OS的相关性已为人熟知。DpR衡量的是肿瘤退缩的程度,并被分为五个等级。A级代表退缩60%至100%,B级退缩30%至60%,C级退缩0%至30%,D级为无变化至增长20%,E级为增长超过20%,表示疾病进展(PD)。稳定疾病(SD)包括退缩低于30%至增长20%的情况。这种缓解深度的分类使我们能够评估肿瘤退缩的程度。


图1. DpR分层

Oncology Frontier: In your study, how were Depth of Response (DpR) and Duration of Response (DoR) specifically defined, and what is their significance in assessing the treatment efficacy for patients with unresectable HCC?

Dr. Kudo: There are three key factors in evaluating response: objective response, Depth of Response (DpR), and Duration of Response (DoR). Objective response is well known for its correlation with OS. Depth of Response measures how much tumor shrinkage is achieved and is classified into five grades. Grade A represents shrinkage from 60% to 100%, Grade B from 30% to 60%, Grade C from 0% to 30%, Grade D ranges from no change to 20% growth, and Grade E includes growth beyond 20%, indicating progressive disease. Stable disease includes shrinkage below 30% up to 20% growth. This depth classification allows us to assess how significantly the tumor has shrunk.

Duration of Response, on the other hand, applies to responders—patients who experience over 30% tumor reduction—and measures how long this response is maintained. Together, DpR and DoR are crucial metrics, providing essential insights into both the degree of tumor shrinkage and the durability of the response, which are key in evaluating treatment efficacy.



Kudo教授: 迄今为止,还没有确定的数据将DpR或DoR与OS联系起来。在这项研究中,我们专门针对靶免联合治疗的一线治疗分析了这些指标。鉴于一线和二线治疗中有多种药物可供选择,我们想要确定初始治疗的缓解深度和持续时间是否影响OS。


图2. 根据DpR分层的阶段性OS亚组分析

图3. 根据DpR分层的阶段性PFS亚组分析

Oncology Frontier: Your findings indicate an association between DpR and DoR with Overall Survival (OS). Could you elaborate on the specific nature and strength of this association?

Dr. Kudo: Until now, there was no definitive data linking DpR or DoR with OS. In this study, we analyzed these metrics specifically for the first-line treatment. With many drugs available across first- and second-line therapies, we wanted to determine if depth and duration of response to the initial therapy impacted OS.

Our findings show a strong correlation between the five DpR grades and OS, with each grade providing a clear stratification of survival outcomes. This suggests that achieving significant depth with the first-line agent has a lasting influence on OS, even when patients receive subsequent therapies. Additionally, within stable disease, those with some tumor shrinkage showed better survival rates than those without any reduction, highlighting the importance of achieving at least partial shrinkage. If significant shrinkage is not obtained, adding local therapies could potentially improve survival outcomes.



Kudo教授: 实现深度缓解似乎对生存率有积极影响。肿瘤显著退缩的患者通常预后更好,因此临床试验中深度缓解患者的比例可以指示治疗改善OS的潜力。对于未达到显著退缩的患者,策略可能需要包括局部区域治疗,以改变疾病的自然进程,从而可能同时提高生存率和生活质量。

