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Studio Arthur Casas丨空间交互,融入自然

设计诗designer  · 公众号  · 建筑设计  · 2024-09-11 08:08


Studio Arthur Casas

Architects often master one form of expression better than others.  Even great architects leave their mark mainly in their country of origin, sometimes never daring to go abroad.  Arthur Casas is an exception to both of these rules.  He is equally at ease in the areas of residential architecture, commercial spaces, real estate development and design.

Pulso Hotel brings together the sophistication of global hospitality with the warmth of Brazilian identity.  Situated in São Paulo's financial hub, this hotel offers a unique blend of modernity and cultural immersion, where art, gastronomy, design, music, and wellness converge.  Opened on March 11th, Pulso spans 6,500 sqm and is located on a quiet side street off Faria Lima Avenue.

Pulso通过优先考虑体验而不是奢侈来重新定义奢侈品。在首席执行官Otavio Suriani的领导下,酒店在城市的国际化节奏和高水平的艺术生产之间建立了对话。该建筑由Arthur Casas工作室精心设计,反映了城市生活的最佳状态,具有无障碍通道,动态的遮阳立面,并与城市紧密相连。
Pulso redefines luxury by prioritizing experiences over extravagance.   Under CEO Otavio Suriani, the hotel fosters a dialogue between the cosmopolitan rhythm of the city and high-level artistic production.   The architecture, crafted by Studio Arthur Casas, reflects urban living at its finest, with barrier-free access, a dynamic brise-soleil façade, and a close connection to the city.

57套房提供了一个独特的体验,具有精心策划的家具由著名的巴西设计师和古董件从充满活力的比西加市场。艺术作品(如Nuno Ramos的“Mácula”)与充满活力的美食场所(如Bistrô Charlô、Cha Cha Boulangerie和Sarau Bar)相结合,进一步丰富了客人的体验。
Each of the 57 suites offers an exclusive experience, featuring carefully curated furniture by renowned Brazilian designers and antique pieces from the vibrant Bixiga market.    The integration of artwork, such as Nuno Ramos' "Mácula," alongside vibrant gastronomic venues like Bistrô Charlô, Cha Cha Boulangerie, and Sarau Bar, further enriches the guest experience.

Pulso酒店是prapada Henrique Monteiro的一部分,这是一个多用途的开发项目,将住宅、商业和酒店空间融合到一个有凝聚力的城市项目中。郁郁葱葱的景观,包括悬浮的广场和花园,在城市环境和酒店的休闲和健康空间之间创造了无缝的连接,使其成为一个真正的城市避难所。
Pulso Hotel is part of Praça Henrique Monteiro, a multi-use development that blends residential, commercial, and hospitality spaces into a cohesive urban project.     Lush landscaping, including a suspended square and gardens, creates a seamless connection between the urban environment and the hotel’s spaces for leisure and wellness, making it a true urban sanctuary.

内容策划 / Presented
策划 Producer :Design Poem
图片版权 Copyright :Studio Arthur Casas



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